2022-10-11 更新

Dual Pyramid Generative Adversarial Networks for Semantic Image Synthesis

Authors:Shijie Li, Ming-Ming Cheng, Juergen Gall

The goal of semantic image synthesis is to generate photo-realistic images from semantic label maps. It is highly relevant for tasks like content generation and image editing. Current state-of-the-art approaches, however, still struggle to generate realistic objects in images at various scales. In particular, small objects tend to fade away and large objects are often generated as collages of patches. In order to address this issue, we propose a Dual Pyramid Generative Adversarial Network (DP-GAN) that learns the conditioning of spatially-adaptive normalization blocks at all scales jointly, such that scale information is bi-directionally used, and it unifies supervision at different scales. Our qualitative and quantitative results show that the proposed approach generates images where small and large objects look more realistic compared to images generated by state-of-the-art methods.


EVA3D: Compositional 3D Human Generation from 2D Image Collections

Authors:Fangzhou Hong, Zhaoxi Chen, Yushi Lan, Liang Pan, Ziwei Liu

Inverse graphics aims to recover 3D models from 2D observations. Utilizing differentiable rendering, recent 3D-aware generative models have shown impressive results of rigid object generation using 2D images. However, it remains challenging to generate articulated objects, like human bodies, due to their complexity and diversity in poses and appearances. In this work, we propose, EVA3D, an unconditional 3D human generative model learned from 2D image collections only. EVA3D can sample 3D humans with detailed geometry and render high-quality images (up to 512x256) without bells and whistles (e.g. super resolution). At the core of EVA3D is a compositional human NeRF representation, which divides the human body into local parts. Each part is represented by an individual volume. This compositional representation enables 1) inherent human priors, 2) adaptive allocation of network parameters, 3) efficient training and rendering. Moreover, to accommodate for the characteristics of sparse 2D human image collections (e.g. imbalanced pose distribution), we propose a pose-guided sampling strategy for better GAN learning. Extensive experiments validate that EVA3D achieves state-of-the-art 3D human generation performance regarding both geometry and texture quality. Notably, EVA3D demonstrates great potential and scalability to “inverse-graphics” diverse human bodies with a clean framework.
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CoopHash: Cooperative Learning of Multipurpose Descriptor and Contrastive Pair Generator via Variational MCMC Teaching for Supervised Image Hashing

Authors:Khoa D. Doan, Jianwen Xie, Yaxuan Zhu, Yang Zhao, Ping Li

Leveraging supervised information can lead to superior retrieval performance in the image hashing domain but the performance degrades significantly without enough labeled data. One effective solution to boost the performance is to employ generative models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), to generate synthetic data in an image hashing model. However, GAN-based methods are difficult to train and suffer from mode collapse issue, which prevents the hashing approaches from jointly training the generative models and the hash functions. This limitation results in sub-optimal retrieval performance. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel framework, the generative cooperative hashing network (CoopHash), which is based on the energy-based cooperative learning. CoopHash jointly learns a powerful generative representation of the data and a robust hash function. CoopHash has two components: a top-down contrastive pair generator that synthesizes contrastive images and a bottom-up multipurpose descriptor that simultaneously represents the images from multiple perspectives, including probability density, hash code, latent code, and category. The two components are jointly learned via a novel likelihood-based cooperative learning scheme. We conduct experiments on several real-world datasets and show that the proposed method outperforms the competing hashing supervised methods, achieving up to 10% relative improvement over the current state-of-the-art supervised hashing methods, and exhibits a significantly better performance in out-of-distribution retrieval.


BiOcularGAN: Bimodal Synthesis and Annotation of Ocular Images

Authors:Darian Tomašević, Peter Peer, Vitomir Štruc

Current state-of-the-art segmentation techniques for ocular images are critically dependent on large-scale annotated datasets, which are labor-intensive to gather and often raise privacy concerns. In this paper, we present a novel framework, called BiOcularGAN, capable of generating synthetic large-scale datasets of photorealistic (visible light and near-infrared) ocular images, together with corresponding segmentation labels to address these issues. At its core, the framework relies on a novel Dual-Branch StyleGAN2 (DB-StyleGAN2) model that facilitates bimodal image generation, and a Semantic Mask Generator (SMG) component that produces semantic annotations by exploiting latent features of the DB-StyleGAN2 model. We evaluate BiOcularGAN through extensive experiments across five diverse ocular datasets and analyze the effects of bimodal data generation on image quality and the produced annotations. Our experimental results show that BiOcularGAN is able to produce high-quality matching bimodal images and annotations (with minimal manual intervention) that can be used to train highly competitive (deep) segmentation models (in a privacy aware-manner) that perform well across multiple real-world datasets. The source code for the BiOcularGAN framework is publicly available at
PDF 13 pages, 14 figures


GANSeg: Learning to Segment by Unsupervised Hierarchical Image Generation

Authors:Xingzhe He, Bastian Wandt, Helge Rhodin

Segmenting an image into its parts is a frequent preprocess for high-level vision tasks such as image editing. However, annotating masks for supervised training is expensive. Weakly-supervised and unsupervised methods exist, but they depend on the comparison of pairs of images, such as from multi-views, frames of videos, and image augmentation, which limits their applicability. To address this, we propose a GAN-based approach that generates images conditioned on latent masks, thereby alleviating full or weak annotations required in previous approaches. We show that such mask-conditioned image generation can be learned faithfully when conditioning the masks in a hierarchical manner on latent keypoints that define the position of parts explicitly. Without requiring supervision of masks or points, this strategy increases robustness to viewpoint and object positions changes. It also lets us generate image-mask pairs for training a segmentation network, which outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised segmentation methods on established benchmarks.


Bridging CLIP and StyleGAN through Latent Alignment for Image Editing

Authors:Wanfeng Zheng, Qiang Li, Xiaoyan Guo, Pengfei Wan, Zhongyuan Wang

Text-driven image manipulation is developed since the vision-language model (CLIP) has been proposed. Previous work has adopted CLIP to design a text-image consistency-based objective to address this issue. However, these methods require either test-time optimization or image feature cluster analysis for single-mode manipulation direction. In this paper, we manage to achieve inference-time optimization-free diverse manipulation direction mining by bridging CLIP and StyleGAN through Latent Alignment (CSLA). More specifically, our efforts consist of three parts: 1) a data-free training strategy to train latent mappers to bridge the latent space of CLIP and StyleGAN; 2) for more precise mapping, temporal relative consistency is proposed to address the knowledge distribution bias problem among different latent spaces; 3) to refine the mapped latent in s space, adaptive style mixing is also proposed. With this mapping scheme, we can achieve GAN inversion, text-to-image generation and text-driven image manipulation. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons are made to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
PDF 20 pages, 23 figures


Flow-based GAN for 3D Point Cloud Generation from a Single Image

Authors:Yao Wei, George Vosselman, Michael Ying Yang

Generating a 3D point cloud from a single 2D image is of great importance for 3D scene understanding applications. To reconstruct the whole 3D shape of the object shown in the image, the existing deep learning based approaches use either explicit or implicit generative modeling of point clouds, which, however, suffer from limited quality. In this work, we aim to alleviate this issue by introducing a hybrid explicit-implicit generative modeling scheme, which inherits the flow-based explicit generative models for sampling point clouds with arbitrary resolutions while improving the detailed 3D structures of point clouds by leveraging the implicit generative adversarial networks (GANs). We evaluate on the large-scale synthetic dataset ShapeNet, with the experimental results demonstrating the superior performance of the proposed method. In addition, the generalization ability of our method is demonstrated by performing on cross-category synthetic images as well as by testing on real images from PASCAL3D+ dataset.
PDF 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted to BMVC2022


Diffusion-GAN: Training GANs with Diffusion

Authors:Zhendong Wang, Huangjie Zheng, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Mingyuan Zhou

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are challenging to train stably, and a promising remedy of injecting instance noise into the discriminator input has not been very effective in practice. In this paper, we propose Diffusion-GAN, a novel GAN framework that leverages a forward diffusion chain to generate Gaussian-mixture distributed instance noise. Diffusion-GAN consists of three components, including an adaptive diffusion process, a diffusion timestep-dependent discriminator, and a generator. Both the observed and generated data are diffused by the same adaptive diffusion process. At each diffusion timestep, there is a different noise-to-data ratio and the timestep-dependent discriminator learns to distinguish the diffused real data from the diffused generated data. The generator learns from the discriminator’s feedback by backpropagating through the forward diffusion chain, whose length is adaptively adjusted to balance the noise and data levels. We theoretically show that the discriminator’s timestep-dependent strategy gives consistent and helpful guidance to the generator, enabling it to match the true data distribution. We demonstrate the advantages of Diffusion-GAN over strong GAN baselines on various datasets, showing that it can produce more realistic images with higher stability and data efficiency than state-of-the-art GANs.
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