I2I Translation

2022-10-14 更新

Language Models with Image Descriptors are Strong Few-Shot Video-Language Learners

Authors:Zhenhailong Wang, Manling Li, Ruochen Xu, Luowei Zhou, Jie Lei, Xudong Lin, Shuohang Wang, Ziyi Yang, Chenguang Zhu, Derek Hoiem, Shih-Fu Chang, Mohit Bansal, Heng Ji

The goal of this work is to build flexible video-language models that can generalize to various video-to-text tasks from few examples, such as domain-specific captioning, question answering, and future event prediction. Existing few-shot video-language learners focus exclusively on the encoder, resulting in the absence of a video-to-text decoder to handle generative tasks. Video captioners have been pretrained on large-scale video-language datasets, but they rely heavily on finetuning and lack the ability to generate text for unseen tasks in a few-shot setting. We propose VidIL, a few-shot Video-language Learner via Image and Language models, which demonstrates strong performance on few-shot video-to-text tasks without the necessity of pretraining or finetuning on any video datasets. We use the image-language models to translate the video content into frame captions, object, attribute, and event phrases, and compose them into a temporal structure template. We then instruct a language model, with a prompt containing a few in-context examples, to generate a target output from the composed content. The flexibility of prompting allows the model to capture any form of text input, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcripts. Our experiments demonstrate the power of language models in understanding videos on a wide variety of video-language tasks, including video captioning, video question answering, video caption retrieval, and video future event prediction. Especially, on video future event prediction, our few-shot model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art supervised models trained on large-scale video datasets. Code and resources are publicly available for research purposes at https://github.com/MikeWangWZHL/VidIL .


Latency-aware Spatial-wise Dynamic Networks

Authors:Yizeng Han, Zhihang Yuan, Yifan Pu, Chenhao Xue, Shiji Song, Guangyu Sun, Gao Huang

Spatial-wise dynamic convolution has become a promising approach to improving the inference efficiency of deep networks. By allocating more computation to the most informative pixels, such an adaptive inference paradigm reduces the spatial redundancy in image features and saves a considerable amount of unnecessary computation. However, the theoretical efficiency achieved by previous methods can hardly translate into a realistic speedup, especially on the multi-core processors (e.g. GPUs). The key challenge is that the existing literature has only focused on designing algorithms with minimal computation, ignoring the fact that the practical latency can also be influenced by scheduling strategies and hardware properties. To bridge the gap between theoretical computation and practical efficiency, we propose a latency-aware spatial-wise dynamic network (LASNet), which performs coarse-grained spatially adaptive inference under the guidance of a novel latency prediction model. The latency prediction model can efficiently estimate the inference latency of dynamic networks by simultaneously considering algorithms, scheduling strategies, and hardware properties. We use the latency predictor to guide both the algorithm design and the scheduling optimization on various hardware platforms. Experiments on image classification, object detection and instance segmentation demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly improves the practical inference efficiency of deep networks. For example, the average latency of a ResNet-101 on the ImageNet validation set could be reduced by 36% and 46% on a server GPU (Nvidia Tesla-V100) and an edge device (Nvidia Jetson TX2 GPU) respectively without sacrificing the accuracy. Code is available at https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/LASNet.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


Low-resource Neural Machine Translation with Cross-modal Alignment

Authors:Zhe Yang, Qingkai Fang, Yang Feng

How to achieve neural machine translation with limited parallel data? Existing techniques often rely on large-scale monolingual corpora, which is impractical for some low-resource languages. In this paper, we turn to connect several low-resource languages to a particular high-resource one by additional visual modality. Specifically, we propose a cross-modal contrastive learning method to learn a shared space for all languages, where both a coarse-grained sentence-level objective and a fine-grained token-level one are introduced. Experimental results and further analysis show that our method can effectively learn the cross-modal and cross-lingual alignment with a small amount of image-text pairs and achieves significant improvements over the text-only baseline under both zero-shot and few-shot scenarios.
PDF Accepted to EMNLP 2022


What’s in a Decade? Transforming Faces Through Time

Authors:Eric Ming Chen, Jin Sun, Apoorv Khandelwal, Dani Lischinski, Noah Snavely, Hadar Averbuch-Elor

How can one visually characterize people in a decade? In this work, we assemble the Faces Through Time dataset, which contains over a thousand portrait images from each decade, spanning the 1880s to the present day. Using our new dataset, we present a framework for resynthesizing portrait images across time, imagining how a portrait taken during a particular decade might have looked like, had it been taken in other decades. Our framework optimizes a family of per-decade generators that reveal subtle changes that differentiate decade—such as different hairstyles or makeup—while maintaining the identity of the input portrait. Experiments show that our method is more effective in resynthesizing portraits across time compared to state-of-the-art image-to-image translation methods, as well as attribute-based and language-guided portrait editing models. Our code and data will be available at https://facesthroughtime.github.io
PDF Project Page: https://facesthroughtime.github.io


Hierarchical Instance Mixing across Domains in Aerial Segmentation

Authors:Edoardo Arnaudo, Antonio Tavera, Fabrizio Dominici, Carlo Masone, Barbara Caputo

We investigate the task of unsupervised domain adaptation in aerial semantic segmentation and discover that the current state-of-the-art algorithms designed for autonomous driving based on domain mixing do not translate well to the aerial setting. This is due to two factors: (i) a large disparity in the extension of the semantic categories, which causes a domain imbalance in the mixed image, and (ii) a weaker structural consistency in aerial scenes than in driving scenes since the same scene might be viewed from different perspectives and there is no well-defined and repeatable structure of the semantic elements in the images. Our solution to these problems is composed of: (i) a new mixing strategy for aerial segmentation across domains called Hierarchical Instance Mixing (HIMix), which extracts a set of connected components from each semantic mask and mixes them according to a semantic hierarchy and, (ii) a twin-head architecture in which two separate segmentation heads are fed with variations of the same images in a contrastive fashion to produce finer segmentation maps. We conduct extensive experiments on the LoveDA benchmark, where our solution outperforms the current state-of-the-art.


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