Domain Adaptation

2022-10-03 更新

Exploiting Instance-based Mixed Sampling via Auxiliary Source Domain Supervision for Domain-adaptive Action Detection

Authors:Yifan Lu, Gurkirt Singh, Suman Saha, Luc Van Gool

We propose a novel domain adaptive action detection approach and a new adaptation protocol that leverages the recent advancements in image-level unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) techniques and handle vagaries of instance-level video data. Self-training combined with cross-domain mixed sampling has shown remarkable performance gain in semantic segmentation in UDA (unsupervised domain adaptation) context. Motivated by this fact, we propose an approach for human action detection in videos that transfers knowledge from the source domain (annotated dataset) to the target domain (unannotated dataset) using mixed sampling and pseudo-label-based selftraining. The existing UDA techniques follow a ClassMix algorithm for semantic segmentation. However, simply adopting ClassMix for action detection does not work, mainly because these are two entirely different problems, i.e., pixel-label classification vs. instance-label detection. To tackle this, we propose a novel action instance mixed sampling technique that combines information across domains based on action instances instead of action classes. Moreover, we propose a new UDA training protocol that addresses the long-tail sample distribution and domain shift problem by using supervision from an auxiliary source domain (ASD). For the ASD, we propose a new action detection dataset with dense frame-level annotations. We name our proposed framework as domain-adaptive action instance mixing (DA-AIM). We demonstrate that DA-AIM consistently outperforms prior works on challenging domain adaptation benchmarks. The source code is available at


One-Shot Adaptation of GAN in Just One CLIP

Authors:Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

There are many recent research efforts to fine-tune a pre-trained generator with a few target images to generate images of a novel domain. Unfortunately, these methods often suffer from overfitting or under-fitting when fine-tuned with a single target image. To address this, here we present a novel single-shot GAN adaptation method through unified CLIP space manipulations. Specifically, our model employs a two-step training strategy: reference image search in the source generator using a CLIP-guided latent optimization, followed by generator fine-tuning with a novel loss function that imposes CLIP space consistency between the source and adapted generators. To further improve the adapted model to produce spatially consistent samples with respect to the source generator, we also propose contrastive regularization for patchwise relationships in the CLIP space. Experimental results show that our model generates diverse outputs with the target texture and outperforms the baseline models both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, we show that our CLIP space manipulation strategy allows more effective attribute editing.
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Multi-Prompt Alignment for Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Haoran Chen, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang

Most existing methods for multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) rely on a common feature encoder to extract domain-invariant features. However, learning such an encoder involves updating the parameters of the entire network, which makes the optimization computationally expensive, particularly when coupled with min-max objectives. Inspired by recent advances in prompt learning that adapts high-capacity deep models for downstream tasks in a computationally economic way, we introduce Multi-Prompt Alignment (MPA), a simple yet efficient two-stage framework for multi-source UDA. Given a source and target domain pair, MPA first trains an individual prompt to minimize the domain gap through a contrastive loss, while tuning only a small set of parameters. Then, MPA derives a low-dimensional latent space through an auto-encoding process that maximizes the agreement of multiple learned prompts. The resulting embedding further facilitates generalization to unseen domains. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on popular benchmark datasets while requiring substantially fewer tunable parameters. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to apply prompt learning to the multi-source UDA problem and our method achieves the highest reported average accuracy of 54.1% on DomainNet, the most challenging UDA dataset to date, with only 15.9M parameters trained. More importantly, we demonstrate that the learned embedding space can be easily adapted to novel unseen domains.


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