
2022-10-12 更新

Enabling ISP-less Low-Power Computer Vision

Authors:Gourav Datta, Zeyu Liu, Zihan Yin, Linyu Sun, Akhilesh R. Jaiswal, Peter A. Beerel

In order to deploy current computer vision (CV) models on resource-constrained low-power devices, recent works have proposed in-sensor and in-pixel computing approaches that try to partly/fully bypass the image signal processor (ISP) and yield significant bandwidth reduction between the image sensor and the CV processing unit by downsampling the activation maps in the initial convolutional neural network (CNN) layers. However, direct inference on the raw images degrades the test accuracy due to the difference in covariance of the raw images captured by the image sensors compared to the ISP-processed images used for training. Moreover, it is difficult to train deep CV models on raw images, because most (if not all) large-scale open-source datasets consist of RGB images. To mitigate this concern, we propose to invert the ISP pipeline, which can convert the RGB images of any dataset to its raw counterparts, and enable model training on raw images. We release the raw version of the COCO dataset, a large-scale benchmark for generic high-level vision tasks. For ISP-less CV systems, training on these raw images result in a 7.1% increase in test accuracy on the visual wake works (VWW) dataset compared to relying on training with traditional ISP-processed RGB datasets. To further improve the accuracy of ISP-less CV models and to increase the energy and bandwidth benefits obtained by in-sensor/in-pixel computing, we propose an energy-efficient form of analog in-pixel demosaicing that may be coupled with in-pixel CNN computations. When evaluated on raw images captured by real sensors from the PASCALRAW dataset, our approach results in a 8.1% increase in mAP. Lastly, we demonstrate a further 20.5% increase in mAP by using a novel application of few-shot learning with thirty shots each for the novel PASCALRAW dataset, constituting 3 classes.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2023


Meta-Learning with Self-Improving Momentum Target

Authors:Jihoon Tack, Jongjin Park, Hankook Lee, Jaeho Lee, Jinwoo Shin

The idea of using a separately trained target model (or teacher) to improve the performance of the student model has been increasingly popular in various machine learning domains, and meta-learning is no exception; a recent discovery shows that utilizing task-wise target models can significantly boost the generalization performance. However, obtaining a target model for each task can be highly expensive, especially when the number of tasks for meta-learning is large. To tackle this issue, we propose a simple yet effective method, coined Self-improving Momentum Target (SiMT). SiMT generates the target model by adapting from the temporal ensemble of the meta-learner, i.e., the momentum network. This momentum network and its task-specific adaptations enjoy a favorable generalization performance, enabling self-improving of the meta-learner through knowledge distillation. Moreover, we found that perturbing parameters of the meta-learner, e.g., dropout, further stabilize this self-improving process by preventing fast convergence of the distillation loss during meta-training. Our experimental results demonstrate that SiMT brings a significant performance gain when combined with a wide range of meta-learning methods under various applications, including few-shot regression, few-shot classification, and meta-reinforcement learning. Code is available at https://github.com/jihoontack/SiMT.
PDF Published as a conference proceeding for NeurIPS 2022


ME-D2N: Multi-Expert Domain Decompositional Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Yuqian Fu, Yu Xie, Yanwei Fu, Jingjing Chen, Yu-Gang Jiang

Recently, Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning (CD-FSL) which aims at addressing the Few-Shot Learning (FSL) problem across different domains has attracted rising attention. The core challenge of CD-FSL lies in the domain gap between the source and novel target datasets. Though many attempts have been made for CD-FSL without any target data during model training, the huge domain gap makes it still hard for existing CD-FSL methods to achieve very satisfactory results. Alternatively, learning CD-FSL models with few labeled target domain data which is more realistic and promising is advocated in previous work~\cite{fu2021meta}. Thus, in this paper, we stick to this setting and technically contribute a novel Multi-Expert Domain Decompositional Network (ME-D2N). Concretely, to solve the data imbalance problem between the source data with sufficient examples and the auxiliary target data with limited examples, we build our model under the umbrella of multi-expert learning. Two teacher models which can be considered to be experts in their corresponding domain are first trained on the source and the auxiliary target sets, respectively. Then, the knowledge distillation technique is introduced to transfer the knowledge from two teachers to a unified student model. Taking a step further, to help our student model learn knowledge from different domain teachers simultaneously, we further present a novel domain decomposition module that learns to decompose the student model into two domain-related sub parts. This is achieved by a novel domain-specific gate that learns to assign each filter to only one specific domain in a learnable way. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Codes and models are available at https://github.com/lovelyqian/ME-D2N_for_CDFSL.
PDF Accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022


Learning Generalized Policy Automata for Relational Stochastic Shortest Path Problems

Authors:Rushang Karia, Rashmeet Kaur Nayyar, Siddharth Srivastava

Several goal-oriented problems in the real-world can be naturally expressed as Stochastic Shortest Path Problems (SSPs). However, the computational complexity of solving SSPs makes finding solutions to even moderately sized problems intractable. Currently, existing state-of-the-art planners and heuristics often fail to exploit knowledge learned from solving other instances. This paper presents an approach for learning \emph{Generalized Policy Automata} (GPA): non-deterministic partial policies that can be used to catalyze the solution process. GPAs are learned using relational, feature-based abstractions, which makes them applicable on broad classes of related problems with different object names and quantities. Theoretical analysis of this approach shows that it guarantees completeness and hierarchical optimality. Empirical analysis shows that this approach effectively learns broadly applicable policy knowledge in a few-shot fashion and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art SSP solvers on test problems whose object counts are far greater than those used during training.


SEE-Few: Seed, Expand and Entail for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition

Authors:Zeng Yang, Linhai Zhang, Deyu Zhou

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) aims at identifying named entities based on only few labeled instances. Current few-shot NER methods focus on leveraging existing datasets in the rich-resource domains which might fail in a training-from-scratch setting where no source-domain data is used. To tackle training-from-scratch setting, it is crucial to make full use of the annotation information (the boundaries and entity types). Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel multi-task (Seed, Expand and Entail) learning framework, SEE-Few, for Few-shot NER without using source domain data. The seeding and expanding modules are responsible for providing as accurate candidate spans as possible for the entailing module. The entailing module reformulates span classification as a textual entailment task, leveraging both the contextual clues and entity type information. All the three modules share the same text encoder and are jointly learned. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets under the training-from-scratch setting show that the proposed method outperformed state-of-the-art few-shot NER methods with a large margin. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/unveiled-the-red-hat/SEE-Few}.
PDF Accepted by COLING 2022


Decoupling Knowledge from Memorization: Retrieval-augmented Prompt Learning

Authors:Xiang Chen, Lei Li, Ningyu Zhang, Xiaozhuan Liang, Shumin Deng, Chuanqi Tan, Fei Huang, Luo Si, Huajun Chen

Prompt learning approaches have made waves in natural language processing by inducing better few-shot performance while they still follow a parametric-based learning paradigm; the oblivion and rote memorization problems in learning may encounter unstable generalization issues. Specifically, vanilla prompt learning may struggle to utilize atypical instances by rote during fully-supervised training or overfit shallow patterns with low-shot data. To alleviate such limitations, we develop RetroPrompt with the motivation of decoupling knowledge from memorization to help the model strike a balance between generalization and memorization. In contrast with vanilla prompt learning, RetroPrompt constructs an open-book knowledge-store from training instances and implements a retrieval mechanism during the process of input, training and inference, thus equipping the model with the ability to retrieve related contexts from the training corpus as cues for enhancement. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RetroPrompt can obtain better performance in both few-shot and zero-shot settings. Besides, we further illustrate that our proposed RetroPrompt can yield better generalization abilities with new datasets. Detailed analysis of memorization indeed reveals RetroPrompt can reduce the reliance of language models on memorization; thus, improving generalization for downstream tasks. Code is available in https://github.com/zjunlp/PromptKG/tree/main/research/RetroPrompt.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2022


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