2022-10-03 更新

NeRF-SOS: Any-View Self-supervised Object Segmentation on Complex Scenes

Authors:Zhiwen Fan, Peihao Wang, Yifan Jiang, Xinyu Gong, Dejia Xu, Zhangyang Wang

Neural volumetric representations have shown the potential that Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLPs) can be optimized with multi-view calibrated images to represent scene geometry and appearance, without explicit 3D supervision. Object segmentation can enrich many downstream applications based on the learned radiance field. However, introducing hand-crafted segmentation to define regions of interest in a complex real-world scene is non-trivial and expensive as it acquires per view annotation. This paper carries out the exploration of self-supervised learning for object segmentation using NeRF for complex real-world scenes. Our framework, called NeRF with Self-supervised Object Segmentation NeRF-SOS, couples object segmentation and neural radiance field to segment objects in any view within a scene. By proposing a novel collaborative contrastive loss in both appearance and geometry levels, NeRF-SOS encourages NeRF models to distill compact geometry-aware segmentation clusters from their density fields and the self-supervised pre-trained 2D visual features. The self-supervised object segmentation framework can be applied to various NeRF models that both lead to photo-realistic rendering results and convincing segmentation maps for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Extensive results on the LLFF, Tank & Temple, and BlendedMVS datasets validate the effectiveness of NeRF-SOS. It consistently surpasses other 2D-based self-supervised baselines and predicts finer semantics masks than existing supervised counterparts. Please refer to the video on our project page for more details:


Improving 3D-aware Image Synthesis with A Geometry-aware Discriminator

Authors:Zifan Shi, Yinghao Xu, Yujun Shen, Deli Zhao, Qifeng Chen, Dit-Yan Yeung

3D-aware image synthesis aims at learning a generative model that can render photo-realistic 2D images while capturing decent underlying 3D shapes. A popular solution is to adopt the generative adversarial network (GAN) and replace the generator with a 3D renderer, where volume rendering with neural radiance field (NeRF) is commonly used. Despite the advancement of synthesis quality, existing methods fail to obtain moderate 3D shapes. We argue that, considering the two-player game in the formulation of GANs, only making the generator 3D-aware is not enough. In other words, displacing the generative mechanism only offers the capability, but not the guarantee, of producing 3D-aware images, because the supervision of the generator primarily comes from the discriminator. To address this issue, we propose GeoD through learning a geometry-aware discriminator to improve 3D-aware GANs. Concretely, besides differentiating real and fake samples from the 2D image space, the discriminator is additionally asked to derive the geometry information from the inputs, which is then applied as the guidance of the generator. Such a simple yet effective design facilitates learning substantially more accurate 3D shapes. Extensive experiments on various generator architectures and training datasets verify the superiority of GeoD over state-of-the-art alternatives. Moreover, our approach is registered as a general framework such that a more capable discriminator (i.e., with a third task of novel view synthesis beyond domain classification and geometry extraction) can further assist the generator with a better multi-view consistency.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2022. Project page:


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