I2I Translation

2022-10-11 更新

Distill the Image to Nowhere: Inversion Knowledge Distillation for Multimodal Machine Translation

Authors:Ru Peng, Yawen Zeng, Junbo Zhao

Past works on multimodal machine translation (MMT) elevate bilingual setup by incorporating additional aligned vision information. However, an image-must requirement of the multimodal dataset largely hinders MMT’s development — namely that it demands an aligned form of [image, source text, target text]. This limitation is generally troublesome during the inference phase especially when the aligned image is not provided as in the normal NMT setup. Thus, in this work, we introduce IKD-MMT, a novel MMT framework to support the image-free inference phase via an inversion knowledge distillation scheme. In particular, a multimodal feature generator is executed with a knowledge distillation module, which directly generates the multimodal feature from (only) source texts as the input. While there have been a few prior works entertaining the possibility to support image-free inference for machine translation, their performances have yet to rival the image-must translation. In our experiments, we identify our method as the first image-free approach to comprehensively rival or even surpass (almost) all image-must frameworks, and achieved the state-of-the-art result on the often-used Multi30k benchmark. Our code and data are available at: https://github.com/pengr/IKD-mmt/tree/master..
PDF Long paper accepted by EMNLP2022 main conference


Improving End-to-End Text Image Translation From the Auxiliary Text Translation Task

Authors:Cong Ma, Yaping Zhang, Mei Tu, Xu Han, Linghui Wu, Yang Zhao, Yu Zhou

End-to-end text image translation (TIT), which aims at translating the source language embedded in images to the target language, has attracted intensive attention in recent research. However, data sparsity limits the performance of end-to-end text image translation. Multi-task learning is a non-trivial way to alleviate this problem via exploring knowledge from complementary related tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel text translation enhanced text image translation, which trains the end-to-end model with text translation as an auxiliary task. By sharing model parameters and multi-task training, our model is able to take full advantage of easily-available large-scale text parallel corpus. Extensive experimental results show our proposed method outperforms existing end-to-end methods, and the joint multi-task learning with both text translation and recognition tasks achieves better results, proving translation and recognition auxiliary tasks are complementary.
PDF Accepted at the 26TH International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022)


Cali-Sketch: Stroke Calibration and Completion for High-Quality Face Image Generation from Human-Like Sketches

Authors:Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue

Image generation has received increasing attention because of its wide application in security and entertainment. Sketch-based face generation brings more fun and better quality of image generation due to supervised interaction. However, when a sketch poorly aligned with the true face is given as input, existing supervised image-to-image translation methods often cannot generate acceptable photo-realistic face images. To address this problem, in this paper we propose Cali-Sketch, a human-like-sketch to photo-realistic-image generation method. Cali-Sketch explicitly models stroke calibration and image generation using two constituent networks: a Stroke Calibration Network (SCN), which calibrates strokes of facial features and enriches facial details while preserving the original intent features; and an Image Synthesis Network (ISN), which translates the calibrated and enriched sketches to photo-realistic face images. In this way, we manage to decouple a difficult cross-domain translation problem into two easier steps. Extensive experiments verify that the face photos generated by Cali-Sketch are both photo-realistic and faithful to the input sketches, compared with state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted to Neurocomputing


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