
2022-10-15 更新

QDTrack: Quasi-Dense Similarity Learning for Appearance-Only Multiple Object Tracking

Authors:Tobias Fischer, Jiangmiao Pang, Thomas E. Huang, Linlu Qiu, Haofeng Chen, Trevor Darrell, Fisher Yu

Similarity learning has been recognized as a crucial step for object tracking. However, existing multiple object tracking methods only use sparse ground truth matching as the training objective, while ignoring the majority of the informative regions in images. In this paper, we present Quasi-Dense Similarity Learning, which densely samples hundreds of object regions on a pair of images for contrastive learning. We combine this similarity learning with multiple existing object detectors to build Quasi-Dense Tracking (QDTrack), which does not require displacement regression or motion priors. We find that the resulting distinctive feature space admits a simple nearest neighbor search at inference time for object association. In addition, we show that our similarity learning scheme is not limited to video data, but can learn effective instance similarity even from static input, enabling a competitive tracking performance without training on videos or using tracking supervision. We conduct extensive experiments on a wide variety of popular MOT benchmarks. We find that, despite its simplicity, QDTrack rivals the performance of state-of-the-art tracking methods on all benchmarks and sets a new state-of-the-art on the large-scale BDD100K MOT benchmark, while introducing negligible computational overhead to the detector.


CrossDTR: Cross-view and Depth-guided Transformers for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Ching-Yu Tseng, Yi-Rong Chen, Hsin-Ying Lee, Tsung-Han Wu, Wen-Chin Chen, Winston H. Hsu

To achieve accurate 3D object detection at a low cost for autonomous driving, many multi-camera methods have been proposed and solved the occlusion problem of monocular approaches. However, due to the lack of accurate estimated depth, existing multi-camera methods often generate multiple bounding boxes along a ray of depth direction for difficult small objects such as pedestrians, resulting in an extremely low recall. Furthermore, directly applying depth prediction modules to existing multi-camera methods, generally composed of large network architectures, cannot meet the real-time requirements of self-driving applications. To address these issues, we propose Cross-view and Depth-guided Transformers for 3D Object Detection, CrossDTR. First, our lightweight depth predictor is designed to produce precise object-wise sparse depth maps and low-dimensional depth embeddings without extra depth datasets during supervision. Second, a cross-view depth-guided transformer is developed to fuse the depth embeddings as well as image features from cameras of different views and generate 3D bounding boxes. Extensive experiments demonstrated that our method hugely surpassed existing multi-camera methods by 10 percent in pedestrian detection and about 3 percent in overall mAP and NDS metrics. Also, computational analyses showed that our method is 5 times faster than prior approaches. Our codes will be made publicly available at https://github.com/sty61010/CrossDTR.


Bridging the Gap between Object and Image-level Representations for Open-Vocabulary Detection

Authors:Hanoona Rasheed, Muhammad Maaz, Muhammad Uzair Khattak, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Existing open-vocabulary object detectors typically enlarge their vocabulary sizes by leveraging different forms of weak supervision. This helps generalize to novel objects at inference. Two popular forms of weak-supervision used in open-vocabulary detection (OVD) include pretrained CLIP model and image-level supervision. We note that both these modes of supervision are not optimally aligned for the detection task: CLIP is trained with image-text pairs and lacks precise localization of objects while the image-level supervision has been used with heuristics that do not accurately specify local object regions. In this work, we propose to address this problem by performing object-centric alignment of the language embeddings from the CLIP model. Furthermore, we visually ground the objects with only image-level supervision using a pseudo-labeling process that provides high-quality object proposals and helps expand the vocabulary during training. We establish a bridge between the above two object-alignment strategies via a novel weight transfer function that aggregates their complimentary strengths. In essence, the proposed model seeks to minimize the gap between object and image-centric representations in the OVD setting. On the COCO benchmark, our proposed approach achieves 36.6 AP50 on novel classes, an absolute 8.2 gain over the previous best performance. For LVIS, we surpass the state-of-the-art ViLD model by 5.0 mask AP for rare categories and 3.4 overall. Code: https://github.com/hanoonaR/object-centric-ovd.
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2022


Reducing Annotation Effort by Identifying and Labeling Contextually Diverse Classes for Semantic Segmentation Under Domain Shift

Authors:Sharat Agarwal, Saket Anand, Chetan Arora

In Active Domain Adaptation (ADA), one uses Active Learning (AL) to select a subset of images from the target domain, which are then annotated and used for supervised domain adaptation (DA). Given the large performance gap between supervised and unsupervised DA techniques, ADA allows for an excellent trade-off between annotation cost and performance. Prior art makes use of measures of uncertainty or disagreement of models to identify regions' to be annotated by the human oracle. However, these regions frequently comprise of pixels at object boundaries which are hard and tedious to annotate. Hence, even if the fraction of image pixels annotated reduces, the overall annotation time and the resulting cost still remain high. In this work, we propose an ADA strategy, which given a frame, identifies a set of classes that are hardest for the model to predict accurately, thereby recommending semantically meaningful regions to be annotated in a selected frame. We show that these set ofhard’ classes are context-dependent and typically vary across frames, and when annotated help the model generalize better. We propose two ADA techniques: the Anchor-based and Augmentation-based approaches to select complementary and diverse regions in the context of the current training set. Our approach achieves 66.6 mIoU on GTA to Cityscapes dataset with an annotation budget of 4.7% in comparison to 64.9 mIoU by MADA using 5% of annotations. Our technique can also be used as a decorator for any existing frame-based AL technique, e.g., we report 1.5% performance improvement for CDAL on Cityscapes using our approach.
PDF Accepted WACV2023


H2RBox: Horizonal Box Annotation is All You Need for Oriented Object Detection

Authors:Xue Yang, Gefan Zhang, Wentong Li, Xuehui Wang, Yue Zhou, Junchi Yan

Oriented object detection emerges in many applications from aerial images to autonomous driving, while many existing detection benchmarks are annotated with horizontal bounding box only which is also less costive than fine-grained rotated box, leading to a gap between the readily available training corpus and the rising demand for oriented object detection. This paper proposes a simple yet effective oriented object detection approach called H2RBox merely using horizontal box annotation for weakly-supervised training, which closes the above gap and shows competitive performance even against those trained with rotated boxes. The cores of our method are weakly- and self-supervised learning, which predicts the angle of the object by learning the consistency of two different views. To our best knowledge, H2RBox is the first horizontal box annotation-based oriented object detector. Compared to an alternative i.e. horizontal box-supervised instance segmentation with our post adaption to oriented object detection, our approach is not susceptible to the prediction quality of mask and can perform more robustly in complex scenes containing a large number of dense objects and outliers. Experimental results show that H2RBox has significant performance and speed advantages over horizontal box-supervised instance segmentation methods, as well as lower memory requirements. While compared to rotated box-supervised oriented object detectors, our method shows very close performance and speed, and even surpasses them in some cases. The source code is available at https://github.com/yangxue0827/h2rbox-mmrotate.
PDF 14 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, the source code is available at https://github.com/yangxue0827/h2rbox-mmrotate


Dynamic Clustering Network for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Kehan Li, Zhennan Wang, Zesen Cheng, Runyi Yu, Yian Zhao, Guoli Song, Li Yuan, Jie Chen

Recently, the ability of self-supervised Vision Transformer (ViT) to represent pixel-level semantic relationships promotes the development of unsupervised dense prediction tasks. In this work, we investigate transferring self-supervised ViT to unsupervised semantic segmentation task. According to the analysis that the pixel-level representations of self-supervised ViT within a single image achieve good intra-class compactness and inter-class discrimination, we propose the Dynamic Clustering Network (DCN) to dynamically infer the underlying cluster centers for different images. By training with the proposed modularity loss, the DCN learns to project a set of prototypes to cluster centers for pixel representations in each image and assign pixels to different clusters, resulting on dividing each image to class-agnostic regions. For achieving unsupervised semantic segmentation task, we treat it as a region classification problem. Based on the regions produced by the DCN, we explore different ways to extract region-level representations and classify them in an unsupervised manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method trough experiments on unsupervised semantic segmentation, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on PASCAL VOC 2012 unsupervised semantic segmentation task.


Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild

Authors:Yang Xiao, Vincent Lepetit, Renaud Marlet

Detecting objects and estimating their viewpoints in images are key tasks of 3D scene understanding. Recent approaches have achieved excellent results on very large benchmarks for object detection and viewpoint estimation. However, performances are still lagging behind for novel object categories with few samples. In this paper, we tackle the problems of few-shot object detection and few-shot viewpoint estimation. We demonstrate on both tasks the benefits of guiding the network prediction with class-representative features extracted from data in different modalities: image patches for object detection, and aligned 3D models for viewpoint estimation. Despite its simplicity, our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on a range of datasets, including PASCAL and COCO for few-shot object detection, and Pascal3D+ and ObjectNet3D for few-shot viewpoint estimation. Furthermore, when the 3D model is not available, we introduce a simple category-agnostic viewpoint estimation method by exploiting geometrical similarities and consistent pose labelling across different classes. While it moderately reduces performance, this approach still obtains better results than previous methods in this setting. Last, for the first time, we tackle the combination of both few-shot tasks, on three challenging benchmarks for viewpoint estimation in the wild, ObjectNet3D, Pascal3D+ and Pix3D, showing very promising results.
PDF Accepted by TPAMI, add experimental results and additional ablation studies


ALIFE: Adaptive Logit Regularizer and Feature Replay for Incremental Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Youngmin Oh, Donghyeon Baek, Bumsub Ham

We address the problem of incremental semantic segmentation (ISS) recognizing novel object/stuff categories continually without forgetting previous ones that have been learned. The catastrophic forgetting problem is particularly severe in ISS, since pixel-level ground-truth labels are available only for the novel categories at training time. To address the problem, regularization-based methods exploit probability calibration techniques to learn semantic information from unlabeled pixels. While such techniques are effective, there is still a lack of theoretical understanding of them. Replay-based methods propose to memorize a small set of images for previous categories. They achieve state-of-the-art performance at the cost of large memory footprint. We propose in this paper a novel ISS method, dubbed ALIFE, that provides a better compromise between accuracy and efficiency. To this end, we first show an in-depth analysis on the calibration techniques to better understand the effects on ISS. Based on this, we then introduce an adaptive logit regularizer (ALI) that enables our model to better learn new categories, while retaining knowledge for previous ones. We also present a feature replay scheme that memorizes features, instead of images directly, in order to reduce memory requirements significantly. Since a feature extractor is changed continually, memorized features should also be updated at every incremental stage. To handle this, we introduce category-specific rotation matrices updating the features for each category separately. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with extensive experiments on standard ISS benchmarks, and show that our method achieves a better trade-off in terms of accuracy and efficiency.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


MFFN: Multi-view Feature Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors:Dehua Zheng, Xiaochen Zheng, Laurence T. Yang, Yuan Gao, Chenlu Zhu, Yiheng Ruan

Recent research about camouflaged object detection (COD) aims to segment highly concealed objects hidden in complex surroundings. The tiny, fuzzy camouflaged objects result in visually indistinguishable properties. However, current single-view COD detectors are sensitive to background distractors. Therefore, blurred boundaries and variable shapes of the camouflaged objects are challenging to be fully captured with a single-view detector. To overcome these obstacles, we propose a behavior-inspired framework, called Multi-view Feature Fusion Network (MFFN), which mimics the human behaviors of finding indistinct objects in images, i.e., observing from multiple angles, distances, perspectives. Specifically, the key idea behind it is to generate multiple ways of observation (multi-view) by data augmentation and apply them as inputs. MFFN captures critical edge and semantic information by comparing and fusing extracted multi-view features. In addition, our MFFN exploits the dependence and interaction between views by the designed hierarchical view and channel integration modules. Furthermore, our methods leverage the complementary information between different views through a two-stage attention module called Co-attention of Multi-view (CAMV). And we designed a local-overall module called Channel Fusion Unit (CFU) to explore the channel-wise contextual clues of diverse feature maps in an iterative manner. The experiment results show that our method performs favorably against existing state-of-the-art methods via training with the same data. The code will be available at https: //github.com/dwardzheng/MFFN_COD.
PDF In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)


Learning with Style: Continual Semantic Segmentation Across Tasks and Domains

Authors:Marco Toldo, Umberto Michieli, Pietro Zanuttigh

Deep learning models dealing with image understanding in real-world settings must be able to adapt to a wide variety of tasks across different domains. Domain adaptation and class incremental learning deal with domain and task variability separately, whereas their unified solution is still an open problem. We tackle both facets of the problem together, taking into account the semantic shift within both input and label spaces. We start by formally introducing continual learning under task and domain shift. Then, we address the proposed setup by using style transfer techniques to extend knowledge across domains when learning incremental tasks and a robust distillation framework to effectively recollect task knowledge under incremental domain shift. The devised framework (LwS, Learning with Style) is able to generalize incrementally acquired task knowledge across all the domains encountered, proving to be robust against catastrophic forgetting. Extensive experimental evaluation on multiple autonomous driving datasets shows how the proposed method outperforms existing approaches, which prove to be ill-equipped to deal with continual semantic segmentation under both task and domain shift.
PDF 16 pages, 7 figures


RLIP: Relational Language-Image Pre-training for Human-Object Interaction Detection

Authors:Hangjie Yuan, Jianwen Jiang, Samuel Albanie, Tao Feng, Ziyuan Huang, Dong Ni, Mingqian Tang

The task of Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection targets fine-grained visual parsing of humans interacting with their environment, enabling a broad range of applications. Prior work has demonstrated the benefits of effective architecture design and integration of relevant cues for more accurate HOI detection. However, the design of an appropriate pre-training strategy for this task remains underexplored by existing approaches. To address this gap, we propose Relational Language-Image Pre-training (RLIP), a strategy for contrastive pre-training that leverages both entity and relation descriptions. To make effective use of such pre-training, we make three technical contributions: (1) a new Parallel entity detection and Sequential relation inference (ParSe) architecture that enables the use of both entity and relation descriptions during holistically optimized pre-training; (2) a synthetic data generation framework, Label Sequence Extension, that expands the scale of language data available within each minibatch; (3) mechanisms to account for ambiguity, Relation Quality Labels and Relation Pseudo-Labels, to mitigate the influence of ambiguous/noisy samples in the pre-training data. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the benefits of these contributions, collectively termed RLIP-ParSe, for improved zero-shot, few-shot and fine-tuning HOI detection performance as well as increased robustness to learning from noisy annotations. Code will be available at https://github.com/JacobYuan7/RLIP.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


Hierarchical Instance Mixing across Domains in Aerial Segmentation

Authors:Edoardo Arnaudo, Antonio Tavera, Fabrizio Dominici, Carlo Masone, Barbara Caputo

We investigate the task of unsupervised domain adaptation in aerial semantic segmentation and discover that the current state-of-the-art algorithms designed for autonomous driving based on domain mixing do not translate well to the aerial setting. This is due to two factors: (i) a large disparity in the extension of the semantic categories, which causes a domain imbalance in the mixed image, and (ii) a weaker structural consistency in aerial scenes than in driving scenes since the same scene might be viewed from different perspectives and there is no well-defined and repeatable structure of the semantic elements in the images. Our solution to these problems is composed of: (i) a new mixing strategy for aerial segmentation across domains called Hierarchical Instance Mixing (HIMix), which extracts a set of connected components from each semantic mask and mixes them according to a semantic hierarchy and, (ii) a twin-head architecture in which two separate segmentation heads are fed with variations of the same images in a contrastive fashion to produce finer segmentation maps. We conduct extensive experiments on the LoveDA benchmark, where our solution outperforms the current state-of-the-art.


Intermediate Prototype Mining Transformer for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yuanwei Liu, Nian Liu, Xiwen Yao, Junwei Han

Few-shot semantic segmentation aims to segment the target objects in query under the condition of a few annotated support images. Most previous works strive to mine more effective category information from the support to match with the corresponding objects in query. However, they all ignored the category information gap between query and support images. If the objects in them show large intra-class diversity, forcibly migrating the category information from the support to the query is ineffective. To solve this problem, we are the first to introduce an intermediate prototype for mining both deterministic category information from the support and adaptive category knowledge from the query. Specifically, we design an Intermediate Prototype Mining Transformer (IPMT) to learn the prototype in an iterative way. In each IPMT layer, we propagate the object information in both support and query features to the prototype and then use it to activate the query feature map. By conducting this process iteratively, both the intermediate prototype and the query feature can be progressively improved. At last, the final query feature is used to yield precise segmentation prediction. Extensive experiments on both PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets clearly verify the effectiveness of our IPMT and show that it outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Code is available at https://github.com/LIUYUANWEI98/IPMT
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


Unifying Voxel-based Representation with Transformer for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yanwei Li, Yilun Chen, Xiaojuan Qi, Zeming Li, Jian Sun, Jiaya Jia

In this work, we present a unified framework for multi-modality 3D object detection, named UVTR. The proposed method aims to unify multi-modality representations in the voxel space for accurate and robust single- or cross-modality 3D detection. To this end, the modality-specific space is first designed to represent different inputs in the voxel feature space. Different from previous work, our approach preserves the voxel space without height compression to alleviate semantic ambiguity and enable spatial connections. To make full use of the inputs from different sensors, the cross-modality interaction is then proposed, including knowledge transfer and modality fusion. In this way, geometry-aware expressions in point clouds and context-rich features in images are well utilized for better performance and robustness. The transformer decoder is applied to efficiently sample features from the unified space with learnable positions, which facilitates object-level interactions. In general, UVTR presents an early attempt to represent different modalities in a unified framework. It surpasses previous work in single- or multi-modality entries. The proposed method achieves leading performance in the nuScenes test set for both object detection and the following object tracking task. Code is made publicly available at https://github.com/dvlab-research/UVTR.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


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