
2022-09-23 更新

Self-adversarial Multi-scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Thermal Facial Images

Authors:Jitesh Joshi, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Youngjun Cho

Reliable segmentation of thermal facial images in unconstrained settings such as thermal ambience and occlusions is challenging as facial features lack salience. Limited availability of datasets from such settings further makes it difficult to train segmentation networks. To address the challenge, we propose Self-Adversarial Multi-scale Contrastive Learning (SAM-CL) as a generic learning framework to train segmentation networks. SAM-CL framework constitutes SAM-CL loss function and a thermal image augmentation (TiAug) as a domain-specific augmentation technique to simulate unconstrained settings based upon existing datasets collected from controlled settings. We use the Thermal-Face-Database to demonstrate effectiveness of our approach. Experiments conducted on the existing segmentation networks- UNET, Attention-UNET, DeepLabV3 and HRNetv2 evidence the consistent performance gain from the SAM-CL framework. Further, we present a qualitative analysis with UBComfort and DeepBreath datasets to discuss how our proposed methods perform in handling unconstrained situations.
PDF Submitted to the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2022


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