
2022-09-21 更新

MA2QL: A Minimalist Approach to Fully Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Kefan Su, Siyuan Zhou, Chuang Gan, Xiangjun Wang, Zongqing Lu

Decentralized learning has shown great promise for cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). However, non-stationarity remains a significant challenge in decentralized learning. In the paper, we tackle the non-stationarity problem in the simplest and fundamental way and propose \textit{multi-agent alternate Q-learning} (MA2QL), where agents take turns to update their Q-functions by Q-learning. MA2QL is a \textit{minimalist} approach to fully decentralized cooperative MARL but is theoretically grounded. We prove that when each agent guarantees a $\varepsilon$-convergence at each turn, their joint policy converges to a Nash equilibrium. In practice, MA2QL only requires minimal changes to independent Q-learning (IQL). We empirically evaluate MA2QL on a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks. Results show MA2QL consistently outperforms IQL, which verifies the effectiveness of MA2QL, despite such minimal changes.


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