
2022-10-15 更新

A Unified Framework with Meta-dropout for Few-shot Learning

Authors:Shaobo Lin, Xingyu Zeng, Rui Zhao

Conventional training of deep neural networks usually requires a substantial amount of data with expensive human annotations. In this paper, we utilize the idea of meta-learning to explain two very different streams of few-shot learning, i.e., the episodic meta-learning-based and pre-train finetune-based few-shot learning, and form a unified meta-learning framework. In order to improve the generalization power of our framework, we propose a simple yet effective strategy named meta-dropout, which is applied to the transferable knowledge generalized from base categories to novel categories. The proposed strategy can effectively prevent neural units from co-adapting excessively in the meta-training stage. Extensive experiments on the few-shot object detection and few-shot image classification datasets, i.e., Pascal VOC, MS COCO, CUB, and mini-ImageNet, validate the effectiveness of our method.


Assessing Out-of-Domain Language Model Performance from Few Examples

Authors:Prasann Singhal, Jarad Forristal, Xi Ye, Greg Durrett

While pretrained language models have exhibited impressive generalization capabilities, they still behave unpredictably under certain domain shifts. In particular, a model may learn a reasoning process on in-domain training data that does not hold for out-of-domain test data. We address the task of predicting out-of-domain (OOD) performance in a few-shot fashion: given a few target-domain examples and a set of models with similar training performance, can we understand how these models will perform on OOD test data? We benchmark the performance on this task when looking at model accuracy on the few-shot examples, then investigate how to incorporate analysis of the models’ behavior using feature attributions to better tackle this problem. Specifically, we explore a set of “factors” designed to reveal model agreement with certain pathological heuristics that may indicate worse generalization capabilities. On textual entailment, paraphrase recognition, and a synthetic classification task, we show that attribution-based factors can help rank relative model OOD performance. However, accuracy on a few-shot test set is a surprisingly strong baseline, particularly when the system designer does not have in-depth prior knowledge about the domain shift.


Large Language Models are few(1)-shot Table Reasoners

Authors:Wenhu Chen

Recent literature has shown that large language models (LLMs) are generally excellent few-shot reasoners to solve text reasoning tasks. However, the capability of LLMs on table reasoning tasks is yet to be explored. In this paper, we aim at understanding how well LLMs can perform on these table tasks with few-shot in-context learning. Specifically, we evaluate LLMs on popular table QA and fact verification datasets like WikiTableQuestion, FetaQA, TabFact, and FEVEROUS and found that LLMs are really competent at complex reasoning over table structures. When combined with chain of thoughts' prompting, GPT-3 is able to achieve very strong performance with only a 1-shot demonstration. We further manually study the reasoning chains elicited from LLMs and found that these reasoning chains are highly consistent with theground truth’ semantic form. We believe that our study opens new possibilities to employ LLMs on different table-based reasoning tasks under few-shot scenario.


Few-Shot Visual Question Generation: A Novel Task and Benchmark Datasets

Authors:Anurag Roy, David Johnson Ekka, Saptarshi Ghosh, Abir Das

Generating natural language questions from visual scenes, known as Visual Question Generation (VQG), has been explored in the recent past where large amounts of meticulously labeled data provide the training corpus. However, in practice, it is not uncommon to have only a few images with question annotations corresponding to a few types of answers. In this paper, we propose a new and challenging Few-Shot Visual Question Generation (FS-VQG) task and provide a comprehensive benchmark to it. Specifically, we evaluate various existing VQG approaches as well as popular few-shot solutions based on meta-learning and self-supervised strategies for the FS-VQG task. We conduct experiments on two popular existing datasets VQG and Visual7w. In addition, we have also cleaned and extended the VQG dataset for use in a few-shot scenario, with additional image-question pairs as well as additional answer categories. We call this new dataset VQG-23. Several important findings emerge from our experiments, that shed light on the limits of current models in few-shot vision and language generation tasks. We find that trivially extending existing VQG approaches with transfer learning or meta-learning may not be enough to tackle the inherent challenges in few-shot VQG. We believe that this work will contribute to accelerating the progress in few-shot learning research.
PDF submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing


Semantic Cross Attention for Few-shot Learning

Authors:Bin Xiao, Chien-Liang Liu, Wen-Hoar Hsaio

Few-shot learning (FSL) has attracted considerable attention recently. Among existing approaches, the metric-based method aims to train an embedding network that can make similar samples close while dissimilar samples as far as possible and achieves promising results. FSL is characterized by using only a few images to train a model that can generalize to novel classes in image classification problems, but this setting makes it difficult to learn the visual features that can identify the images’ appearance variations. The model training is likely to move in the wrong direction, as the images in an identical semantic class may have dissimilar appearances, whereas the images in different semantic classes may share a similar appearance. We argue that FSL can benefit from additional semantic features to learn discriminative feature representations. Thus, this study proposes a multi-task learning approach to view semantic features of label text as an auxiliary task to help boost the performance of the FSL task. Our proposed model uses word-embedding representations as semantic features to help train the embedding network and a semantic cross-attention module to bridge the semantic features into the typical visual modal. The proposed approach is simple, but produces excellent results. We apply our proposed approach to two previous metric-based FSL methods, all of which can substantially improve performance. The source code for our model is accessible from github.


Pre-Avatar: An Automatic Presentation Generation Framework Leveraging Talking Avatar

Authors:Aolan Sun, Xulong Zhang, Tiandong Ling, Jianzong Wang, Ning Cheng, Jing Xiao

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote conferencing and school-teaching have become important tools. The previous applications aim to save the commuting cost with real-time interactions. However, our application is going to lower the production and reproduction costs when preparing the communication materials. This paper proposes a system called Pre-Avatar, generating a presentation video with a talking face of a target speaker with 1 front-face photo and a 3-minute voice recording. Technically, the system consists of three main modules, user experience interface (UEI), talking face module and few-shot text-to-speech (TTS) module. The system firstly clones the target speaker’s voice, and then generates the speech, and finally generate an avatar with appropriate lip and head movements. Under any scenario, users only need to replace slides with different notes to generate another new video. The demo has been released here and will be published as free software for use.
PDF Accepted by ICTAI2022. The 34th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI)


Text and Patterns: For Effective Chain of Thought, It Takes Two to Tango

Authors:Aman Madaan, Amir Yazdanbakhsh

The past decade has witnessed dramatic gains in natural language processing and an unprecedented scaling of large language models. These developments have been accelerated by the advent of few-shot techniques such as chain of thought (CoT) prompting. Specifically, CoT pushes the performance of large language models in a few-shot setup by augmenting the prompts with intermediate steps. Despite impressive results across various tasks, the reasons behind their success have not been explored. This work uses counterfactual prompting to develop a deeper understanding of CoT-based few-shot prompting mechanisms in large language models. We first systematically identify and define the key components of a prompt: symbols, patterns, and text. Then, we devise and conduct an exhaustive set of experiments across four different tasks, by querying the model with counterfactual prompts where only one of these components is altered. Our experiments across three models (PaLM, GPT-3, and CODEX) reveal several surprising findings and brings into question the conventional wisdom around few-shot prompting. First, the presence of factual patterns in a prompt is practically immaterial to the success of CoT. Second, our results conclude that the primary role of intermediate steps may not be to facilitate learning how to solve a task. The intermediate steps are rather a beacon for the model to realize what symbols to replicate in the output to form a factual answer. Further, text imbues patterns with commonsense knowledge and meaning. Our empirical and qualitative analysis reveals that a symbiotic relationship between text and patterns explains the success of few-shot prompting: text helps extract commonsense from the question to help patterns, and patterns enforce task understanding and direct text generation.
PDF Shortened version with additional results from CODEX and GPT-3. The authors contributed equally. Work done when Aman Madaan was a student researcher at Google Research, Brain Team. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2201.11903


Few-shot Backdoor Attacks via Neural Tangent Kernels

Authors:Jonathan Hayase, Sewoong Oh

In a backdoor attack, an attacker injects corrupted examples into the training set. The goal of the attacker is to cause the final trained model to predict the attacker’s desired target label when a predefined trigger is added to test inputs. Central to these attacks is the trade-off between the success rate of the attack and the number of corrupted training examples injected. We pose this attack as a novel bilevel optimization problem: construct strong poison examples that maximize the attack success rate of the trained model. We use neural tangent kernels to approximate the training dynamics of the model being attacked and automatically learn strong poison examples. We experiment on subclasses of CIFAR-10 and ImageNet with WideResNet-34 and ConvNeXt architectures on periodic and patch trigger attacks and show that NTBA-designed poisoned examples achieve, for example, an attack success rate of 90% with ten times smaller number of poison examples injected compared to the baseline. We provided an interpretation of the NTBA-designed attacks using the analysis of kernel linear regression. We further demonstrate a vulnerability in overparametrized deep neural networks, which is revealed by the shape of the neural tangent kernel.
PDF 20 pages, 13 figures


Few-shot Relational Reasoning via Connection Subgraph Pretraining

Authors:Qian Huang, Hongyu Ren, Jure Leskovec

Few-shot knowledge graph (KG) completion task aims to perform inductive reasoning over the KG: given only a few support triplets of a new relation $\bowtie$ (e.g., (chop,$\bowtie$,kitchen), (read,$\bowtie$,library), the goal is to predict the query triplets of the same unseen relation $\bowtie$, e.g., (sleep,$\bowtie$,?). Current approaches cast the problem in a meta-learning framework, where the model needs to be first jointly trained over many training few-shot tasks, each being defined by its own relation, so that learning/prediction on the target few-shot task can be effective. However, in real-world KGs, curating many training tasks is a challenging ad hoc process. Here we propose Connection Subgraph Reasoner (CSR), which can make predictions for the target few-shot task directly without the need for pre-training on the human curated set of training tasks. The key to CSR is that we explicitly model a shared connection subgraph between support and query triplets, as inspired by the principle of eliminative induction. To adapt to specific KG, we design a corresponding self-supervised pretraining scheme with the objective of reconstructing automatically sampled connection subgraphs. Our pretrained model can then be directly applied to target few-shot tasks on without the need for training few-shot tasks. Extensive experiments on real KGs, including NELL, FB15K-237, and ConceptNet, demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework: we show that even a learning-free implementation of CSR can already perform competitively to existing methods on target few-shot tasks; with pretraining, CSR can achieve significant gains of up to 52% on the more challenging inductive few-shot tasks where the entities are also unseen during (pre)training.
PDF NeurIPS 2022. Open source implementation at https://github.com/snap-stanford/csr


The Unreliability of Explanations in Few-shot Prompting for Textual Reasoning

Authors:Xi Ye, Greg Durrett

Does prompting a large language model (LLM) like GPT-3 with explanations improve in-context learning? We study this question on two NLP tasks that involve reasoning over text, namely question answering and natural language inference. We test the performance of four LLMs on three textual reasoning datasets using prompts that include explanations in multiple different styles. For these tasks, we find that including explanations in the prompts for OPT, GPT-3 (davinci), and InstructGPT (text-davinci-001) only yields small to moderate accuracy improvements over standard few-show learning. However, text-davinci-002 is able to benefit more substantially. We further show that explanations generated by the LLMs may not entail the models’ predictions nor be factually grounded in the input, even on simple tasks with extractive explanations. However, these flawed explanations can still be useful as a way to verify LLMs’ predictions post-hoc. Through analysis in our three settings, we show that explanations judged by humans to be good—logically consistent with the input and the prediction—more likely cooccur with accurate predictions. Following these observations, we train calibrators using automatically extracted scores that assess the reliability of explanations, allowing us to improve performance post-hoc across all of our datasets.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


MAPL: Parameter-Efficient Adaptation of Unimodal Pre-Trained Models for Vision-Language Few-Shot Prompting

Authors:Oscar Mañas, Pau Rodriguez, Saba Ahmadi, Aida Nematzadeh, Yash Goyal, Aishwarya Agrawal

Large pre-trained models have proved to be remarkable zero- and (prompt-based) few-shot learners in unimodal vision and language tasks. We propose MAPL, a simple and parameter-efficient method that reuses frozen pre-trained unimodal models and leverages their strong generalization capabilities in multimodal vision-language (VL) settings. MAPL learns a lightweight mapping between the representation spaces of unimodal models using aligned image-text data, and can generalize to unseen VL tasks from just a few in-context examples. The small number of trainable parameters makes MAPL effective at low-data and in-domain learning. Moreover, MAPL’s modularity enables easy extension to other pre-trained models. Extensive experiments on several visual question answering and image captioning benchmarks show that MAPL achieves superior or competitive performance compared to similar methods while training orders of magnitude fewer parameters. MAPL can be trained in just a few hours using modest computational resources and public datasets. We plan to release the code and pre-trained models.
PDF 23 pages, 22 figures, 5 tables. Pau Rodriguez and Saba Ahmadi had equal contributions


Personalized Federated Hypernetworks for Privacy Preservation in Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Doseok Jang, Larry Yan, Lucas Spangher, Costas J. Spanos, Selvaprabu Nadarajah

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning currently focuses on implementations where all data and training can be centralized to one machine. But what if local agents are split across multiple tasks, and need to keep data private between each? We develop the first application of Personalized Federated Hypernetworks (PFH) to Reinforcement Learning (RL). We then present a novel application of PFH to few-shot transfer, and demonstrate significant initial increases in learning. PFH has never been demonstrated beyond supervised learning benchmarks, so we apply PFH to an important domain: RL price-setting for energy demand response. We consider a general case across where agents are split across multiple microgrids, wherein energy consumption data must be kept private within each microgrid. Together, our work explores how the fields of personalized federated learning and RL can come together to make learning efficient across multiple tasks while keeping data secure.


Unified Vision and Language Prompt Learning

Authors:Yuhang Zang, Wei Li, Kaiyang Zhou, Chen Huang, Chen Change Loy

Prompt tuning, a parameter- and data-efficient transfer learning paradigm that tunes only a small number of parameters in a model’s input space, has become a trend in the vision community since the emergence of large vision-language models like CLIP. We present a systematic study on two representative prompt tuning methods, namely text prompt tuning and visual prompt tuning. A major finding is that none of the unimodal prompt tuning methods performs consistently well: text prompt tuning fails on data with high intra-class visual variances while visual prompt tuning cannot handle low inter-class variances. To combine the best from both worlds, we propose a simple approach called Unified Prompt Tuning (UPT), which essentially learns a tiny neural network to jointly optimize prompts across different modalities. Extensive experiments on over 11 vision datasets show that UPT achieves a better trade-off than the unimodal counterparts on few-shot learning benchmarks, as well as on domain generalization benchmarks. Code and models will be released to facilitate future research.


Instruction Tuning for Few-Shot Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Authors:Siddharth Varia, Shuai Wang, Kishaloy Halder, Robert Vacareanu, Miguel Ballesteros, Yassine Benajiba, Neha Anna John, Rishita Anubhai, Smaranda Muresan, Dan Roth

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained sentiment analysis task which involves four elements from user-generated texts: aspect term, aspect category, opinion term, and sentiment polarity. Most computational approaches focus on some of the ABSA sub-tasks such as tuple (aspect term, sentiment polarity) or triplet (aspect term, opinion term, sentiment polarity) extraction using either pipeline or joint modeling approaches. Recently, generative approaches have been proposed to extract all four elements as (one or more) quadruplets from text as a single task. In this work, we take a step further and propose a unified framework for solving ABSA, and the associated sub-tasks to improve the performance in few-shot scenarios. To this end, we fine-tune a T5 model with instructional prompts in a multi-task learning fashion covering all the sub-tasks, as well as the entire quadruple prediction task. In experiments with multiple benchmark data sets, we show that the proposed multi-task prompting approach brings performance boost (by absolute $6.75$ F1) in the few-shot learning setting.


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