
2022-10-03 更新

Semi-Supervised Single-View 3D Reconstruction via Prototype Shape Priors

Authors:Zhen Xing, Hengduo Li, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang

The performance of existing single-view 3D reconstruction methods heavily relies on large-scale 3D annotations. However, such annotations are tedious and expensive to collect. Semi-supervised learning serves as an alternative way to mitigate the need for manual labels, but remains unexplored in 3D reconstruction. Inspired by the recent success of semi-supervised image classification tasks, we propose SSP3D, a semi-supervised framework for 3D reconstruction. In particular, we introduce an attention-guided prototype shape prior module for guiding realistic object reconstruction. We further introduce a discriminator-guided module to incentivize better shape generation, as well as a regularizer to tolerate noisy training samples. On the ShapeNet benchmark, the proposed approach outperforms previous supervised methods by clear margins under various labeling ratios, (i.e., 1%, 5% , 10% and 20%). Moreover, our approach also performs well when transferring to real-world Pix3D datasets under labeling ratios of 10%. We also demonstrate our method could transfer to novel categories with few novel supervised data. Experiments on the popular ShapeNet dataset show that our method outperforms the zero-shot baseline by over 12% and we also perform rigorous ablations and analysis to validate our approach.
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What Makes Pre-trained Language Models Better Zero/Few-shot Learners?

Authors:Jinghui Lu, Rui Zhao, Brian Mac Namee, Dongsheng Zhu, Weidong Han, Fei Tan

In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework to explain the efficacy of prompt learning in zero/few-shot scenarios. First, we prove that conventional pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm fails in few-shot scenarios due to overfitting the unrepresentative labelled data. We then detail the assumption that prompt learning is more effective because it empowers pre-trained language model that is built upon massive text corpora, as well as domain-related human knowledge to participate more in prediction and thereby reduces the impact of limited label information provided by the small training set. We further hypothesize that language discrepancy can measure the quality of prompting. Comprehensive experiments are performed to verify our assumptions. More remarkably, inspired by the theoretical framework, we propose an annotation-agnostic template selection method based on perplexity, which enables us to ``forecast’’ the prompting performance in advance. This approach is especially encouraging because existing work still relies on development set to post-hoc evaluate templates. Experiments show that this method leads to significant prediction benefits compared to state-of-the-art zero-shot methods.


Few-shot Text Classification with Dual Contrastive Consistency

Authors:Liwen Sun, Jiawei Han

In this paper, we explore how to utilize pre-trained language model to perform few-shot text classification where only a few annotated examples are given for each class. Since using traditional cross-entropy loss to fine-tune language model under this scenario causes serious overfitting and leads to sub-optimal generalization of model, we adopt supervised contrastive learning on few labeled data and consistency-regularization on vast unlabeled data. Moreover, we propose a novel contrastive consistency to further boost model performance and refine sentence representation. After conducting extensive experiments on four datasets, we demonstrate that our model (FTCC) can outperform state-of-the-art methods and has better robustness.
PDF 8 pages, 2 figures, under review


Depth-Wise Attention (DWAtt): A Layer Fusion Method for Data-Efficient Classification

Authors:Muhammad ElNokrashy, Badr AlKhamissi, Mona Diab

Language Models pretrained on large textual data have been shown to encode different types of knowledge simultaneously. Traditionally, only the features from the last layer are used when adapting to new tasks or data. We put forward that, when using or finetuning deep pretrained models, intermediate layer features that may be relevant to the downstream task are buried too deep to be used efficiently in terms of needed samples or steps. To test this, we propose a new layer fusion method: Depth-Wise Attention (DWAtt), to help re-surface signals from non-final layers. We compare DWAtt to a basic concatenation-based layer fusion method (Concat), and compare both to a deeper model baseline — all kept within a similar parameter budget. Our findings show that DWAtt and Concat are more step- and sample-efficient than the baseline, especially in the few-shot setting. DWAtt outperforms Concat on larger data sizes. On CoNLL-03 NER, layer fusion shows 3.68-9.73% F1 gain at different few-shot sizes. The layer fusion models presented significantly outperform the baseline in various training scenarios with different data sizes, architectures, and training constraints.
PDF 7 pages, 7 figures


One-Shot Adaptation of GAN in Just One CLIP

Authors:Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

There are many recent research efforts to fine-tune a pre-trained generator with a few target images to generate images of a novel domain. Unfortunately, these methods often suffer from overfitting or under-fitting when fine-tuned with a single target image. To address this, here we present a novel single-shot GAN adaptation method through unified CLIP space manipulations. Specifically, our model employs a two-step training strategy: reference image search in the source generator using a CLIP-guided latent optimization, followed by generator fine-tuning with a novel loss function that imposes CLIP space consistency between the source and adapted generators. To further improve the adapted model to produce spatially consistent samples with respect to the source generator, we also propose contrastive regularization for patchwise relationships in the CLIP space. Experimental results show that our model generates diverse outputs with the target texture and outperforms the baseline models both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, we show that our CLIP space manipulation strategy allows more effective attribute editing.
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