
2022-09-30 更新

Learning Deep Representations via Contrastive Learning for Instance Retrieval

Authors:Tao Wu, Tie Luo, Donald Wunsch

Instance-level Image Retrieval (IIR), or simply Instance Retrieval, deals with the problem of finding all the images within an dataset that contain a query instance (e.g. an object). This paper makes the first attempt that tackles this problem using instance-discrimination based contrastive learning (CL). While CL has shown impressive performance for many computer vision tasks, the similar success has never been found in the field of IIR. In this work, we approach this problem by exploring the capability of deriving discriminative representations from pre-trained and fine-tuned CL models. To begin with, we investigate the efficacy of transfer learning in IIR, by comparing off-the-shelf features learned by a pre-trained deep neural network (DNN) classifier with features learned by a CL model. The findings inspired us to propose a new training strategy that optimizes CL towards learning IIR-oriented features, by using an Average Precision (AP) loss together with a fine-tuning method to learn contrastive feature representations that are tailored to IIR. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates significant performance enhancement over the off-the-shelf features learned from a pre-trained DNN classifier on the challenging Oxford and Paris datasets.
PDF IEEE Symposium Series On Computational Intelligence (SSCI), December 2022. Accepted


Contrastive learning for unsupervised medical image clustering and reconstruction

Authors:Matteo Ferrante, Tommaso Boccato, Simeon Spasov, Andrea Duggento, Nicola Toschi

The lack of large labeled medical imaging datasets, along with significant inter-individual variability compared to clinically established disease classes, poses significant challenges in exploiting medical imaging information in a precision medicine paradigm, where in principle dense patient-specific data can be employed to formulate individual predictions and/or stratify patients into finer-grained groups which may follow more homogeneous trajectories and therefore empower clinical trials. In order to efficiently explore the effective degrees of freedom underlying variability in medical images in an unsupervised manner, in this work we propose an unsupervised autoencoder framework which is augmented with a contrastive loss to encourage high separability in the latent space. The model is validated on (medical) benchmark datasets. As cluster labels are assigned to each example according to cluster assignments, we compare performance with a supervised transfer learning baseline. Our method achieves similar performance to the supervised architecture, indicating that separation in the latent space reproduces expert medical observer-assigned labels. The proposed method could be beneficial for patient stratification, exploring new subdivisions of larger classes or pathological continua or, due to its sampling abilities in a variation setting, data augmentation in medical image processing.


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