Domain Adaptation

2022-10-04 更新

A Strong Transfer Baseline for RGB-D Fusion in Vision Transformers

Authors:Georgios Tziafas, Hamidreza Kasaei

The Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture has recently established its place in the computer vision literature, with multiple architectures for recognition of image data or other visual modalities. However, training ViTs for RGB-D object recognition remains an understudied topic, viewed in recent literature only through the lens of multi-task pretraining in multiple modalities. Such approaches are often computationally intensive and have not yet been applied for challenging object-level classification tasks. In this work, we propose a simple yet strong recipe for transferring pretrained ViTs in RGB-D domains for single-view 3D object recognition, focusing on fusing RGB and depth representations encoded jointly by the ViT. Compared to previous works in multimodal Transformers, the key challenge here is to use the atested flexibility of ViTs to capture cross-modal interactions at the downstream and not the pretraining stage. We explore which depth representation is better in terms of resulting accuracy and compare two methods for injecting RGB-D fusion within the ViT architecture (i.e., early vs. late fusion). Our results in the Washington RGB-D Objects dataset demonstrates that in such RGB $\rightarrow$ RGB-D scenarios, late fusion techniques work better than most popularly employed early fusion. With our transfer baseline, adapted ViTs score up to 95.1\% top-1 accuracy in Washington, achieving new state-of-the-art results in this benchmark. We additionally evaluate our approach with an open-ended lifelong learning protocol, where we show that our adapted RGB-D encoder leads to features that outperform unimodal encoders, even without explicit fine-tuning. We further integrate our method with a robot framework and demonstrate how it can serve as a perception utility in an interactive robot learning scenario, both in simulation and with a real robot.
PDF Submitted ICRA 23. Supplementary video here:


On The Effects Of Data Normalisation For Domain Adaptation On EEG Data

Authors:Andrea Apicella, Francesco Isgrò, Andrea Pollastro, Roberto Prevete

In the Machine Learning (ML) literature, a well-known problem is the Dataset Shift problem where, differently from the ML standard hypothesis, the data in the training and test sets can follow different probability distributions, leading ML systems toward poor generalisation performances. This problem is intensely felt in the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) context, where bio-signals as Electroencephalographic (EEG) are often used. In fact, EEG signals are highly non-stationary both over time and between different subjects. To overcome this problem, several proposed solutions are based on recent transfer learning approaches such as Domain Adaption (DA). In several cases, however, the actual causes of the improvements remain ambiguous. This paper focuses on the impact of data normalisation, or standardisation strategies applied together with DA methods. In particular, using \textit{SEED}, \textit{DEAP}, and \textit{BCI Competition IV 2a} EEG datasets, we experimentally evaluated the impact of different normalization strategies applied with and without several well-known DA methods, comparing the obtained performances. It results that the choice of the normalisation strategy plays a key role on the classifier performances in DA scenarios, and interestingly, in several cases, the use of only an appropriate normalisation schema outperforms the DA technique.
PDF under review


Domain Gap Estimation for Source Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Many Classifiers

Authors:Ziyang Zong, Jun He, Lei Zhang, Hai Huan

In theory, the success of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) largely relies on domain gap estimation. However, for source free UDA, the source domain data can not be accessed during adaptation, which poses great challenge of measuring the domain gap. In this paper, we propose to use many classifiers to learn the source domain decision boundaries, which provides a tighter upper bound of the domain gap, even if both of the domain data can not be simultaneously accessed. The source model is trained to push away each pair of classifiers whilst ensuring the correctness of the decision boundaries. In this sense, our many classifiers model separates the source different categories as far as possible which induces the maximum disagreement of many classifiers in the target domain, thus the transferable source domain knowledge is maximized. For adaptation, the source model is adapted to maximize the agreement among pairs of the classifiers. Thus the target features are pushed away from the decision boundaries. Experiments on several datasets of UDA show that our approach achieves state of the art performance among source free UDA approaches and can even compete to source available UDA methods.
PDF 31 pages


Contrastive Domain Adaptation for Early Misinformation Detection: A Case Study on COVID-19

Authors:Zhenrui Yue, Huimin Zeng, Ziyi Kou, Lanyu Shang, Dong Wang

Despite recent progress in improving the performance of misinformation detection systems, classifying misinformation in an unseen domain remains an elusive challenge. To address this issue, a common approach is to introduce a domain critic and encourage domain-invariant input features. However, early misinformation often demonstrates both conditional and label shifts against existing misinformation data (e.g., class imbalance in COVID-19 datasets), rendering such methods less effective for detecting early misinformation. In this paper, we propose contrastive adaptation network for early misinformation detection (CANMD). Specifically, we leverage pseudo labeling to generate high-confidence target examples for joint training with source data. We additionally design a label correction component to estimate and correct the label shifts (i.e., class priors) between the source and target domains. Moreover, a contrastive adaptation loss is integrated in the objective function to reduce the intra-class discrepancy and enlarge the inter-class discrepancy. As such, the adapted model learns corrected class priors and an invariant conditional distribution across both domains for improved estimation of the target data distribution. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CANMD, we study the case of COVID-19 early misinformation detection and perform extensive experiments using multiple real-world datasets. The results suggest that CANMD can effectively adapt misinformation detection systems to the unseen COVID-19 target domain with significant improvements compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.
PDF Accepted to CIKM 2022


Domain Adaptation for Question Answering via Question Classification

Authors:Zhenrui Yue, Huimin Zeng, Ziyi Kou, Lanyu Shang, Dong Wang

Question answering (QA) has demonstrated impressive progress in answering questions from customized domains. Nevertheless, domain adaptation remains one of the most elusive challenges for QA systems, especially when QA systems are trained in a source domain but deployed in a different target domain. In this work, we investigate the potential benefits of question classification for QA domain adaptation. We propose a novel framework: Question Classification for Question Answering (QC4QA). Specifically, a question classifier is adopted to assign question classes to both the source and target data. Then, we perform joint training in a self-supervised fashion via pseudo-labeling. For optimization, inter-domain discrepancy between the source and target domain is reduced via maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) distance. We additionally minimize intra-class discrepancy among QA samples of the same question class for fine-grained adaptation performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in QA domain adaptation to leverage question classification with self-supervised adaptation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed QC4QA with consistent improvements against the state-of-the-art baselines on multiple datasets.
PDF Accepted to COLING 2022


LPT: Long-tailed Prompt Tuning for Image Classification

Authors:Bowen Dong, Pan Zhou, Shuicheng Yan, Wangmeng Zuo

For long-tailed classification, most works often pretrain a big model on a large-scale dataset, and then fine-tune the whole model for adapting to long-tailed data. Though promising, fine-tuning the whole pretrained model tends to suffer from high cost in computation and deployment of different models for different tasks, as well as weakened generalization ability for overfitting to certain features of long-tailed data. To alleviate these issues, we propose an effective Long-tailed Prompt Tuning method for long-tailed classification. LPT introduces several trainable prompts into a frozen pretrained model to adapt it to long-tailed data. For better effectiveness, we divide prompts into two groups: 1) a shared prompt for the whole long-tailed dataset to learn general features and to adapt a pretrained model into target domain; and 2) group-specific prompts to gather group-specific features for the samples which have similar features and also to empower the pretrained model with discrimination ability. Then we design a two-phase training paradigm to learn these prompts. In phase 1, we train the shared prompt via supervised prompt tuning to adapt a pretrained model to the desired long-tailed domain. In phase 2, we use the learnt shared prompt as query to select a small best matched set for a group of similar samples from the group-specific prompt set to dig the common features of these similar samples, then optimize these prompts with dual sampling strategy and asymmetric GCL loss. By only fine-tuning a few prompts while fixing the pretrained model, LPT can reduce training and deployment cost by storing a few prompts, and enjoys a strong generalization ability of the pretrained model. Experiments show that on various long-tailed benchmarks, with only ~1.1% extra parameters, LPT achieves comparable performance than previous whole model fine-tuning methods, and is more robust to domain-shift.


A Multi Camera Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Pipeline for Object Detection in Cultural Sites through Adversarial Learning and Self-Training

Authors:Giovanni Pasqualino, Antonino Furnari, Giovanni Maria Farinella

Object detection algorithms allow to enable many interesting applications which can be implemented in different devices, such as smartphones and wearable devices. In the context of a cultural site, implementing these algorithms in a wearable device, such as a pair of smart glasses, allow to enable the use of augmented reality (AR) to show extra information about the artworks and enrich the visitors’ experience during their tour. However, object detection algorithms require to be trained on many well annotated examples to achieve reasonable results. This brings a major limitation since the annotation process requires human supervision which makes it expensive in terms of time and costs. A possible solution to reduce these costs consist in exploiting tools to automatically generate synthetic labeled images from a 3D model of the site. However, models trained with synthetic data do not generalize on real images acquired in the target scenario in which they are supposed to be used. Furthermore, object detectors should be able to work with different wearable devices or different mobile devices, which makes generalization even harder. In this paper, we present a new dataset collected in a cultural site to study the problem of domain adaptation for object detection in the presence of multiple unlabeled target domains corresponding to different cameras and a labeled source domain obtained considering synthetic images for training purposes. We present a new domain adaptation method which outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches combining the benefits of aligning the domains at the feature and pixel level with a self-training process. We release the dataset at the following link and the code of the proposed architecture at


Human Motion Diffusion Model

Authors:Guy Tevet, Sigal Raab, Brian Gordon, Yonatan Shafir, Daniel Cohen-Or, Amit H. Bermano

Natural and expressive human motion generation is the holy grail of computer animation. It is a challenging task, due to the diversity of possible motion, human perceptual sensitivity to it, and the difficulty of accurately describing it. Therefore, current generative solutions are either low-quality or limited in expressiveness. Diffusion models, which have already shown remarkable generative capabilities in other domains, are promising candidates for human motion due to their many-to-many nature, but they tend to be resource hungry and hard to control. In this paper, we introduce Motion Diffusion Model (MDM), a carefully adapted classifier-free diffusion-based generative model for the human motion domain. MDM is transformer-based, combining insights from motion generation literature. A notable design-choice is the prediction of the sample, rather than the noise, in each diffusion step. This facilitates the use of established geometric losses on the locations and velocities of the motion, such as the foot contact loss. As we demonstrate, MDM is a generic approach, enabling different modes of conditioning, and different generation tasks. We show that our model is trained with lightweight resources and yet achieves state-of-the-art results on leading benchmarks for text-to-motion and action-to-motion. .


CLIP2Point: Transfer CLIP to Point Cloud Classification with Image-Depth Pre-training

Authors:Tianyu Huang, Bowen Dong, Yunhan Yang, Xiaoshui Huang, Rynson W. H. Lau, Wanli Ouyang, Wangmeng Zuo

Pre-training across 3D vision and language remains under development because of limited training data. Recent works attempt to transfer vision-language pre-training models to 3D vision. PointCLIP converts point cloud data to multi-view depth maps, adopting CLIP for shape classification. However, its performance is restricted by the domain gap between rendered depth maps and images, as well as the diversity of depth distributions. To address this issue, we propose CLIP2Point, an image-depth pre-training method by contrastive learning to transfer CLIP to the 3D domain, and adapt it to point cloud classification. We introduce a new depth rendering setting that forms a better visual effect, and then render 52,460 pairs of images and depth maps from ShapeNet for pre-training. The pre-training scheme of CLIP2Point combines cross-modality learning to enforce the depth features for capturing expressive visual and textual features and intra-modality learning to enhance the invariance of depth aggregation. Additionally, we propose a novel Dual-Path Adapter (DPA) module, i.e., a dual-path structure with simplified adapters for few-shot learning. The dual-path structure allows the joint use of CLIP and CLIP2Point, and the simplified adapter can well fit few-shot tasks without post-search. Experimental results show that CLIP2Point is effective in transferring CLIP knowledge to 3D vision. Our CLIP2Point outperforms PointCLIP and other self-supervised 3D networks, achieving state-of-the-art results on zero-shot and few-shot classification.


Spatial-Aware GAN for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

Authors:Changgong Zhang, Fangneng Zhan

The recent person re-identification research has achieved great success by learning from a large number of labeled person images. On the other hand, the learned models often experience significant performance drops when applied to images collected in a different environment. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has been investigated to mitigate this constraint, but most existing systems adapt images at pixel level only and ignore obvious discrepancies at spatial level. This paper presents an innovative UDA-based person re-identification network that is capable of adapting images at both spatial and pixel levels simultaneously. A novel disentangled cycle-consistency loss is designed which guides the learning of spatial-level and pixel-level adaptation in a collaborative manner. In addition, a novel multi-modal mechanism is incorporated which is capable of generating images of different geometry views and augmenting training images effectively. Extensive experiments over a number of public datasets show that the proposed UDA network achieves superior person re-identification performance as compared with the state-of-the-art.
PDF Accepted to ICPR2020


Visual Prompt Tuning for Generative Transfer Learning

Authors:Kihyuk Sohn, Yuan Hao, José Lezama, Luisa Polania, Huiwen Chang, Han Zhang, Irfan Essa, Lu Jiang

Transferring knowledge from an image synthesis model trained on a large dataset is a promising direction for learning generative image models from various domains efficiently. While previous works have studied GAN models, we present a recipe for learning vision transformers by generative knowledge transfer. We base our framework on state-of-the-art generative vision transformers that represent an image as a sequence of visual tokens to the autoregressive or non-autoregressive transformers. To adapt to a new domain, we employ prompt tuning, which prepends learnable tokens called prompt to the image token sequence, and introduce a new prompt design for our task. We study on a variety of visual domains, including visual task adaptation benchmark~\cite{zhai2019large}, with varying amount of training images, and show effectiveness of knowledge transfer and a significantly better image generation quality over existing works.
PDF technical report


Language-Aware Soft Prompting for Vision & Language Foundation Models

Authors:Adrian Bulat, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

This paper is on soft prompt learning for Vision \& Language (V&L) models. Similarly to their NLP counterparts, V\&L models can be adapted to a downstream task by learning soft continuous prompts using a few training examples. Current methods learn the soft prompts by minimizing a cross-entropy loss using as class weights the features obtained by passing the prompts plus the class names through the text encoder. Such methods, however, significantly overfit the training data suffering from large accuracy degradation when tested on unseen classes from the same domain. Our main contribution, in this paper, is a surprisingly simple approach to alleviate this problem: we use a second cross entropy loss to minimize the distance between the learned soft prompts and a set of hand-engineered manual prompts (obtained by prompt engineering). The proposed loss can be interpreted in multiple ways including as a regularizer, as a means for language-based augmentation, and as a way of learning more discriminative class centroids. Importantly, our formulation is inherently amenable to including, during training, virtual classes, i.e. class names for which no visual samples are available, further increasing the robustness of the learned prompts. Through extensive evaluations on 11 datasets, we show that our approach (a) significantly outperforms all prior works on soft prompting, and (b) matches and surpasses, for the first time, the accuracy on novel classes obtained by hand-crafted prompts and CLIP for the majority of the test datasets. Code will be made available.


Leveraging unsupervised data and domain adaptation for deep regression in low-cost sensor calibration

Authors:Swapnil Dey, Vipul Arora, Sachchida Nand Tripathi

Air quality monitoring is becoming an essential task with rising awareness about air quality. Low cost air quality sensors are easy to deploy but are not as reliable as the costly and bulky reference monitors. The low quality sensors can be calibrated against the reference monitors with the help of deep learning. In this paper, we translate the task of sensor calibration into a semi-supervised domain adaptation problem and propose a novel solution for the same. The problem is challenging because it is a regression problem with covariate shift and label gap. We use histogram loss instead of mean squared or mean absolute error, which is commonly used for regression, and find it useful against covariate shift. To handle the label gap, we propose weighting of samples for adversarial entropy optimization. In experimental evaluations, the proposed scheme outperforms many competitive baselines, which are based on semi-supervised and supervised domain adaptation, in terms of R2 score and mean absolute error. Ablation studies show the relevance of each proposed component in the entire scheme.
PDF submitted to IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems as a regular article


Exploiting Inter-Sample Affinity for Knowability-Aware Universal Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yifan Wang, Lin Zhang, Ran Song, Lin Ma, Wei Zhang

Universal domain adaptation (UDA) aims to transfer the knowledge of common classes from source domain to target domain without any prior knowledge on the label set, which requires to distinguish the unknown samples from the known ones in the target domain. Recent methods preferred to increase the inter-sample affinity within a known class, while they ignored the inter-sample affinity between the unknown samples and the known ones. This paper reveals that exploiting such inter-sample affinity can significantly improve the performance of UDA and proposes a knowability-aware UDA framework based on it. First, we estimate the knowability of each target sample by searching its neighboring samples in the source domain. Then, we propose an auto-thresholding scheme applied to the estimated knowability to determine whether a target sample is unknown or known. Next, in addition to increasing the inter-sample affinity within each known class like previous methods, we design new losses based on the estimated knowability to reduce the inter-sample affinity between the unknown target samples and the known ones. Finally, experiments on four public datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.


EUCLID: Towards Efficient Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning with Multi-choice Dynamics Model

Authors:Yifu Yuan, Jianye Hao, Fei Ni, Yao Mu, Yan Zheng, Yujing Hu, Jinyi Liu, Yingfeng Chen, Changjie Fan

Unsupervised reinforcement learning (URL) poses a promising paradigm to learn useful behaviors in a task-agnostic environment without the guidance of extrinsic rewards to facilitate the fast adaptation of various downstream tasks. Previous works focused on the pre-training in a model-free manner while lacking the study of transition dynamics modeling that leaves a large space for the improvement of sample efficiency in downstream tasks. To this end, we propose an Efficient Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning Framework with Multi-choice Dynamics model (EUCLID), which introduces a novel model-fused paradigm to jointly pre-train the dynamics model and unsupervised exploration policy in the pre-training phase, thus better leveraging the environmental samples and improving the downstream task sampling efficiency. However, constructing a generalizable model which captures the local dynamics under different behaviors remains a challenging problem. We introduce the multi-choice dynamics model that covers different local dynamics under different behaviors concurrently, which uses different heads to learn the state transition under different behaviors during unsupervised pre-training and selects the most appropriate head for prediction in the downstream task. Experimental results in the manipulation and locomotion domains demonstrate that EUCLID achieves state-of-the-art performance with high sample efficiency, basically solving the state-based URLB benchmark and reaching a mean normalized score of 104.0$\pm$1.2$\%$ in downstream tasks with 100k fine-tuning steps, which is equivalent to DDPG’s performance at 2M interactive steps with 20x more data.
PDF 10 pages, 8 figures; 6 pages appendix (2 additional figures)


Domain Adaptation via Bidirectional Cross-Attention Transformer

Authors:Xiyu Wang, Pengxin Guo, Yu Zhang

Domain Adaptation (DA) aims to leverage the knowledge learned from a source domain with ample labeled data to a target domain with unlabeled data only. Most existing studies on DA contribute to learning domain-invariant feature representations for both domains by minimizing the domain gap based on convolution-based neural networks. Recently, vision transformers significantly improved performance in multiple vision tasks. Built on vision transformers, in this paper we propose a Bidirectional Cross-Attention Transformer (BCAT) for DA with the aim to improve the performance. In the proposed BCAT, the attention mechanism can extract implicit source and target mixup feature representations to narrow the domain discrepancy. Specifically, in BCAT, we design a weight-sharing quadruple-branch transformer with a bidirectional cross-attention mechanism to learn domain-invariant feature representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed BCAT model achieves superior performance on four benchmark datasets over existing state-of-the-art DA methods that are based on convolutions or transformers.


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