
2022-10-03 更新

TransCenter: Transformers with Dense Representations for Multiple-Object Tracking

Authors:Yihong Xu, Yutong Ban, Guillaume Delorme, Chuang Gan, Daniela Rus, Xavier Alameda-Pineda

Transformers have proven superior performance for a wide variety of tasks since they were introduced. In recent years, they have drawn attention from the vision community in tasks such as image classification and object detection. Despite this wave, an accurate and efficient multiple-object tracking (MOT) method based on transformers is yet to be designed. We argue that the direct application of a transformer architecture with quadratic complexity and insufficient noise-initialized sparse queries - is not optimal for MOT. We propose TransCenter, a transformer-based MOT architecture with dense representations for accurately tracking all the objects while keeping a reasonable runtime. Methodologically, we propose the use of image-related dense detection queries and efficient sparse tracking queries produced by our carefully designed query learning networks (QLN). On one hand, the dense image-related detection queries allow us to infer targets’ locations globally and robustly through dense heatmap outputs. On the other hand, the set of sparse tracking queries efficiently interacts with image features in our TransCenter Decoder to associate object positions through time. As a result, TransCenter exhibits remarkable performance improvements and outperforms by a large margin the current state-of-the-art methods in two standard MOT benchmarks with two tracking settings (public/private). TransCenter is also proven efficient and accurate by an extensive ablation study and comparisons to more naive alternatives and concurrent works. For scientific interest, the code is made publicly available at https://github.com/yihongxu/transcenter.
PDF 17 pages, 10 figures, updated results and add comparisons


PointPillars Backbone Type Selection For Fast and Accurate LiDAR Object Detection

Authors:Konrad Lis, Tomasz Kryjak

3D object detection from LiDAR sensor data is an important topic in the context of autonomous cars and drones. In this paper, we present the results of experiments on the impact of backbone selection of a deep convolutional neural network on detection accuracy and computation speed. We chose the PointPillars network, which is characterised by a simple architecture, high speed, and modularity that allows for easy expansion. During the experiments, we paid particular attention to the change in detection efficiency (measured by the mAP metric) and the total number of multiply-addition operations needed to process one point cloud. We tested 10 different convolutional neural network architectures that are widely used in image-based detection problems. For a backbone like MobilenetV1, we obtained an almost 4x speedup at the cost of a 1.13% decrease in mAP. On the other hand, for CSPDarknet we got an acceleration of more than 1.5x at an increase in mAP of 0.33%. We have thus demonstrated that it is possible to significantly speed up a 3D object detector in LiDAR point clouds with a small decrease in detection efficiency. This result can be used when PointPillars or similar algorithms are implemented in embedded systems, including SoC FPGAs. The code is available at https://github.com/vision-agh/pointpillars\_backbone.
PDF Accepted for the ICCVG 2022 conference


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