2022-10-15 更新

MultiStyleGAN: Multiple One-shot Face Stylizations using a Single GAN

Authors:Viraj Shah, Svetlana Lazebnik

Image stylization aims at applying a reference style to arbitrary input images. A common scenario is one-shot stylization, where only one example is available for each reference style. A successful recent approach for one-shot face stylization is JoJoGAN, which fine-tunes a pre-trained StyleGAN2 generator on a single style reference image. However, it cannot generate multiple stylizations without fine-tuning a new model for each style separately. In this work, we present a MultiStyleGAN method that is capable of producing multiple different face stylizations at once by fine-tuning a single generator. The key component of our method is a learnable Style Transformation module that takes latent codes as input and learns linear mappings to different regions of the latent space to produce distinct codes for each style, resulting in a multistyle space. Our model inherently mitigates overfitting since it is trained on multiple styles, hence improving the quality of stylizations. Our method can learn upwards of $12$ image stylizations at once, bringing upto $8\times$ improvement in training time. We support our results through user studies that indicate meaningful improvements over existing methods.


Finding the global semantic representation in GAN through Frechet Mean

Authors:Jaewoong Choi, Geonho Hwang, Hyunsoo Cho, Myungjoo Kang

The ideally disentangled latent space in GAN involves the global representation of latent space using semantic attribute coordinates. In other words, in this disentangled space, there exists the global semantic basis as a vector space where each basis component describes one attribute of generated images. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised method for finding this global semantic basis in the intermediate latent space in GANs. This semantic basis represents sample-independent meaningful perturbations that change the same semantic attribute of an image on the entire latent space. The proposed global basis, called Fr\’echet basis, is derived by introducing Fr\’echet mean to the local semantic perturbations in a latent space. Fr\’echet basis is discovered in two stages. First, the global semantic subspace is discovered by the Fr\’echet mean in the Grassmannian manifold of the local semantic subspaces. Second, Fr\’echet basis is found by optimizing a basis of the semantic subspace via the Fr\’echet mean in the Special Orthogonal Group. Experimental results demonstrate that Fr\’echet basis provides better semantic factorization and robustness compared to the previous methods. Moreover, we suggest the basis refinement scheme for the previous methods. The quantitative experiments show that the refined basis achieves better semantic factorization while generating the same semantic subspace as the previous method.
PDF 18 pages, 13 figures


Leveraging Off-the-shelf Diffusion Model for Multi-attribute Fashion Image Manipulation

Authors:Chaerin Kong, DongHyeon Jeon, Ohjoon Kwon, Nojun Kwak

Fashion attribute editing is a task that aims to convert the semantic attributes of a given fashion image while preserving the irrelevant regions. Previous works typically employ conditional GANs where the generator explicitly learns the target attributes and directly execute the conversion. These approaches, however, are neither scalable nor generic as they operate only with few limited attributes and a separate generator is required for each dataset or attribute set. Inspired by the recent advancement of diffusion models, we explore the classifier-guided diffusion that leverages the off-the-shelf diffusion model pretrained on general visual semantics such as Imagenet. In order to achieve a generic editing pipeline, we pose this as multi-attribute image manipulation task, where the attribute ranges from item category, fabric, pattern to collar and neckline. We empirically show that conventional methods fail in our challenging setting, and study efficient adaptation scheme that involves recently introduced attention-pooling technique to obtain a multi-attribute classifier guidance. Based on this, we present a mask-free fashion attribute editing framework that leverages the classifier logits and the cross-attention map for manipulation. We empirically demonstrate that our framework achieves convincing sample quality and attribute alignments.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2023


What can we learn about a generated image corrupting its latent representation?

Authors:Agnieszka Tomczak, Aarushi Gupta, Slobodan Ilic, Nassir Navab, Shadi Albarqouni

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) offer an effective solution to the image-to-image translation problem, thereby allowing for new possibilities in medical imaging. They can translate images from one imaging modality to another at a low cost. For unpaired datasets, they rely mostly on cycle loss. Despite its effectiveness in learning the underlying data distribution, it can lead to a discrepancy between input and output data. The purpose of this work is to investigate the hypothesis that we can predict image quality based on its latent representation in the GANs bottleneck. We achieve this by corrupting the latent representation with noise and generating multiple outputs. The degree of differences between them is interpreted as the strength of the representation: the more robust the latent representation, the fewer changes in the output image the corruption causes. Our results demonstrate that our proposed method has the ability to i) predict uncertain parts of synthesized images, and ii) identify samples that may not be reliable for downstream tasks, e.g., liver segmentation task.


Evaluating the Performance of StyleGAN2-ADA on Medical Images

Authors:McKell Woodland, John Wood, Brian M. Anderson, Suprateek Kundu, Ethan Lin, Eugene Koay, Bruno Odisio, Caroline Chung, Hyunseon Christine Kang, Aradhana M. Venkatesan, Sireesha Yedururi, Brian De, Yuan-Mao Lin, Ankit B. Patel, Kristy K. Brock

Although generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown promise in medical imaging, they have four main limitations that impeded their utility: computational cost, data requirements, reliable evaluation measures, and training complexity. Our work investigates each of these obstacles in a novel application of StyleGAN2-ADA to high-resolution medical imaging datasets. Our dataset is comprised of liver-containing axial slices from non-contrast and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scans. Additionally, we utilized four public datasets composed of various imaging modalities. We trained a StyleGAN2 network with transfer learning (from the Flickr-Faces-HQ dataset) and data augmentation (horizontal flipping and adaptive discriminator augmentation). The network’s generative quality was measured quantitatively with the Fr\’echet Inception Distance (FID) and qualitatively with a visual Turing test given to seven radiologists and radiation oncologists. The StyleGAN2-ADA network achieved a FID of 5.22 ($\pm$ 0.17) on our liver CT dataset. It also set new record FIDs of 10.78, 3.52, 21.17, and 5.39 on the publicly available SLIVER07, ChestX-ray14, ACDC, and Medical Segmentation Decathlon (brain tumors) datasets. In the visual Turing test, the clinicians rated generated images as real 42% of the time, approaching random guessing. Our computational ablation study revealed that transfer learning and data augmentation stabilize training and improve the perceptual quality of the generated images. We observed the FID to be consistent with human perceptual evaluation of medical images. Finally, our work found that StyleGAN2-ADA consistently produces high-quality results without hyperparameter searches or retraining.
PDF This preprint has not undergone post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in LNCS, volume 13570, and is available online at


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