
2022-09-21 更新

Image Understands Point Cloud: Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation via Association Learning

Authors:Tianfang Sun, Zhizhong Zhang, Xin Tan, Yanyun Qu, Yuan Xie, Lizhuang Ma

Weakly supervised point cloud semantic segmentation methods that require 1\% or fewer labels, hoping to realize almost the same performance as fully supervised approaches, which recently, have attracted extensive research attention. A typical solution in this framework is to use self-training or pseudo labeling to mine the supervision from the point cloud itself, but ignore the critical information from images. In fact, cameras widely exist in LiDAR scenarios and this complementary information seems to be greatly important for 3D applications. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-modality weakly supervised method for 3D segmentation, incorporating complementary information from unlabeled images. Basically, we design a dual-branch network equipped with an active labeling strategy, to maximize the power of tiny parts of labels and directly realize 2D-to-3D knowledge transfer. Afterwards, we establish a cross-modal self-training framework in an Expectation-Maximum (EM) perspective, which iterates between pseudo labels estimation and parameters updating. In the M-Step, we propose a cross-modal association learning to mine complementary supervision from images by reinforcing the cycle-consistency between 3D points and 2D superpixels. In the E-step, a pseudo label self-rectification mechanism is derived to filter noise labels thus providing more accurate labels for the networks to get fully trained. The extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method even outperforms the state-of-the-art fully supervised competitors with less than 1\% actively selected annotations.


RGB-Event Fusion for Moving Object Detection in Autonomous Driving

Authors:Zhuyun Zhou, Zongwei Wu, Rémi Boutteau, Fan Yang, Cédric Demonceaux, Dominique Ginhac

Moving Object Detection (MOD) is a critical vision task for successfully achieving safe autonomous driving. Despite plausible results of deep learning methods, most existing approaches are only frame-based and may fail to reach reasonable performance when dealing with dynamic traffic participants. Recent advances in sensor technologies, especially the Event camera, can naturally complement the conventional camera approach to better model moving objects. However, event-based works often adopt a pre-defined time window for event representation, and simply integrate it to estimate image intensities from events, neglecting much of the rich temporal information from the available asynchronous events. Therefore, from a new perspective, we propose RENet, a novel RGB-Event fusion Network, that jointly exploits the two complementary modalities to achieve more robust MOD under challenging scenarios for autonomous driving. Specifically, we first design a temporal multi-scale aggregation module to fully leverage event frames from both the RGB exposure time and larger intervals. Then we introduce a bi-directional fusion module to attentively calibrate and fuse multi-modal features. To evaluate the performance of our network, we carefully select and annotate a sub-MOD dataset from the commonly used DSEC dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method performs significantly better than the state-of-the-art RGB-Event fusion alternatives.


Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection

Authors:Taehun Kim, Kunhee Kim, Joonyeong Lee, Dongmin Cha, Jiho Lee, Daijin Kim

Salient object detection (SOD) has been in the spotlight recently, yet has been studied less for high-resolution (HR) images. Unfortunately, HR images and their pixel-level annotations are certainly more labor-intensive and time-consuming compared to low-resolution (LR) images and annotations. Therefore, we propose an image pyramid-based SOD framework, Inverse Saliency Pyramid Reconstruction Network (InSPyReNet), for HR prediction without any of HR datasets. We design InSPyReNet to produce a strict image pyramid structure of saliency map, which enables to ensemble multiple results with pyramid-based image blending. For HR prediction, we design a pyramid blending method which synthesizes two different image pyramids from a pair of LR and HR scale from the same image to overcome effective receptive field (ERF) discrepancy. Our extensive evaluations on public LR and HR SOD benchmarks demonstrate that InSPyReNet surpasses the State-of-the-Art (SotA) methods on various SOD metrics and boundary accuracy.
PDF 27 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables. To appear in the 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2022), December 4-8, 2022, Macau SAR, China. DOI will be added soon


Adversarial Detection: Attacking Object Detection in Real Time

Authors:Han Wu, Syed Yunas, Sareh Rowlands, Wenjie Ruan, Johan Wahlstrom

Intelligent robots rely on object detection models to perceive the environment. Following advances in deep learning security it has been revealed that object detection models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However, prior research primarily focuses on attacking static images or offline videos. Therefore, it is still unclear if such attacks could jeopardize real-world robotic applications in dynamic environments. This paper bridges this gap by presenting the first real-time online attack against object detection models. We devise three attacks that fabricate bounding boxes for nonexistent objects at desired locations. The attacks achieve a success rate of about 90% within about 20 iterations. The demo video is available at: https://youtu.be/zJZ1aNlXsMU.
PDF 7 pages, 10 figures


Effective Image Tampering Localization via Semantic Segmentation Network

Authors:Haochen Zhu, Gang Cao, Mo Zhao

With the widespread use of powerful image editing tools, image tampering becomes easy and realistic. Existing image forensic methods still face challenges of low accuracy and robustness. Note that the tampered regions are typically semantic objects, in this letter we propose an effective image tampering localization scheme based on deep semantic segmentation network. ConvNeXt network is used as an encoder to learn better feature representation. The multi-scale features are then fused by Upernet decoder for achieving better locating capability. Combined loss and effective data augmentation are adopted to ensure effective model training. Extensive experimental results confirm that localization performance of our proposed scheme outperforms other state-of-the-art ones.


HVC-Net: Unifying Homography, Visibility, and Confidence Learning for Planar Object Tracking

Authors:Haoxian Zhang, Yonggen Ling

Robust and accurate planar tracking over a whole video sequence is vitally important for many vision applications. The key to planar object tracking is to find object correspondences, modeled by homography, between the reference image and the tracked image. Existing methods tend to obtain wrong correspondences with changing appearance variations, camera-object relative motions and occlusions. To alleviate this problem, we present a unified convolutional neural network (CNN) model that jointly considers homography, visibility, and confidence. First, we introduce correlation blocks that explicitly account for the local appearance changes and camera-object relative motions as the base of our model. Second, we jointly learn the homography and visibility that links camera-object relative motions with occlusions. Third, we propose a confidence module that actively monitors the estimation quality from the pixel correlation distributions obtained in correlation blocks. All these modules are plugged into a Lucas-Kanade (LK) tracking pipeline to obtain both accurate and robust planar object tracking. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on public POT and TMT datasets. Its superior performance is also verified on a real-world application, synthesizing high-quality in-video advertisements.
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022


2DPASS: 2D Priors Assisted Semantic Segmentation on LiDAR Point Clouds

Authors:Xu Yan, Jiantao Gao, Chaoda Zheng, Chao Zheng, Ruimao Zhang, Shenghui Cui, Zhen Li

As camera and LiDAR sensors capture complementary information used in autonomous driving, great efforts have been made to develop semantic segmentation algorithms through multi-modality data fusion. However, fusion-based approaches require paired data, i.e., LiDAR point clouds and camera images with strict point-to-pixel mappings, as the inputs in both training and inference, which seriously hinders their application in practical scenarios. Thus, in this work, we propose the 2D Priors Assisted Semantic Segmentation (2DPASS), a general training scheme, to boost the representation learning on point clouds, by fully taking advantage of 2D images with rich appearance. In practice, by leveraging an auxiliary modal fusion and multi-scale fusion-to-single knowledge distillation (MSFSKD), 2DPASS acquires richer semantic and structural information from the multi-modal data, which are then online distilled to the pure 3D network. As a result, equipped with 2DPASS, our baseline shows significant improvement with only point cloud inputs. Specifically, it achieves the state-of-the-arts on two large-scale benchmarks (i.e. SemanticKITTI and NuScenes), including top-1 results in both single and multiple scan(s) competitions of SemanticKITTI.


SLRNet: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Via Label Reuse for Human Decomposition Images

Authors:Sara Mousavi, Zhenning Yang, Kelley Cross, Dawnie Steadman, Audris Mockus

Semantic segmentation is a challenging computer vision task demanding a significant amount of pixel-level annotated data. Producing such data is a time-consuming and costly process, especially for domains with a scarcity of experts, such as medicine or forensic anthropology. While numerous semi-supervised approaches have been developed to make the most from the limited labeled data and ample amount of unlabeled data, domain-specific real-world datasets often have characteristics that both reduce the effectiveness of off-the-shelf state-of-the-art methods and also provide opportunities to create new methods that exploit these characteristics. We propose and evaluate a semi-supervised method that reuses available labels for unlabeled images of a dataset by exploiting existing similarities, while dynamically weighting the impact of these reused labels in the training process. We evaluate our method on a large dataset of human decomposition images and find that our method, while conceptually simple, outperforms state-of-the-art consistency and pseudo-labeling-based methods for the segmentation of this dataset. This paper includes graphic content of human decomposition.


Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Progressive Patch Learning

Authors:Jinlong Li, Zequn Jie, Xu Wang, Yu Zhou, Xiaolin Wei, Lin Ma

Most of the existing semantic segmentation approaches with image-level class labels as supervision, highly rely on the initial class activation map (CAM) generated from the standard classification network. In this paper, a novel “Progressive Patch Learning” approach is proposed to improve the local details extraction of the classification, producing the CAM better covering the whole object rather than only the most discriminative regions as in CAMs obtained in conventional classification models. “Patch Learning” destructs the feature maps into patches and independently processes each local patch in parallel before the final aggregation. Such a mechanism enforces the network to find weak information from the scattered discriminative local parts, achieving enhanced local details sensitivity. “Progressive Patch Learning” further extends the feature destruction and patch learning to multi-level granularities in a progressive manner. Cooperating with a multi-stage optimization strategy, such a “Progressive Patch Learning” mechanism implicitly provides the model with the feature extraction ability across different locality-granularities. As an alternative to the implicit multi-granularity progressive fusion approach, we additionally propose an explicit method to simultaneously fuse features from different granularities in a single model, further enhancing the CAM quality on the full object coverage. Our proposed method achieves outstanding performance on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset e.g., with 69.6$% mIoU on the test set), which surpasses most existing weakly supervised semantic segmentation methods. Code will be made publicly available here https://github.com/TyroneLi/PPL_WSSS.
PDF TMM2022 accepted


Understanding the Impact of Image Quality and Distance of Objects to Object Detection Performance

Authors:Yu Hao, Haoyang Pei, Yixuan Lyu, Zhongzheng Yuan, John-Ross Rizzo, Yao Wang, Yi Fang

Deep learning has made great strides for object detection in images. The detection accuracy and computational cost of object detection depend on the spatial resolution of an image, which may be constrained by both the camera and storage considerations. Compression is often achieved by reducing either spatial or amplitude resolution or, at times, both, both of which have well-known effects on performance. Detection accuracy also depends on the distance of the object of interest from the camera. Our work examines the impact of spatial and amplitude resolution, as well as object distance, on object detection accuracy and computational cost. We develop a resolution-adaptive variant of YOLOv5 (RA-YOLO), which varies the number of scales in the feature pyramid and detection head based on the spatial resolution of the input image. To train and evaluate this new method, we created a dataset of images with diverse spatial and amplitude resolutions by combining images from the TJU and Eurocity datasets and generating different resolutions by applying spatial resizing and compression. We first show that RA-YOLO achieves a good trade-off between detection accuracy and inference time over a large range of spatial resolutions. We then evaluate the impact of spatial and amplitude resolutions on object detection accuracy using the proposed RA-YOLO model. We demonstrate that the optimal spatial resolution that leads to the highest detection accuracy depends on the ‘tolerated’ image size. We further assess the impact of the distance of an object to the camera on the detection accuracy and show that higher spatial resolution enables a greater detection range. These results provide important guidelines for choosing the image spatial resolution and compression settings predicated on available bandwidth, storage, desired inference time, and/or desired detection range, in practical applications.


Semantic Segmentation using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

Authors:Seyedalireza Khoshsirat, Chandra Kambhamettu

The idea of neural Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) is to approximate the derivative of a function (data model) instead of the function itself. In residual networks, instead of having a discrete sequence of hidden layers, the derivative of the continuous dynamics of hidden state can be parameterized by an ODE. It has been shown that this type of neural network is able to produce the same results as an equivalent residual network for image classification. In this paper, we design a novel neural ODE for the semantic segmentation task. We start by a baseline network that consists of residual modules, then we use the modules to build our neural ODE network. We show that our neural ODE is able to achieve the state-of-the-art results using 57% less memory for training, 42% less memory for testing, and 68% less number of parameters. We evaluate our model on the Cityscapes, CamVid, LIP, and PASCAL-Context datasets.


Refign: Align and Refine for Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation to Adverse Conditions

Authors:David Bruggemann, Christos Sakaridis, Prune Truong, Luc Van Gool

Due to the scarcity of dense pixel-level semantic annotations for images recorded in adverse visual conditions, there has been a keen interest in unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for the semantic segmentation of such images. UDA adapts models trained on normal conditions to the target adverse-condition domains. Meanwhile, multiple datasets with driving scenes provide corresponding images of the same scenes across multiple conditions, which can serve as a form of weak supervision for domain adaptation. We propose Refign, a generic extension to self-training-based UDA methods which leverages these cross-domain correspondences. Refign consists of two steps: (1) aligning the normal-condition image to the corresponding adverse-condition image using an uncertainty-aware dense matching network, and (2) refining the adverse prediction with the normal prediction using an adaptive label correction mechanism. We design custom modules to streamline both steps and set the new state of the art for domain-adaptive semantic segmentation on several adverse-condition benchmarks, including ACDC and Dark Zurich. The approach introduces no extra training parameters, minimal computational overhead — during training only — and can be used as a drop-in extension to improve any given self-training-based UDA method. Code is available at https://github.com/brdav/refign.
PDF IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023


Fully Convolutional One-Stage 3D Object Detection on LiDAR Range Images

Authors:Zhi Tian, Xiangxiang Chu, Xiaoming Wang, Xiaolin Wei, Chunhua Shen

We present a simple yet effective fully convolutional one-stage 3D object detector for LiDAR point clouds of autonomous driving scenes, termed FCOS-LiDAR. Unlike the dominant methods that use the bird-eye view (BEV), our proposed detector detects objects from the range view (RV, a.k.a. range image) of the LiDAR points. Due to the range view’s compactness and compatibility with the LiDAR sensors’ sampling process on self-driving cars, the range view-based object detector can be realized by solely exploiting the vanilla 2D convolutions, departing from the BEV-based methods which often involve complicated voxelization operations and sparse convolutions. For the first time, we show that an RV-based 3D detector with standard 2D convolutions alone can achieve comparable performance to state-of-the-art BEV-based detectors while being significantly faster and simpler. More importantly, almost all previous range view-based detectors only focus on single-frame point clouds, since it is challenging to fuse multi-frame point clouds into a single range view. In this work, we tackle this challenging issue with a novel range view projection mechanism, and for the first time demonstrate the benefits of fusing multi-frame point clouds for a range-view based detector. Extensive experiments on nuScenes show the superiority of our proposed method and we believe that our work can be strong evidence that an RV-based 3D detector can compare favourably with the current mainstream BEV-based detectors.
PDF Accepted to: Proc. Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022. 14 pages


Expansion and Shrinkage of Localization for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jinlong Li, Zequn Jie, Xu Wang, Xiaolin Wei, Lin Ma

Generating precise class-aware pseudo ground-truths, a.k.a, class activation maps (CAMs), is essential for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation. The original CAM method usually produces incomplete and inaccurate localization maps. To tackle with this issue, this paper proposes an Expansion and Shrinkage scheme based on the offset learning in the deformable convolution, to sequentially improve the recall and precision of the located object in the two respective stages. In the Expansion stage, an offset learning branch in a deformable convolution layer, referred as “expansion sampler” seeks for sampling increasingly less discriminative object regions, driven by an inverse supervision signal that maximizes image-level classification loss. The located more complete object in the Expansion stage is then gradually narrowed down to the final object region during the Shrinkage stage. In the Shrinkage stage, the offset learning branch of another deformable convolution layer, referred as “shrinkage sampler”, is introduced to exclude the false positive background regions attended in the Expansion stage to improve the precision of the localization maps. We conduct various experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 to well demonstrate the superiority of our method over other state-of-the-art methods for weakly-supervised semantic segmentation. Code will be made publicly available here https://github.com/TyroneLi/ESOL_WSSS.
PDF NeurIPS2022 accepted


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