2022-10-09 更新

V4D: Voxel for 4D Novel View Synthesis

Authors:Wanshui Gan, Hongbin Xu, Yi Huang, Shifeng Chen, Naoto Yokoya

Neural radiance fields have made a remarkable breakthrough in the novel view synthesis task at the 3D static scene. However, for the 4D circumstance (e.g., dynamic scene), the performance of the existing method is still limited by the capacity of the neural network, typically in a multilayer perceptron network (MLP). In this paper, we utilize 3D Voxel to model the 4D neural radiance field, short as V4D, where the 3D voxel has two formats. The first one is to regularly model the 3D space and then use the sampled local 3D feature with the time index to model the density field and the texture field by a tiny MLP. The second one is in look-up tables (LUTs) format that is for the pixel-level refinement, where the pseudo-surface produced by the volume rendering is utilized as the guidance information to learn a 2D pixel-level refinement mapping. The proposed LUTs-based refinement module achieves the performance gain with little computational cost and could serve as the plug-and-play module in the novel view synthesis task. Moreover, we propose a more effective conditional positional encoding toward the 4D data that achieves performance gain with negligible computational burdens. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance at a low computational cost.


文章作者: 木子已
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