2022-09-27 更新

Raising the Bar on the Evaluation of Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors:Jishnu Mukhoti, Tsung-Yu Lin, Bor-Chun Chen, Ashish Shah, Philip H. S. Torr, Puneet K. Dokania, Ser-Nam Lim

In image classification, a lot of development has happened in detecting out-of-distribution (OoD) data. However, most OoD detection methods are evaluated on a standard set of datasets, arbitrarily different from training data. There is no clear definition of what forms a ``good” OoD dataset. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art OoD detection methods already achieve near perfect results on these standard benchmarks. In this paper, we define 2 categories of OoD data using the subtly different concepts of perceptual/visual and semantic similarity to in-distribution (iD) data. We define Near OoD samples as perceptually similar but semantically different from iD samples, and Shifted samples as points which are visually different but semantically akin to iD data. We then propose a GAN based framework for generating OoD samples from each of these 2 categories, given an iD dataset. Through extensive experiments on MNIST, CIFAR-10/100 and ImageNet, we show that a) state-of-the-art OoD detection methods which perform exceedingly well on conventional benchmarks are significantly less robust to our proposed benchmark. Moreover, b) models performing well on our setup also perform well on conventional real-world OoD detection benchmarks and vice versa, thereby indicating that one might not even need a separate OoD set, to reliably evaluate performance in OoD detection.


Self-supervised Image Clustering from Multiple Incomplete Views via Constrastive Complementary Generation

Authors:Jiatai Wang, Zhiwei Xu, Xuewen Yang, Dongjin Guo, Limin Liu

Incomplete Multi-View Clustering aims to enhance clustering performance by using data from multiple modalities. Despite the fact that several approaches for studying this issue have been proposed, the following drawbacks still persist: 1) It’s difficult to learn latent representations that account for complementarity yet consistency without using label information; 2) and thus fails to take full advantage of the hidden information in incomplete data results in suboptimal clustering performance when complete data is scarce. In this paper, we propose Contrastive Incomplete Multi-View Image Clustering with Generative Adversarial Networks (CIMIC-GAN), which uses GAN to fill in incomplete data and uses double contrastive learning to learn consistency on complete and incomplete data. More specifically, considering diversity and complementary information among multiple modalities, we incorporate autoencoding representation of complete and incomplete data into double contrastive learning to achieve learning consistency. Integrating GANs into the autoencoding process can not only take full advantage of new features of incomplete data, but also better generalize the model in the presence of high data missing rates. Experiments conducted on \textcolor{black}{four} extensively-used datasets show that CIMIC-GAN outperforms state-of-the-art incomplete multi-View clustering methods.


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