
2022-09-16 更新

FFPA-Net: Efficient Feature Fusion with Projection Awareness for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Chaokang Jiang, Guangming Wang, Jinxing Wu, Yanzi Miao, Hesheng Wang

Promising complementarity exists between the texture features of color images and the geometric information of LiDAR point clouds. However, there still present many challenges for efficient and robust feature fusion in the field of 3D object detection. In this paper, first, unstructured 3D point clouds are filled in the 2D plane and 3D point cloud features are extracted faster using projection-aware convolution layers. Further, the corresponding indexes between different sensor signals are established in advance in the data preprocessing, which enables faster cross-modal feature fusion. To address LiDAR points and image pixels misalignment problems, two new plug-and-play fusion modules, LiCamFuse and BiLiCamFuse, are proposed. In LiCamFuse, soft query weights with perceiving the Euclidean distance of bimodal features are proposed. In BiLiCamFuse, the fusion module with dual attention is proposed to deeply correlate the geometric and textural features of the scene. The quantitative results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better feature-level fusion. In addition, the proposed network shows a shorter running time compared to existing methods.
PDF 7 pages, 4 figures; under review


Certified Defences Against Adversarial Patch Attacks on Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Maksym Yatsura, Kaspar Sakmann, N. Grace Hua, Matthias Hein, Jan Hendrik Metzen

Adversarial patch attacks are an emerging security threat for real world deep learning applications. We present Demasked Smoothing, the first approach (up to our knowledge) to certify the robustness of semantic segmentation models against this threat model. Previous work on certifiably defending against patch attacks has mostly focused on image classification task and often required changes in the model architecture and additional training which is undesirable and computationally expensive. In Demasked Smoothing, any segmentation model can be applied without particular training, fine-tuning, or restriction of the architecture. Using different masking strategies, Demasked Smoothing can be applied both for certified detection and certified recovery. In extensive experiments we show that Demasked Smoothing can on average certify 64% of the pixel predictions for a 1% patch in the detection task and 48% against a 0.5% patch for the recovery task on the ADE20K dataset.


2022-09-16 更新

Meta-RangeSeg: LiDAR Sequence Semantic Segmentation Using Multiple Feature Aggregation

Authors:Song Wang, Jianke Zhu, Ruixiang Zhang

LiDAR sensor is essential to the perception system in autonomous vehicles and intelligent robots. To fulfill the real-time requirements in real-world applications, it is necessary to efficiently segment the LiDAR scans. Most of previous approaches directly project 3D point cloud onto the 2D spherical range image so that they can make use of the efficient 2D convolutional operations for image segmentation. Although having achieved the encouraging results, the neighborhood information is not well-preserved in the spherical projection. Moreover, the temporal information is not taken into consideration in the single scan segmentation task. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel approach to semantic segmentation for LiDAR sequences named Meta-RangeSeg, where a new range residual image representation is introduced to capture the spatial-temporal information. Specifically, Meta-Kernel is employed to extract the meta features, which reduces the inconsistency between the 2D range image coordinates input and 3D Cartesian coordinates output. An efficient U-Net backbone is used to obtain the multi-scale features. Furthermore, Feature Aggregation Module (FAM) strengthens the role of range channel and aggregates features at different levels. We have conducted extensive experiments for performance evaluation on SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS. The promising results show that our proposed Meta-RangeSeg method is more efficient and effective than the existing approaches. Our full implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/songw-zju/Meta-RangeSeg .
PDF Accepted by RA-L with IROS 2022


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