Domain Adaptation

2022-10-11 更新

Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Vestibular Schwannoma Segmentation and Koos Grade Prediction based on Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors:Luyi Han, Yunzhi Huang, Tao Tan, Ritse Mann

Domain adaptation has been widely adopted to transfer styles across multi-vendors and multi-centers, as well as to complement the missing modalities. In this challenge, we proposed an unsupervised domain adaptation framework for cross-modality vestibular schwannoma (VS) and cochlea segmentation and Koos grade prediction. We learn the shared representation from both ceT1 and hrT2 images and recover another modality from the latent representation, and we also utilize proxy tasks of VS segmentation and brain parcellation to restrict the consistency of image structures in domain adaptation. After generating missing modalities, the nnU-Net model is utilized for VS and cochlea segmentation, while a semi-supervised contrastive learning pre-train approach is employed to improve the model performance for Koos grade prediction. On CrossMoDA validation phase Leaderboard, our method received rank 4 in task1 with a mean Dice score of 0.8394 and rank 2 in task2 with Macro-Average Mean Square Error of 0.3941. Our code is available at


General and Domain Adaptive Chinese Spelling Check with Error Consistent Pretraining

Authors:Qi Lv, Ziqiang Cao, Lei Geng, Chunhui Ai, Xu Yan, Guohong Fu

The lack of label data is one of the significant bottlenecks for Chinese Spelling Check (CSC). Existing researches use the method of automatic generation by exploiting unlabeled data to expand the supervised corpus. However, there is a big gap between the real input scenario and automatic generated corpus. Thus, we develop a competitive general speller ECSpell which adopts the Error Consistent masking strategy to create data for pretraining. This error consistency masking strategy is used to specify the error types of automatically generated sentences which is consistent with real scene. The experimental result indicates our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art models on the general benchmark. Moreover, spellers often work within a particular domain in real life. Due to lots of uncommon domain terms, experiments on our built domain specific datasets show that general models perform terribly. Inspired by the common practice of input methods, we propose to add an alterable user dictionary to handle the zero-shot domain adaption problem. Specifically, we attach a User Dictionary guided inference module (UD) to a general token classification based speller. Our experiments demonstrate that ECSpell$^{UD}$, namely ECSpell combined with UD, surpasses all the other baselines largely, even approaching the performance on the general benchmark.


Meta-DMoE: Adapting to Domain Shift by Meta-Distillation from Mixture-of-Experts

Authors:Tao Zhong, Zhixiang Chi, Li Gu, Yang Wang, Yuanhao Yu, Jin Tang

In this paper, we tackle the problem of domain shift. Most existing methods perform training on multiple source domains using a single model, and the same trained model is used on all unseen target domains. Such solutions are sub-optimal as each target domain exhibits its own speciality, which is not adapted. Furthermore, expecting the single-model training to learn extensive knowledge from the multiple source domains is counterintuitive. The model is more biased toward learning only domain-invariant features and may result in negative knowledge transfer. In this work, we propose a novel framework for unsupervised test-time adaptation, which is formulated as a knowledge distillation process to address domain shift. Specifically, we incorporate Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) as teachers, where each expert is separately trained on different source domains to maximize their speciality. Given a test-time target domain, a small set of unlabeled data is sampled to query the knowledge from MoE. As the source domains are correlated to the target domains, a transformer-based aggregator then combines the domain knowledge by examining the interconnection among them. The output is treated as a supervision signal to adapt a student prediction network toward the target domain. We further employ meta-learning to enforce the aggregator to distill positive knowledge and the student network to achieve fast adaptation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art and validates the effectiveness of each proposed component. Our code is available at
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS2022


Adaptive Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Learning with Hierarchical Optimal Transport

Authors:Dandan Guo, Long Tian, He Zhao, Mingyuan Zhou, Hongyuan Zha

Few-shot classification aims to learn a classifier to recognize unseen classes during training, where the learned model can easily become over-fitted based on the biased distribution formed by only a few training examples. A recent solution to this problem is calibrating the distribution of these few sample classes by transferring statistics from the base classes with sufficient examples, where how to decide the transfer weights from base classes to novel classes is the key. However, principled approaches for learning the transfer weights have not been carefully studied. To this end, we propose a novel distribution calibration method by learning the adaptive weight matrix between novel samples and base classes, which is built upon a hierarchical Optimal Transport (H-OT) framework. By minimizing the high-level OT distance between novel samples and base classes, we can view the learned transport plan as the adaptive weight information for transferring the statistics of base classes. The learning of the cost function between a base class and novel class in the high-level OT leads to the introduction of the low-level OT, which considers the weights of all the data samples in the base class. Experimental results on standard benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed plug-and-play model outperforms competing approaches and owns desired cross-domain generalization ability, indicating the effectiveness of the learned adaptive weights.


Edge-Varying Fourier Graph Networks for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors:Kun Yi, Qi Zhang, Liang Hu, Hui He, Ning An, LongBing Cao, ZhenDong Niu

The key problem in multivariate time series (MTS) analysis and forecasting aims to disclose the underlying couplings between variables that drive the co-movements. Considerable recent successful MTS methods are built with graph neural networks (GNNs) due to their essential capacity for relational modeling. However, previous work often used a static graph structure of time-series variables for modeling MTS failing to capture their ever-changing correlations over time. To this end, a fully-connected supra-graph connecting any two variables at any two timestamps is adaptively learned to capture the high-resolution variable dependencies via an efficient graph convolutional network. Specifically, we construct the Edge-Varying Fourier Graph Networks (EV-FGN) equipped with Fourier Graph Shift Operator (FGSO) which efficiently performs graph convolution in the frequency domain. As a result, a high-efficiency scale-free parameter learning scheme is derived for MTS analysis and forecasting according to the convolution theorem. Extensive experiments show that EV-FGN outperforms state-of-the-art methods on seven real-world MTS datasets.


Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Fundus Image Segmentation with Few Labeled Source Data

Authors:Qianbi Yu, Dongnan Liu, Chaoyi Zhang, Xinwen Zhang, Weidong Cai

Deep learning-based segmentation methods have been widely employed for automatic glaucoma diagnosis and prognosis. In practice, fundus images obtained by different fundus cameras vary significantly in terms of illumination and intensity. Although recent unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods enhance the models’ generalization ability on the unlabeled target fundus datasets, they always require sufficient labeled data from the source domain, bringing auxiliary data acquisition and annotation costs. To further facilitate the data efficiency of the cross-domain segmentation methods on the fundus images, we explore UDA optic disc and cup segmentation problems using few labeled source data in this work. We first design a Searching-based Multi-style Invariant Mechanism to diversify the source data style as well as increase the data amount. Next, a prototype consistency mechanism on the foreground objects is proposed to facilitate the feature alignment for each kind of tissue under different image styles. Moreover, a cross-style self-supervised learning stage is further designed to improve the segmentation performance on the target images. Our method has outperformed several state-of-the-art UDA segmentation methods under the UDA fundus segmentation with few labeled source data.
PDF Accepted by The 33rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2022


Modeling the Data-Generating Process is Necessary for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Authors:Jivat Neet Kaur, Emre Kiciman, Amit Sharma

Recent empirical studies on domain generalization (DG) have shown that DG algorithms that perform well on some distribution shifts fail on others, and no state-of-the-art DG algorithm performs consistently well on all shifts. Moreover, real-world data often has multiple distribution shifts over different attributes; hence we introduce multi-attribute distribution shift datasets and find that the accuracy of existing DG algorithms falls even further. To explain these results, we provide a formal characterization of generalization under multi-attribute shifts using a canonical causal graph. Based on the relationship between spurious attributes and the classification label, we obtain realizations of the canonical causal graph that characterize common distribution shifts and show that each shift entails different independence constraints over observed variables. As a result, we prove that any algorithm based on a single, fixed constraint cannot work well across all shifts, providing theoretical evidence for mixed empirical results on DG algorithms. Based on this insight, we develop Causally Adaptive Constraint Minimization (CACM), an algorithm that uses knowledge about the data-generating process to adaptively identify and apply the correct independence constraints for regularization. Results on fully synthetic, MNIST, small NORB, and Waterbirds datasets, covering binary and multi-valued attributes and labels, show that adaptive dataset-dependent constraints lead to the highest accuracy on unseen domains whereas incorrect constraints fail to do so. Our results demonstrate the importance of modeling the causal relationships inherent in the data-generating process.


Visual Prompt Tuning for Test-time Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yunhe Gao, Xingjian Shi, Yi Zhu, Hao Wang, Zhiqiang Tang, Xiong Zhou, Mu Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas

Models should have the ability to adapt to unseen data during test-time to avoid performance drop caused by inevitable distribution shifts in real-world deployment scenarios. In this work, we tackle the practical yet challenging test-time adaptation (TTA) problem, where a model adapts to the target domain without accessing the source data. We propose a simple recipe called data-efficient prompt tuning (DePT) with two key ingredients. First, DePT plugs visual prompts into the vision Transformer and only tunes these source-initialized prompts during adaptation. We find such parameter-efficient finetuning can efficiently adapt the model representation to the target domain without overfitting to the noise in the learning objective. Second, DePT bootstraps the source representation to the target domain by memory bank-based online pseudo labeling. A hierarchical self-supervised regularization specially designed for prompts is jointly optimized to alleviate error accumulation during self-training. With much fewer tunable parameters, DePT demonstrates not only state-of-the-art performance on major adaptation benchmarks, but also superior data efficiency, i.e., adaptation with only 1\% or 10\% data without much performance degradation compared to 100\% data. In addition, DePT is also versatile to be extended to online or multi-source TTA settings.


Deliberated Domain Bridging for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Lin Chen, Zhixiang Wei, Xin Jin, Huaian Chen, Miao Zheng, Kai Chen, Yi Jin

In unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), directly adapting from the source to the target domain usually suffers significant discrepancies and leads to insufficient alignment. Thus, many UDA works attempt to vanish the domain gap gradually and softly via various intermediate spaces, dubbed domain bridging (DB). However, for dense prediction tasks such as domain adaptive semantic segmentation (DASS), existing solutions have mostly relied on rough style transfer and how to elegantly bridge domains is still under-explored. In this work, we resort to data mixing to establish a deliberated domain bridging (DDB) for DASS, through which the joint distributions of source and target domains are aligned and interacted with each in the intermediate space. At the heart of DDB lies a dual-path domain bridging step for generating two intermediate domains using the coarse-wise and the fine-wise data mixing techniques, alongside a cross-path knowledge distillation step for taking two complementary models trained on generated intermediate samples as ‘teachers’ to develop a superior ‘student’ in a multi-teacher distillation manner. These two optimization steps work in an alternating way and reinforce each other to give rise to DDB with strong adaptation power. Extensive experiments on adaptive segmentation tasks with different settings demonstrate that our DDB significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS2022


Unsupervised RGB-to-Thermal Domain Adaptation via Multi-Domain Attention Network

Authors:Lu Gan, Connor Lee, Soon-Jo Chung

This work presents a new method for unsupervised thermal image classification and semantic segmentation by transferring knowledge from the RGB domain using a multi-domain attention network. Our method does not require any thermal annotations or co-registered RGB-thermal pairs, enabling robots to perform visual tasks at night and in adverse weather conditions without incurring additional costs of data labeling and registration. Current unsupervised domain adaptation methods look to align global images or features across domains. However, when the domain shift is significantly larger for cross-modal data, not all features can be transferred. We solve this problem by using a shared backbone network that promotes generalization, and domain-specific attention that reduces negative transfer by attending to domain-invariant and easily-transferable features. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art RGB-to-thermal adaptation method in classification benchmarks, and is successfully applied to thermal river scene segmentation using only synthetic RGB images. Our code is made publicly available at


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