
2022-09-27 更新

Free Lunch for Surgical Video Understanding by Distilling Self-Supervisions

Authors:Xinpeng Ding, Ziwei Liu, Xiaomeng Li

Self-supervised learning has witnessed great progress in vision and NLP; recently, it also attracted much attention to various medical imaging modalities such as X-ray, CT, and MRI. Existing methods mostly focus on building new pretext self-supervision tasks such as reconstruction, orientation, and masking identification according to the properties of medical images. However, the publicly available self-supervision models are not fully exploited. In this paper, we present a powerful yet efficient self-supervision framework for surgical video understanding. Our key insight is to distill knowledge from publicly available models trained on large generic datasets4 to facilitate the self-supervised learning of surgical videos. To this end, we first introduce a semantic-preserving training scheme to obtain our teacher model, which not only contains semantics from the publicly available models, but also can produce accurate knowledge for surgical data. Besides training with only contrastive learning, we also introduce a distillation objective to transfer the rich learned information from the teacher model to self-supervised learning on surgical data. Extensive experiments on two surgical phase recognition benchmarks show that our framework can significantly improve the performance of existing self-supervised learning methods. Notably, our framework demonstrates a compelling advantage under a low-data regime. Our code is available at https://github.com/xmed-lab/DistillingSelf.
PDF accepted at MICCAI 2022


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