2022-10-05 更新

Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Camera Observations

Authors:Sarthak Gupta, Patrik Huber

Representing 3D objects and scenes with neural radiance fields has become very popular over the last years. Recently, surface-based representations have been proposed, that allow to reconstruct 3D objects from simple photographs. However, most current techniques require an accurate camera calibration, i.e. camera parameters corresponding to each image, which is often a difficult task to do in real-life situations. To this end, we propose a method for learning 3D surfaces from noisy camera parameters. We show that we can learn camera parameters together with learning the surface representation, and demonstrate good quality 3D surface reconstruction even with noisy camera observations.
PDF 4 pages - 2 for paper, 2 for supplementary


SelfNeRF: Fast Training NeRF for Human from Monocular Self-rotating Video

Authors:Bo Peng, Jun Hu, Jingtao Zhou, Juyong Zhang

In this paper, we propose SelfNeRF, an efficient neural radiance field based novel view synthesis method for human performance. Given monocular self-rotating videos of human performers, SelfNeRF can train from scratch and achieve high-fidelity results in about twenty minutes. Some recent works have utilized the neural radiance field for dynamic human reconstruction. However, most of these methods need multi-view inputs and require hours of training, making it still difficult for practical use. To address this challenging problem, we introduce a surface-relative representation based on multi-resolution hash encoding that can greatly improve the training speed and aggregate inter-frame information. Extensive experimental results on several different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of SelfNeRF to challenging monocular videos.
PDF Project page:


Understanding Pure CLIP Guidance for Voxel Grid NeRF Models

Authors:Han-Hung Lee, Angel X. Chang

We explore the task of text to 3D object generation using CLIP. Specifically, we use CLIP for guidance without access to any datasets, a setting we refer to as pure CLIP guidance. While prior work has adopted this setting, there is no systematic study of mechanics for preventing adversarial generations within CLIP. We illustrate how different image-based augmentations prevent the adversarial generation problem, and how the generated results are impacted. We test different CLIP model architectures and show that ensembling different models for guidance can prevent adversarial generations within bigger models and generate sharper results. Furthermore, we implement an implicit voxel grid model to show how neural networks provide an additional layer of regularization, resulting in better geometrical structure and coherency of generated objects. Compared to prior work, we achieve more coherent results with higher memory efficiency and faster training speeds.


PREF: Phasorial Embedding Fields for Compact Neural Representations

Authors:Binbin Huang, Xinhao Yan, Anpei Chen, Shenghua Gao, Jingyi Yu

We present an efficient frequency-based neural representation termed PREF: a shallow MLP augmented with a phasor volume that covers significant border spectra than previous Fourier feature mapping or Positional Encoding. At the core is our compact 3D phasor volume where frequencies distribute uniformly along a 2D plane and dilate along a 1D axis. To this end, we develop a tailored and efficient Fourier transform that combines both Fast Fourier transform and local interpolation to accelerate na\”ive Fourier mapping. We also introduce a Parsvel regularizer that stables frequency-based learning. In these ways, Our PREF reduces the costly MLP in the frequency-based representation, thereby significantly closing the efficiency gap between it and other hybrid representations, and improving its interpretability. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our PREF is able to capture high-frequency details while remaining compact and robust, including 2D image generalization, 3D signed distance function regression and 5D neural radiance field reconstruction.


NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, A Comprehensive Review

Authors:Kyle Gao, Yina Gao, Hongjie He, Denning Lu, Linlin Xu, Jonathan Li

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), a new novel view synthesis with implicit scene representation has taken the field of Computer Vision by storm. As a novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction method, NeRF models find applications in robotics, urban mapping, autonomous navigation, virtual reality/augmented reality, and more. Since the original paper by Mildenhall et al., more than 250 preprints were published, with more than 100 eventually being accepted in tier one Computer Vision Conferences. Given NeRF popularity and the current interest in this research area, we believe it necessary to compile a comprehensive survey of NeRF papers from the past two years, which we organized into both architecture, and application based taxonomies. We also provide an introduction to the theory of NeRF based novel view synthesis, and a benchmark comparison of the performance and speed of key NeRF models. By creating this survey, we hope to introduce new researchers to NeRF, provide a helpful reference for influential works in this field, as well as motivate future research directions with our discussion section.


TT-NF: Tensor Train Neural Fields

Authors:Anton Obukhov, Mikhail Usvyatsov, Christos Sakaridis, Konrad Schindler, Luc Van Gool

Learning neural fields has been an active topic in deep learning research, focusing, among other issues, on finding more compact and easy-to-fit representations. In this paper, we introduce a novel low-rank representation termed Tensor Train Neural Fields (TT-NF) for learning neural fields on dense regular grids and efficient methods for sampling from them. Our representation is a TT parameterization of the neural field, trained with backpropagation to minimize a non-convex objective. We analyze the effect of low-rank compression on the downstream task quality metrics in two settings. First, we demonstrate the efficiency of our method in a sandbox task of tensor denoising, which admits comparison with SVD-based schemes designed to minimize reconstruction error. Furthermore, we apply the proposed approach to Neural Radiance Fields, where the low-rank structure of the field corresponding to the best quality can be discovered only through learning.
PDF Preprint, under review


2022-10-05 更新

ObPose: Leveraging Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference in 3D

Authors:Yizhe Wu, Oiwi Parker Jones, Ingmar Posner

We present ObPose, an unsupervised object-centric inference and generation model which learns 3D-structured latent representations from RGB-D scenes. Inspired by prior art in 2D representation learning, ObPose considers a factorised latent space, separately encoding object location (where) and appearance (what). ObPose further leverages an object’s pose (i.e. location and orientation), defined via a minimum volume principle, as a novel inductive bias for learning the where component. To achieve this, we propose an efficient, voxelised approximation approach to recover the object shape directly from a neural radiance field (NeRF). As a consequence, ObPose models each scene as a composition of NeRFs, richly representing individual objects. To evaluate the quality of the learned representations, ObPose is evaluated quantitatively on the YCB and CLEVR datatasets for unsupervised scene segmentation, outperforming the current state-of-the-art in 3D scene inference (ObSuRF) by a significant margin. Generative results provide qualitative demonstration that the same ObPose model can both generate novel scenes and flexibly edit the objects in them. These capacities again reflect the quality of the learned latents and the benefits of disentangling the where and what components of a scene. Key design choices made in the ObPose encoder are validated with ablations.
PDF 19 pages, 9 figures


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