
2022-10-06 更新

Time Will Tell: New Outlooks and A Baseline for Temporal Multi-View 3D Object Detection

Authors:Jinhyung Park, Chenfeng Xu, Shijia Yang, Kurt Keutzer, Kris Kitani, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan

While recent camera-only 3D detection methods leverage multiple timesteps, the limited history they use significantly hampers the extent to which temporal fusion can improve object perception. Observing that existing works’ fusion of multi-frame images are instances of temporal stereo matching, we find that performance is hindered by the interplay between 1) the low granularity of matching resolution and 2) the sub-optimal multi-view setup produced by limited history usage. Our theoretical and empirical analysis demonstrates that the optimal temporal difference between views varies significantly for different pixels and depths, making it necessary to fuse many timesteps over long-term history. Building on our investigation, we propose to generate a cost volume from a long history of image observations, compensating for the coarse but efficient matching resolution with a more optimal multi-view matching setup. Further, we augment the per-frame monocular depth predictions used for long-term, coarse matching with short-term, fine-grained matching and find that long and short term temporal fusion are highly complementary. While maintaining high efficiency, our framework sets new state-of-the-art on nuScenes, achieving first place on the test set and outperforming previous best art by 5.2% mAP and 3.7% NDS on the validation set. Code will be released $\href{https://github.com/Divadi/SOLOFusion}{here.}$
PDF Code will be released at https://github.com/Divadi/SOLOFusion


Centralized Feature Pyramid for Object Detection

Authors:Yu Quan, Dong Zhang, Liyan Zhang, Jinhui Tang

Visual feature pyramid has shown its superiority in both effectiveness and efficiency in a wide range of applications. However, the existing methods exorbitantly concentrate on the inter-layer feature interactions but ignore the intra-layer feature regulations, which are empirically proved beneficial. Although some methods try to learn a compact intra-layer feature representation with the help of the attention mechanism or the vision transformer, they ignore the neglected corner regions that are important for dense prediction tasks. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a Centralized Feature Pyramid (CFP) for object detection, which is based on a globally explicit centralized feature regulation. Specifically, we first propose a spatial explicit visual center scheme, where a lightweight MLP is used to capture the globally long-range dependencies and a parallel learnable visual center mechanism is used to capture the local corner regions of the input images. Based on this, we then propose a globally centralized regulation for the commonly-used feature pyramid in a top-down fashion, where the explicit visual center information obtained from the deepest intra-layer feature is used to regulate frontal shallow features. Compared to the existing feature pyramids, CFP not only has the ability to capture the global long-range dependencies, but also efficiently obtain an all-round yet discriminative feature representation. Experimental results on the challenging MS-COCO validate that our proposed CFP can achieve the consistent performance gains on the state-of-the-art YOLOv5 and YOLOX object detection baselines.
PDF Code: https://github.com/QY1994-0919/CFPNet


Learning with Free Object Segments for Long-Tailed Instance Segmentation

Authors:Cheng Zhang, Tai-Yu Pan, Tianle Chen, Jike Zhong, Wenjin Fu, Wei-Lun Chao

One fundamental challenge in building an instance segmentation model for a large number of classes in complex scenes is the lack of training examples, especially for rare objects. In this paper, we explore the possibility to increase the training examples without laborious data collection and annotation. We find that an abundance of instance segments can potentially be obtained freely from object-centric images, according to two insights: (i) an object-centric image usually contains one salient object in a simple background; (ii) objects from the same class often share similar appearances or similar contrasts to the background. Motivated by these insights, we propose a simple and scalable framework FreeSeg for extracting and leveraging these “free” object foreground segments to facilitate model training in long-tailed instance segmentation. Concretely, we investigate the similarity among object-centric images of the same class to propose candidate segments of foreground instances, followed by a novel ranking of segment quality. The resulting high-quality object segments can then be used to augment the existing long-tailed datasets, e.g., by copying and pasting the segments onto the original training images. Extensive experiments show that FreeSeg yields substantial improvements on top of strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for segmenting rare object categories.
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022


Self-supervised Pre-training for Semantic Segmentation in an Indoor Scene

Authors:Sulabh Shrestha, Yimeng Li, Jana Kosecka

The ability to endow maps of indoor scenes with semantic information is an integral part of robotic agents which perform different tasks such as target driven navigation, object search or object rearrangement. The state-of-the-art methods use Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) for predicting semantic segmentation of an image as useful representation for these tasks. The accuracy of semantic segmentation depends on the availability and the amount of labeled data from the target environment or the ability to bridge the domain gap between test and training environment. We propose RegConsist, a method for self-supervised pre-training of a semantic segmentation model, exploiting the ability of the agent to move and register multiple views in the novel environment. Given the spatial and temporal consistency cues used for pixel level data association, we use a variant of contrastive learning to train a DCNN model for predicting semantic segmentation from RGB views in the target environment. The proposed method outperforms models pre-trained on ImageNet and achieves competitive performance when using models that are trained for exactly the same task but on a different dataset. We also perform various ablation studies to analyze and demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method.


Weak-shot Semantic Segmentation via Dual Similarity Transfer

Authors:Junjie Chen, Li Niu, Siyuan Zhou, Jianlou Si, Chen Qian, Liqing Zhang

Semantic segmentation is an important and prevalent task, but severely suffers from the high cost of pixel-level annotations when extending to more classes in wider applications. To this end, we focus on the problem named weak-shot semantic segmentation, where the novel classes are learnt from cheaper image-level labels with the support of base classes having off-the-shelf pixel-level labels. To tackle this problem, we propose SimFormer, which performs dual similarity transfer upon MaskFormer. Specifically, MaskFormer disentangles the semantic segmentation task into two sub-tasks: proposal classification and proposal segmentation for each proposal. Proposal segmentation allows proposal-pixel similarity transfer from base classes to novel classes, which enables the mask learning of novel classes. We also learn pixel-pixel similarity from base classes and distill such class-agnostic semantic similarity to the semantic masks of novel classes, which regularizes the segmentation model with pixel-level semantic relationship across images. In addition, we propose a complementary loss to facilitate the learning of novel classes. Comprehensive experiments on the challenging COCO-Stuff-10K and ADE20K datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Codes are available at https://github.com/bcmi/SimFormer-Weak-Shot-Semantic-Segmentation.
PDF accepted by NeurIPS2022


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