2022-09-29 更新

StyleSwap: Style-Based Generator Empowers Robust Face Swapping

Authors:Zhiliang Xu, Hang Zhou, Zhibin Hong, Ziwei Liu, Jiaming Liu, Zhizhi Guo, Junyu Han, Jingtuo Liu, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang

Numerous attempts have been made to the task of person-agnostic face swapping given its wide applications. While existing methods mostly rely on tedious network and loss designs, they still struggle in the information balancing between the source and target faces, and tend to produce visible artifacts. In this work, we introduce a concise and effective framework named StyleSwap. Our core idea is to leverage a style-based generator to empower high-fidelity and robust face swapping, thus the generator’s advantage can be adopted for optimizing identity similarity. We identify that with only minimal modifications, a StyleGAN2 architecture can successfully handle the desired information from both source and target. Additionally, inspired by the ToRGB layers, a Swapping-Driven Mask Branch is further devised to improve information blending. Furthermore, the advantage of StyleGAN inversion can be adopted. Particularly, a Swapping-Guided ID Inversion strategy is proposed to optimize identity similarity. Extensive experiments validate that our framework generates high-quality face swapping results that outperform state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022. Demo videos and code can be found at


StyleMask: Disentangling the Style Space of StyleGAN2 for Neural Face Reenactment

Authors:Stella Bounareli, Christos Tzelepis, Vasileios Argyriou, Ioannis Patras, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

In this paper we address the problem of neural face reenactment, where, given a pair of a source and a target facial image, we need to transfer the target’s pose (defined as the head pose and its facial expressions) to the source image, by preserving at the same time the source’s identity characteristics (e.g., facial shape, hair style, etc), even in the challenging case where the source and the target faces belong to different identities. In doing so, we address some of the limitations of the state-of-the-art works, namely, a) that they depend on paired training data (i.e., source and target faces have the same identity), b) that they rely on labeled data during inference, and c) that they do not preserve identity in large head pose changes. More specifically, we propose a framework that, using unpaired randomly generated facial images, learns to disentangle the identity characteristics of the face from its pose by incorporating the recently introduced style space $\mathcal{S}$ of StyleGAN2, a latent representation space that exhibits remarkable disentanglement properties. By capitalizing on this, we learn to successfully mix a pair of source and target style codes using supervision from a 3D model. The resulting latent code, that is subsequently used for reenactment, consists of latent units corresponding to the facial pose of the target only and of units corresponding to the identity of the source only, leading to notable improvement in the reenactment performance compared to recent state-of-the-art methods. In comparison to state of the art, we quantitatively and qualitatively show that the proposed method produces higher quality results even on extreme pose variations. Finally, we report results on real images by first embedding them on the latent space of the pretrained generator. We make the code and pretrained models publicly available at:
PDF Accepted for publication in IEEE FG 2023. Code:


DyStyle: Dynamic Neural Network for Multi-Attribute-Conditioned Style Editing

Authors:Bingchuan Li, Shaofei Cai, Wei Liu, Peng Zhang, Qian He, Miao Hua, Zili Yi

The semantic controllability of StyleGAN is enhanced by unremitting research. Although the existing weak supervision methods work well in manipulating the style codes along one attribute, the accuracy of manipulating multiple attributes is neglected. Multi-attribute representations are prone to entanglement in the StyleGAN latent space, while sequential editing leads to error accumulation. To address these limitations, we design a Dynamic Style Manipulation Network (DyStyle) whose structure and parameters vary by input samples, to perform nonlinear and adaptive manipulation of latent codes for flexible and precise attribute control. In order to efficient and stable optimization of the DyStyle network, we propose a Dynamic Multi-Attribute Contrastive Learning (DmaCL) method: including dynamic multi-attribute contrastor and dynamic multi-attribute contrastive loss, which simultaneously disentangle a variety of attributes from the generative image and latent space of model. As a result, our approach demonstrates fine-grained disentangled edits along multiple numeric and binary attributes. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons with existing style manipulation methods verify the superiority of our method in terms of the multi-attribute control accuracy and identity preservation without compromising photorealism.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2023, 19 pages, 20 figures


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