2022-09-27 更新

NeRF-SOS: Any-View Self-supervised Object Segmentation on Complex Scenes

Authors:Zhiwen Fan, Peihao Wang, Yifan Jiang, Xinyu Gong, Dejia Xu, Zhangyang Wang

Neural volumetric representations have shown the potential that Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLPs) can be optimized with multi-view calibrated images to represent scene geometry and appearance, without explicit 3D supervision. Object segmentation can enrich many downstream applications based on the learned radiance field. However, introducing hand-crafted segmentation to define regions of interest in a complex real-world scene is non-trivial and expensive as it acquires per view annotation. This paper carries out the exploration of self-supervised learning for object segmentation using NeRF for complex real-world scenes. Our framework, called NeRF with Self-supervised Object Segmentation NeRF-SOS, couples object segmentation and neural radiance field to segment objects in any view within a scene. By proposing a novel collaborative contrastive loss in both appearance and geometry levels, NeRF-SOS encourages NeRF models to distill compact geometry-aware segmentation clusters from their density fields and the self-supervised pre-trained 2D visual features. The self-supervised object segmentation framework can be applied to various NeRF models that both lead to photo-realistic rendering results and convincing segmentation maps for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Extensive results on the LLFF, Tank & Temple, and BlendedMVS datasets validate the effectiveness of NeRF-SOS. It consistently surpasses other 2D-based self-supervised baselines and predicts finer semantics masks than existing supervised counterparts. Please refer to the video on our project page for more details:


D$^2$NeRF: Self-Supervised Decoupling of Dynamic and Static Objects from a Monocular Video

Authors:Tianhao Wu, Fangcheng Zhong, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Forrester Cole, Cengiz Oztireli

Given a monocular video, segmenting and decoupling dynamic objects while recovering the static environment is a widely studied problem in machine intelligence. Existing solutions usually approach this problem in the image domain, limiting their performance and understanding of the environment. We introduce Decoupled Dynamic Neural Radiance Field (D$^2$NeRF), a self-supervised approach that takes a monocular video and learns a 3D scene representation which decouples moving objects, including their shadows, from the static background. Our method represents the moving objects and the static background by two separate neural radiance fields with only one allowing for temporal changes. A naive implementation of this approach leads to the dynamic component taking over the static one as the representation of the former is inherently more general and prone to overfitting. To this end, we propose a novel loss to promote correct separation of phenomena. We further propose a shadow field network to detect and decouple dynamically moving shadows. We introduce a new dataset containing various dynamic objects and shadows and demonstrate that our method can achieve better performance than state-of-the-art approaches in decoupling dynamic and static 3D objects, occlusion and shadow removal, and image segmentation for moving objects.


NeRF-Loc: Transformer-Based Object Localization Within Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Jiankai Sun, Yan Xu, Mingyu Ding, Hongwei Yi, Jingdong Wang, Liangjun Zhang, Mac Schwager

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have been successfully used for scene representation. Recent works have also developed robotic navigation and manipulation systems using NeRF-based environment representations. As object localization is the foundation for many robotic applications, to further unleash the potential of NeRFs in robotic systems, we study object localization within a NeRF scene. We propose a transformer-based framework NeRF-Loc to extract 3D bounding boxes of objects in NeRF scenes. NeRF-Loc takes a pre-trained NeRF model and camera view as input, and produces labeled 3D bounding boxes of objects as output. Concretely, we design a pair of paralleled transformer encoder branches, namely the coarse stream and the fine stream, to encode both the context and details of target objects. The encoded features are then fused together with attention layers to alleviate ambiguities for accurate object localization. We have compared our method with the conventional transformer-based method and our method achieves better performance. In addition, we also present the first NeRF samples-based object localization benchmark NeRFLocBench.


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