
2022-10-11 更新

Does Thermal Really Always Matter for RGB-T Salient Object Detection?

Authors:Runmin Cong, Kepu Zhang, Chen Zhang, Feng Zheng, Yao Zhao, Qingming Huang, Sam Kwong

In recent years, RGB-T salient object detection (SOD) has attracted continuous attention, which makes it possible to identify salient objects in environments such as low light by introducing thermal image. However, most of the existing RGB-T SOD models focus on how to perform cross-modality feature fusion, ignoring whether thermal image is really always matter in SOD task. Starting from the definition and nature of this task, this paper rethinks the connotation of thermal modality, and proposes a network named TNet to solve the RGB-T SOD task. In this paper, we introduce a global illumination estimation module to predict the global illuminance score of the image, so as to regulate the role played by the two modalities. In addition, considering the role of thermal modality, we set up different cross-modality interaction mechanisms in the encoding phase and the decoding phase. On the one hand, we introduce a semantic constraint provider to enrich the semantics of thermal images in the encoding phase, which makes thermal modality more suitable for the SOD task. On the other hand, we introduce a two-stage localization and complementation module in the decoding phase to transfer object localization cue and internal integrity cue in thermal features to the RGB modality. Extensive experiments on three datasets show that the proposed TNet achieves competitive performance compared with 20 state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia 2022, 13 pages, 9 figures


Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP

Authors:Feng Liang, Bichen Wu, Xiaoliang Dai, Kunpeng Li, Yinan Zhao, Hang Zhang, Peizhao Zhang, Peter Vajda, Diana Marculescu

Open-vocabulary semantic segmentation aims to segment an image into semantic regions according to text descriptions, which may not have been seen during training. Recent two-stage methods first generate class-agnostic mask proposals and then leverage pre-trained vision-language models, e.g., CLIP, to classify masked regions. We identify the performance bottleneck of this paradigm to be the pre-trained CLIP model, since it does not perform well on masked images. To address this, we propose to finetune CLIP on a collection of masked image regions and their corresponding text descriptions. We collect training data by mining an existing image-caption dataset (e.g., COCO Captions), using CLIP to match masked image regions to nouns in the image captions. Compared with the more precise and manually annotated segmentation labels with fixed classes (e.g., COCO-Stuff), we find our noisy but diverse dataset can better retain CLIP’s generalization ability. Along with finetuning the entire model, we utilize the “blank” areas in masked images using a method we dub mask prompt tuning. Experiments demonstrate mask prompt tuning brings significant improvement without modifying any weights of CLIP, and it can further improve a fully finetuned model. In particular, when trained on COCO and evaluated on ADE20K-150, our best model achieves 29.6% mIoU, which is +8.5% higher than the previous state-of-the-art. For the first time, open-vocabulary generalist models match the performance of supervised specialist models in 2017 without dataset-specific adaptations.
PDF Project page: https://jeff-liangf.github.io/projects/ovseg


Hierarchical Few-Shot Object Detection: Problem, Benchmark and Method

Authors:Lu Zhang, Yang Wang, Jiaogen Zhou, Chenbo Zhang, Yinglu Zhang, Jihong Guan, Yatao Bian, Shuigeng Zhou

Few-shot object detection (FSOD) is to detect objects with a few examples. However, existing FSOD methods do not consider hierarchical fine-grained category structures of objects that exist widely in real life. For example, animals are taxonomically classified into orders, families, genera and species etc. In this paper, we propose and solve a new problem called hierarchical few-shot object detection (Hi-FSOD), which aims to detect objects with hierarchical categories in the FSOD paradigm. To this end, on the one hand, we build the first large-scale and high-quality Hi-FSOD benchmark dataset HiFSOD-Bird, which contains 176,350 wild-bird images falling to 1,432 categories. All the categories are organized into a 4-level taxonomy, consisting of 32 orders, 132 families, 572 genera and 1,432 species. On the other hand, we propose the first Hi-FSOD method HiCLPL, where a hierarchical contrastive learning approach is developed to constrain the feature space so that the feature distribution of objects is consistent with the hierarchical taxonomy and the model’s generalization power is strengthened. Meanwhile, a probabilistic loss is designed to enable the child nodes to correct the classification errors of their parent nodes in the taxonomy. Extensive experiments on the benchmark dataset HiFSOD-Bird show that our method HiCLPL outperforms the existing FSOD methods.
PDF Accepted by ACM MM 2022


Self-adversarial Multi-scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Thermal Facial Images

Authors:Jitesh Joshi, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Youngjun Cho

Segmentation of thermal facial images is a challenging task. This is because facial features often lack salience due to high-dynamic thermal range scenes and occlusion issues. Limited availability of datasets from unconstrained settings further limits the use of the state-of-the-art segmentation networks, loss functions and learning strategies which have been built and validated for RGB images. To address the challenge, we propose Self-Adversarial Multi-scale Contrastive Learning (SAM-CL) framework as a new training strategy for thermal image segmentation. SAM-CL framework consists of a SAM-CL loss function and a thermal image augmentation (TiAug) module as a domain-specific augmentation technique. We use the Thermal-Face-Database to demonstrate effectiveness of our approach. Experiments conducted on the existing segmentation networks (UNET, Attention-UNET, DeepLabV3 and HRNetv2) evidence the consistent performance gains from the SAM-CL framework. Furthermore, we present a qualitative analysis with UBComfort and DeepBreath datasets to discuss how our proposed methods perform in handling unconstrained situations.
PDF Accepted at the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2022


Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Prototype-based Consistency Regularization

Authors:Hai-Ming Xu, Lingqiao Liu, Qiuchen Bian, Zhen Yang

Semi-supervised semantic segmentation requires the model to effectively propagate the label information from limited annotated images to unlabeled ones. A challenge for such a per-pixel prediction task is the large intra-class variation, i.e., regions belonging to the same class may exhibit a very different appearance even in the same picture. This diversity will make the label propagation hard from pixels to pixels. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach to regularize the distribution of within-class features to ease label propagation difficulty. Specifically, our approach encourages the consistency between the prediction from a linear predictor and the output from a prototype-based predictor, which implicitly encourages features from the same pseudo-class to be close to at least one within-class prototype while staying far from the other between-class prototypes. By further incorporating CutMix operations and a carefully-designed prototype maintenance strategy, we create a semi-supervised semantic segmentation algorithm that demonstrates superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods from extensive experimental evaluation on both Pascal VOC and Cityscapes benchmarks.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2022


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