
2022-10-09 更新

FitCLIP: Refining Large-Scale Pretrained Image-Text Models for Zero-Shot Video Understanding Tasks

Authors:Santiago Castro, Fabian Caba Heilbron

Large-scale pretrained image-text models have shown incredible zero-shot performance in a handful of tasks, including video ones such as action recognition and text-to-video retrieval. However, these models have not been adapted to video, mainly because they do not account for the time dimension but also because video frames are different from the typical images (e.g., containing motion blur, and less sharpness). In this paper, we present a fine-tuning strategy to refine these large-scale pretrained image-text models for zero-shot video understanding tasks. We show that by carefully adapting these models we obtain considerable improvements on two zero-shot Action Recognition tasks and three zero-shot Text-to-video Retrieval tasks. The code is available at https://github.com/bryant1410/fitclip
PDF Accepted at BMVC 2022. It includes the supplementary material. The margins and page size were modified to fit the arXiv ID stamp on the left side


Compressed Vision for Efficient Video Understanding

Authors:Olivia Wiles, Joao Carreira, Iain Barr, Andrew Zisserman, Mateusz Malinowski

Experience and reasoning occur across multiple temporal scales: milliseconds, seconds, hours or days. The vast majority of computer vision research, however, still focuses on individual images or short videos lasting only a few seconds. This is because handling longer videos require more scalable approaches even to process them. In this work, we propose a framework enabling research on hour-long videos with the same hardware that can now process second-long videos. We replace standard video compression, e.g. JPEG, with neural compression and show that we can directly feed compressed videos as inputs to regular video networks. Operating on compressed videos improves efficiency at all pipeline levels — data transfer, speed and memory — making it possible to train models faster and on much longer videos. Processing compressed signals has, however, the downside of precluding standard augmentation techniques if done naively. We address that by introducing a small network that can apply transformations to latent codes corresponding to commonly used augmentations in the original video space. We demonstrate that with our compressed vision pipeline, we can train video models more efficiently on popular benchmarks such as Kinetics600 and COIN. We also perform proof-of-concept experiments with new tasks defined over hour-long videos at standard frame rates. Processing such long videos is impossible without using compressed representation.


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