
2022-09-24 更新

Sub-optimal Policy Aided Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Flocking Control

Authors:Yunbo Qiu, Yue Jin, Jian Wang, Xudong Zhang

Flocking control is a challenging problem, where multiple agents, such as drones or vehicles, need to reach a target position while maintaining the flock and avoiding collisions with obstacles and collisions among agents in the environment. Multi-agent reinforcement learning has achieved promising performance in flocking control. However, methods based on traditional reinforcement learning require a considerable number of interactions between agents and the environment. This paper proposes a sub-optimal policy aided multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm (SPA-MARL) to boost sample efficiency. SPA-MARL directly leverages a prior policy that can be manually designed or solved with a non-learning method to aid agents in learning, where the performance of the policy can be sub-optimal. SPA-MARL recognizes the difference in performance between the sub-optimal policy and itself, and then imitates the sub-optimal policy if the sub-optimal policy is better. We leverage SPA-MARL to solve the flocking control problem. A traditional control method based on artificial potential fields is used to generate a sub-optimal policy. Experiments demonstrate that SPA-MARL can speed up the training process and outperform both the MARL baseline and the used sub-optimal policy.
PDF Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 2022


Sample-Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations for Flocking Control

Authors:Yunbo Qiu, Yuzhu Zhan, Yue Jin, Jian Wang, Xudong Zhang

Flocking control is a significant problem in multi-agent systems such as multi-agent unmanned aerial vehicles and multi-agent autonomous underwater vehicles, which enhances the cooperativity and safety of agents. In contrast to traditional methods, multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) solves the problem of flocking control more flexibly. However, methods based on MARL suffer from sample inefficiency, since they require a huge number of experiences to be collected from interactions between agents and the environment. We propose a novel method Pretraining with Demonstrations for MARL (PwD-MARL), which can utilize non-expert demonstrations collected in advance with traditional methods to pretrain agents. During the process of pretraining, agents learn policies from demonstrations by MARL and behavior cloning simultaneously, and are prevented from overfitting demonstrations. By pretraining with non-expert demonstrations, PwD-MARL improves sample efficiency in the process of online MARL with a warm start. Experiments show that PwD-MARL improves sample efficiency and policy performance in the problem of flocking control, even with bad or few demonstrations.
PDF Accepted by IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2022-Fall


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