2022-09-16 更新

Virtual Underwater Datasets for Autonomous Inspections

Authors:Ioannis Polymenis, Maryam Haroutunian, Rose Norman, David Trodden

Underwater Vehicles have become more sophisticated, driven by the off-shore sector and the scientific community’s rapid advancements in underwater operations. Notably, many underwater tasks, including the assessment of subsea infrastructure, are performed with the assistance of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). There have been recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, notably, Deep Learning (DL) models and applications, which have widespread usage in a variety of fields, including aerial unmanned vehicles, autonomous car navigation, and other applications. However, they are not as prevalent in underwater applications due to the difficulty of obtaining underwater datasets for a specific application. In this sense, the current study utilises recent advancements in the area of DL to construct a bespoke dataset generated from photographs of items captured in a laboratory environment. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were utilised to translate the laboratory object dataset into the underwater domain by combining the collected images with photographs containing the underwater environment. The findings demonstrated the feasibility of creating such a dataset, since the resulting images closely resembled the real underwater environment when compared with real-world underwater ship hull images. Therefore, the artificial datasets of the underwater environment can overcome the difficulties arising from the limited access to real-world underwater images and are used to enhance underwater operations through underwater object image classification and detection.
PDF 20 pages, 10 figures


Generative Visual Prompt: Unifying Distributional Control of Pre-Trained Generative Models

Authors:Chen Henry Wu, Saman Motamed, Shaunak Srivastava, Fernando De la Torre

Generative models (e.g., GANs and diffusion models) learn the underlying data distribution in an unsupervised manner. However, many applications of interest require sampling from a specific region of the generative model’s output space or evenly over a range of characteristics. To allow efficient sampling in these scenarios, we propose Generative Visual Prompt (PromptGen), a framework for distributional control over pre-trained generative models by incorporating knowledge of arbitrary off-the-shelf models. PromptGen defines control as an energy-based model (EBM) and samples images in a feed-forward manner by approximating the EBM with invertible neural networks, avoiding optimization at inference. We demonstrate how PromptGen can control several generative models (e.g., StyleGAN2, StyleNeRF, diffusion autoencoder, and NVAE) using various off-the-shelf models: (1) with the CLIP model, PromptGen can sample images guided by text, (2) with image classifiers, PromptGen can de-bias generative models across a set of attributes, and (3) with inverse graphics models, PromptGen can sample images of the same identity in different poses. (4) Finally, PromptGen reveals that the CLIP model shows “reporting bias” when used as control, and PromptGen can further de-bias this controlled distribution in an iterative manner. Our code is available at
PDF NeurIPS 2022


HARP: Autoregressive Latent Video Prediction with High-Fidelity Image Generator

Authors:Younggyo Seo, Kimin Lee, Fangchen Liu, Stephen James, Pieter Abbeel

Video prediction is an important yet challenging problem; burdened with the tasks of generating future frames and learning environment dynamics. Recently, autoregressive latent video models have proved to be a powerful video prediction tool, by separating the video prediction into two sub-problems: pre-training an image generator model, followed by learning an autoregressive prediction model in the latent space of the image generator. However, successfully generating high-fidelity and high-resolution videos has yet to be seen. In this work, we investigate how to train an autoregressive latent video prediction model capable of predicting high-fidelity future frames with minimal modification to existing models, and produce high-resolution (256x256) videos. Specifically, we scale up prior models by employing a high-fidelity image generator (VQ-GAN) with a causal transformer model, and introduce additional techniques of top-k sampling and data augmentation to further improve video prediction quality. Despite the simplicity, the proposed method achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art approaches on standard video prediction benchmarks with fewer parameters, and enables high-resolution video prediction on complex and large-scale datasets. Videos are available at
PDF Extended draft of the paper accepted to ICIP 2022 conference


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