
2022-10-09 更新

Transferring dense object detection models to event-based data

Authors:Vincenz Mechler, Pavel Rojtberg

Event-based image representations are fundamentally different to traditional dense images. This poses a challenge to apply current state-of-the-art models for object detection as they are designed for dense images. In this work we evaluate the YOLO object detection model on event data. To this end we replace dense-convolution layers by either sparse convolutions or asynchronous sparse convolutions which enables direct processing of event-based images and compare the performance and runtime to feeding event-histograms into dense-convolutions. Here, hyper-parameters are shared across all variants to isolate the effect sparse-representation has on detection performance. At this, we show that current sparse-convolution implementations cannot translate their theoretical lower computation requirements into an improved runtime.


Mask3D for 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation

Authors:Jonas Schult, Francis Engelmann, Alexander Hermans, Or Litany, Siyu Tang, Bastian Leibe

Modern 3D semantic instance segmentation approaches predominantly rely on specialized voting mechanisms followed by carefully designed geometric clustering techniques. Building on the successes of recent Transformer-based methods for object detection and image segmentation, we propose the first Transformer-based approach for 3D semantic instance segmentation. We show that we can leverage generic Transformer building blocks to directly predict instance masks from 3D point clouds. In our model called Mask3D each object instance is represented as an instance query. Using Transformer decoders, the instance queries are learned by iteratively attending to point cloud features at multiple scales. Combined with point features, the instance queries directly yield all instance masks in parallel. Mask3D has several advantages over current state-of-the-art approaches, since it neither relies on (1) voting schemes which require hand-selected geometric properties (such as centers) nor (2) geometric grouping mechanisms requiring manually-tuned hyper-parameters (e.g. radii) and (3) enables a loss that directly optimizes instance masks. Mask3D sets a new state-of-the-art on ScanNet test (+6.2 mAP), S3DIS 6-fold (+10.1 mAP), STPLS3D (+11.2 mAP) and ScanNet200 test (+12.4 mAP).


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