2022-09-21 更新

ActiveNeRF: Learning where to See with Uncertainty Estimation

Authors:Xuran Pan, Zihang Lai, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Recently, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has shown promising performances on reconstructing 3D scenes and synthesizing novel views from a sparse set of 2D images. Albeit effective, the performance of NeRF is highly influenced by the quality of training samples. With limited posed images from the scene, NeRF fails to generalize well to novel views and may collapse to trivial solutions in unobserved regions. This makes NeRF impractical under resource-constrained scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel learning framework, ActiveNeRF, aiming to model a 3D scene with a constrained input budget. Specifically, we first incorporate uncertainty estimation into a NeRF model, which ensures robustness under few observations and provides an interpretation of how NeRF understands the scene. On this basis, we propose to supplement the existing training set with newly captured samples based on an active learning scheme. By evaluating the reduction of uncertainty given new inputs, we select the samples that bring the most information gain. In this way, the quality of novel view synthesis can be improved with minimal additional resources. Extensive experiments validate the performance of our model on both realistic and synthetic scenes, especially with scarcer training data. Code will be released at \url{}.
PDF Accepted by ECCV2022


Density-aware NeRF Ensembles: Quantifying Predictive Uncertainty in Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Niko Sünderhauf, Jad Abou-Chakra, Dimity Miller

We show that ensembling effectively quantifies model uncertainty in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) if a density-aware epistemic uncertainty term is considered. The naive ensembles investigated in prior work simply average rendered RGB images to quantify the model uncertainty caused by conflicting explanations of the observed scene. In contrast, we additionally consider the termination probabilities along individual rays to identify epistemic model uncertainty due to a lack of knowledge about the parts of a scene unobserved during training. We achieve new state-of-the-art performance across established uncertainty quantification benchmarks for NeRFs, outperforming methods that require complex changes to the NeRF architecture and training regime. We furthermore demonstrate that NeRF uncertainty can be utilised for next-best view selection and model refinement.


LATITUDE: Robotic Global Localization with Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter in City-scale NeRF

Authors:Zhenxin Zhu, Yuantao Chen, Zirui Wu, Chao Hou, Yongliang Shi, Chuxuan Li, Pengfei Li, Hao Zhao, Guyue Zhou

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have made great success in representing complex 3D scenes with high-resolution details and efficient memory. Nevertheless, current NeRF-based pose estimators have no initial pose prediction and are prone to local optima during optimization. In this paper, we present LATITUDE: Global Localization with Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter, which introduces a two-stage localization mechanism in city-scale NeRF. In place recognition stage, we train a regressor through images generated from trained NeRFs, which provides an initial value for global localization. In pose optimization stage, we minimize the residual between the observed image and rendered image by directly optimizing the pose on tangent plane. To avoid convergence to local optimum, we introduce a Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter (TDLF) for coarse-to-fine pose registration. We evaluate our method on both synthetic and real-world data and show its potential applications for high-precision navigation in large-scale city scenes. Codes and data will be publicly available at
PDF 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ICRA 2023


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