2022-10-04 更新

Structure-Aware NeRF without Posed Camera via Epipolar Constraint

Authors:Shu Chen, Yang Zhang, Yaxin Xu, Beiji Zou

The neural radiance field (NeRF) for realistic novel view synthesis requires camera poses to be pre-acquired by a structure-from-motion (SfM) approach. This two-stage strategy is not convenient to use and degrades the performance because the error in the pose extraction can propagate to the view synthesis. We integrate the pose extraction and view synthesis into a single end-to-end procedure so they can benefit from each other. For training NeRF models, only RGB images are given, without pre-known camera poses. The camera poses are obtained by the epipolar constraint in which the identical feature in different views has the same world coordinates transformed from the local camera coordinates according to the extracted poses. The epipolar constraint is jointly optimized with pixel color constraint. The poses are represented by a CNN-based deep network, whose input is the related frames. This joint optimization enables NeRF to be aware of the scene’s structure that has an improved generalization performance. Extensive experiments on a variety of scenes demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Code is available at


IntrinsicNeRF: Learning Intrinsic Neural Radiance Fields for Editable Novel View Synthesis

Authors:Weicai Ye, Shuo Chen, Chong Bao, Hujun Bao, Marc Pollefeys, Zhaopeng Cui, Guofeng Zhang

We present intrinsic neural radiance fields, dubbed IntrinsicNeRF, that introduce intrinsic decomposition into the NeRF-based~\cite{mildenhall2020nerf} neural rendering method and can perform editable novel view synthesis in room-scale scenes while existing inverse rendering combined with neural rendering methods~\cite{zhang2021physg, zhang2022modeling} can only work on object-specific scenes. Given that intrinsic decomposition is a fundamentally ambiguous and under-constrained inverse problem, we propose a novel distance-aware point sampling and adaptive reflectance iterative clustering optimization method that enables IntrinsicNeRF with traditional intrinsic decomposition constraints to be trained in an unsupervised manner, resulting in temporally consistent intrinsic decomposition results. To cope with the problem of different adjacent instances of similar reflectance in a scene being incorrectly clustered together, we further propose a hierarchical clustering method with coarse-to-fine optimization to obtain a fast hierarchical indexing representation. It enables compelling real-time augmented reality applications such as scene recoloring, material editing, and illumination variation. Extensive experiments on Blender Object and Replica Scene demonstrate that we can obtain high-quality, consistent intrinsic decomposition results and high-fidelity novel view synthesis even for challenging sequences. Code and data are available on the project webpage:
PDF Project webpage:, code:


Unsupervised Multi-View Object Segmentation Using Radiance Field Propagation

Authors:Xinhang Liu, Jiaben Chen, Huai Yu, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

We present radiance field propagation (RFP), a novel approach to segmenting objects in 3D during reconstruction given only unlabeled multi-view images of a scene. RFP is derived from emerging neural radiance field-based techniques, which jointly encodes semantics with appearance and geometry. The core of our method is a novel propagation strategy for individual objects’ radiance fields with a bidirectional photometric loss, enabling an unsupervised partitioning of a scene into salient or meaningful regions corresponding to different object instances. To better handle complex scenes with multiple objects and occlusions, we further propose an iterative expectation-maximization algorithm to refine object masks. To the best of our knowledge, RFP is the first unsupervised approach for tackling 3D scene object segmentation for neural radiance field (NeRF) without any supervision, annotations, or other cues such as 3D bounding boxes and prior knowledge of object class. Experiments demonstrate that RFP achieves feasible segmentation results that are more accurate than previous unsupervised image/scene segmentation approaches, and are comparable to existing supervised NeRF-based methods. The segmented object representations enable individual 3D object editing operations.
PDF 23 pages, 14 figures, NeurIPS 2022


360FusionNeRF: Panoramic Neural Radiance Fields with Joint Guidance

Authors:Shreyas Kulkarni, Peng Yin, Sebastian Scherer

We present a method to synthesize novel views from a single $360^\circ$ panorama image based on the neural radiance field (NeRF). Prior studies in a similar setting rely on the neighborhood interpolation capability of multi-layer perceptions to complete missing regions caused by occlusion, which leads to artifacts in their predictions. We propose 360FusionNeRF, a semi-supervised learning framework where we introduce geometric supervision and semantic consistency to guide the progressive training process. Firstly, the input image is re-projected to $360^\circ$ images, and auxiliary depth maps are extracted at other camera positions. The depth supervision, in addition to the NeRF color guidance, improves the geometry of the synthesized views. Additionally, we introduce a semantic consistency loss that encourages realistic renderings of novel views. We extract these semantic features using a pre-trained visual encoder such as CLIP, a Vision Transformer trained on hundreds of millions of diverse 2D photographs mined from the web with natural language supervision. Experiments indicate that our proposed method can produce plausible completions of unobserved regions while preserving the features of the scene. When trained across various scenes, 360FusionNeRF consistently achieves the state-of-the-art performance when transferring to synthetic Structured3D dataset (PSNR~5%, SSIM~3% LPIPS~13%), real-world Matterport3D dataset (PSNR~3%, SSIM~3% LPIPS~9%) and Replica360 dataset (PSNR~8%, SSIM~2% LPIPS~18%).
PDF 8 pages, Fig 3, Submitted to IEEE RAL. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2106.10859, arXiv:2104.00677, arXiv:2203.09957, arXiv:2204.00928 by other authors


RelPose: Predicting Probabilistic Relative Rotation for Single Objects in the Wild

Authors:Jason Y. Zhang, Deva Ramanan, Shubham Tulsiani

We describe a data-driven method for inferring the camera viewpoints given multiple images of an arbitrary object. This task is a core component of classic geometric pipelines such as SfM and SLAM, and also serves as a vital pre-processing requirement for contemporary neural approaches (e.g. NeRF) to object reconstruction and view synthesis. In contrast to existing correspondence-driven methods that do not perform well given sparse views, we propose a top-down prediction based approach for estimating camera viewpoints. Our key technical insight is the use of an energy-based formulation for representing distributions over relative camera rotations, thus allowing us to explicitly represent multiple camera modes arising from object symmetries or views. Leveraging these relative predictions, we jointly estimate a consistent set of camera rotations from multiple images. We show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art SfM and SLAM methods given sparse images on both seen and unseen categories. Further, our probabilistic approach significantly outperforms directly regressing relative poses, suggesting that modeling multimodality is important for coherent joint reconstruction. We demonstrate that our system can be a stepping stone toward in-the-wild reconstruction from multi-view datasets. The project page with code and videos can be found at
PDF In ECCV 2022. V2: updated references


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