
2022-09-16 更新

PromptDA: Label-guided Data Augmentation for Prompt-based Few Shot Learners

Authors:Canyu Chen, Kai Shu

Recent advances in large pre-trained language models (PLMs) lead to impressive gains on natural language understanding (NLU) tasks with task-specific fine-tuning. However, direct fine-tuning PLMs heavily relies on a large amount of labeled instances, which are usually hard to obtain. Prompt-based tuning on PLMs has proven valuable for various few-shot tasks. Existing works studying prompt-based tuning for few-shot NLU tasks mainly focus on deriving proper label words with a verbalizer or generating prompt templates for eliciting semantics from PLMs. In addition, conventional data augmentation methods have also been verified useful for few-shot tasks. However, currently there are few data augmentation methods designed for the prompt-based tuning paradigm. Therefore, we study a new problem of data augmentation for prompt-based few shot learners. Since the label semantics are essential in prompt-based tuning, we propose a novel label-guided data augmentation method PromptDA which exploits the enriched label semantic information for data augmentation. Extensive experiment results on few-shot text classification tasks show that our proposed framework achieves superior performance by effectively leveraging label semantics and data augmentation for natural language understanding.


A Closer Look at Prototype Classifier for Few-shot Image Classification

Authors:Mingcheng Hou, Issei Sato

The prototypical network is a prototype classifier based on meta-learning and is widely used for few-shot learning because it classifies unseen examples by constructing class-specific prototypes without adjusting hyper-parameters during meta-testing. Interestingly, recent research has attracted a lot of attention, showing that training a new linear classifier, which does not use a meta-learning algorithm, performs comparably with the prototypical network. However, the training of a new linear classifier requires the retraining of the classifier every time a new class appears. In this paper, we analyze how a prototype classifier works equally well without training a new linear classifier or meta-learning. We experimentally find that directly using the feature vectors, which is extracted by using standard pre-trained models to construct a prototype classifier in meta-testing, does not perform as well as the prototypical network and training new linear classifiers on the feature vectors of pre-trained models. Thus, we derive a novel generalization bound for a prototypical classifier and show that the transformation of a feature vector can improve the performance of prototype classifiers. We experimentally investigate several normalization methods for minimizing the derived bound and find that the same performance can be obtained by using the L2 normalization and minimizing the ratio of the within-class variance to the between-class variance without training a new classifier or meta-learning.
PDF 21 pages with 10 appendix section Our paper has been accepted in 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)


Prompt Combines Paraphrase: Teaching Pre-trained Models to Understand Rare Biomedical Words

Authors:Haochun Wang, Chi Liu, Nuwa Xi, Sendong Zhao, Meizhi Ju, Shiwei Zhang, Ziheng Zhang, Yefeng Zheng, Bing Qin, Ting Liu

Prompt-based fine-tuning for pre-trained models has proven effective for many natural language processing tasks under few-shot settings in general domain. However, tuning with prompt in biomedical domain has not been investigated thoroughly. Biomedical words are often rare in general domain, but quite ubiquitous in biomedical contexts, which dramatically deteriorates the performance of pre-trained models on downstream biomedical applications even after fine-tuning, especially in low-resource scenarios. We propose a simple yet effective approach to helping models learn rare biomedical words during tuning with prompt. Experimental results show that our method can achieve up to 6% improvement in biomedical natural language inference task without any extra parameters or training steps using few-shot vanilla prompt settings.
PDF Accepted to COLING 2022


2022-09-16 更新

Cold-Start Data Selection for Few-shot Language Model Fine-tuning: A Prompt-Based Uncertainty Propagation Approach

Authors:Yue Yu, Rongzhi Zhang, Ran Xu, Jieyu Zhang, Jiaming Shen, Chao Zhang

We propose PATRON, a new method that uses prompt-based uncertainty estimation for data selection for pre-trained language model fine-tuning under cold-start scenarios, i.e., no initial labeled data are available. In PATRON, we design (1) a prompt-based uncertainty propagation approach to estimate the importance of data points and (2) a partition-then-rewrite (PTR) strategy to promote sample diversity when querying for annotations. Experiments on six text classification datasets show that PATRON outperforms the strongest cold-start data selection baselines by up to 6.9%. Besides, with 128 labels only, PATRON achieves 91.0% and 92.1% of the fully supervised performance based on vanilla fine-tuning and prompt-based learning respectively. Our implementation of PATRON is available at \url{https://github.com/yueyu1030/Patron}.


BR-NPA: A Non-Parametric High-Resolution Attention Model to improve the Interpretability of Attention

Authors:Tristan Gomez, Suiyi Ling, Thomas Fréour, Harold Mouchère

The prevalence of employing attention mechanisms has brought along concerns on the interpretability of attention distributions. Although it provides insights about how a model is operating, utilizing attention as the explanation of model predictions is still highly dubious. The community is still seeking more interpretable strategies for better identifying local active regions that contribute the most to the final decision. To improve the interpretability of existing attention models, we propose a novel Bilinear Representative Non-Parametric Attention (BR-NPA) strategy that captures the task-relevant human-interpretable information. The target model is first distilled to have higher-resolution intermediate feature maps. From which, representative features are then grouped based on local pairwise feature similarity, to produce finer-grained, more precise attention maps highlighting task-relevant parts of the input. The obtained attention maps are ranked according to the activity level of the compound feature, which provides information regarding the important level of the highlighted regions. The proposed model can be easily adapted in a wide variety of modern deep models, where classification is involved. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments showcase more comprehensive and accurate visual explanations compared to state-of-the-art attention models and visualizations methods across multiple tasks including fine-grained image classification, few-shot classification, and person re-identification, without compromising the classification accuracy. The proposed visualization model sheds imperative light on how neural networks `pay their attention’ differently in different tasks.


Knowledge Is Flat: A Seq2Seq Generative Framework for Various Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors:Chen Chen, Yufei Wang, Bing Li, Kwok-Yan Lam

Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) has been recently extended to multiple knowledge graph (KG) structures, initiating new research directions, e.g. static KGC, temporal KGC and few-shot KGC. Previous works often design KGC models closely coupled with specific graph structures, which inevitably results in two drawbacks: 1) structure-specific KGC models are mutually incompatible; 2) existing KGC methods are not adaptable to emerging KGs. In this paper, we propose KG-S2S, a Seq2Seq generative framework that could tackle different verbalizable graph structures by unifying the representation of KG facts into “flat” text, regardless of their original form. To remedy the KG structure information loss from the “flat” text, we further improve the input representations of entities and relations, and the inference algorithm in KG-S2S. Experiments on five benchmarks show that KG-S2S outperforms many competitive baselines, setting new state-of-the-art performance. Finally, we analyze KG-S2S’s ability on the different relations and the Non-entity Generations.
PDF COLING 2022 Main Conference


LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-shot Learning

Authors:Wenbin Li, Ziyi, Wang, Xuesong Yang, Chuanqi Dong, Pinzhuo Tian, Tiexin Qin, Jing Huo, Yinghuan Shi, Lei Wang, Yang Gao, Jiebo Luo

Few-shot learning, especially few-shot image classification, has received increasing attention and witnessed significant advances in recent years. Some recent studies implicitly show that many generic techniques or ``tricks’’, such as data augmentation, pre-training, knowledge distillation, and self-supervision, may greatly boost the performance of a few-shot learning method. Moreover, different works may employ different software platforms, backbone architectures and input image sizes, making fair comparisons difficult and practitioners struggle with reproducibility. To address these situations, we propose a comprehensive library for few-shot learning (LibFewShot) by re-implementing eighteen state-of-the-art few-shot learning methods in a unified framework with the same single codebase in PyTorch. Furthermore, based on LibFewShot, we provide comprehensive evaluations on multiple benchmarks with various backbone architectures to evaluate common pitfalls and effects of different training tricks. In addition, with respect to the recent doubts on the necessity of meta- or episodic-training mechanism, our evaluation results confirm that such a mechanism is still necessary especially when combined with pre-training. We hope our work can not only lower the barriers for beginners to enter the area of few-shot learning but also elucidate the effects of nontrivial tricks to facilitate intrinsic research on few-shot learning. The source code is available from https://github.com/RL-VIG/LibFewShot.
PDF 17 pages


Few-Shot Object Detection: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors:Mona Köhler, Markus Eisenbach, Horst-Michael Gross

Humans are able to learn to recognize new objects even from a few examples. In contrast, training deep-learning-based object detectors requires huge amounts of annotated data. To avoid the need to acquire and annotate these huge amounts of data, few-shot object detection aims to learn from few object instances of new categories in the target domain. In this survey, we provide an overview of the state of the art in few-shot object detection. We categorize approaches according to their training scheme and architectural layout. For each type of approaches, we describe the general realization as well as concepts to improve the performance on novel categories. Whenever appropriate, we give short takeaways regarding these concepts in order to highlight the best ideas. Eventually, we introduce commonly used datasets and their evaluation protocols and analyze reported benchmark results. As a result, we emphasize common challenges in evaluation and identify the most promising current trends in this emerging field of few-shot object detection.
PDF 27 pages, 13 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems


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