
2022-09-15 更新

Scattering Model Guided Adversarial Examples for SAR Target Recognition: Attack and Defense

Authors:Bowen Peng, Bo Peng, Jie Zhou, Jianyue Xie, Li Liu

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) systems have shown to be highly vulnerable to adversarial perturbations that are deliberately designed yet almost imperceptible but can bias DNN inference when added to targeted objects. This leads to serious safety concerns when applying DNNs to high-stake SAR ATR applications. Therefore, enhancing the adversarial robustness of DNNs is essential for implementing DNNs to modern real-world SAR ATR systems. Toward building more robust DNN-based SAR ATR models, this article explores the domain knowledge of SAR imaging process and proposes a novel Scattering Model Guided Adversarial Attack (SMGAA) algorithm which can generate adversarial perturbations in the form of electromagnetic scattering response (called adversarial scatterers). The proposed SMGAA consists of two parts: 1) a parametric scattering model and corresponding imaging method and 2) a customized gradient-based optimization algorithm. First, we introduce the effective Attributed Scattering Center Model (ASCM) and a general imaging method to describe the scattering behavior of typical geometric structures in the SAR imaging process. By further devising several strategies to take the domain knowledge of SAR target images into account and relax the greedy search procedure, the proposed method does not need to be prudentially finetuned, but can efficiently to find the effective ASCM parameters to fool the SAR classifiers and facilitate the robust model training. Comprehensive evaluations on the MSTAR dataset show that the adversarial scatterers generated by SMGAA are more robust to perturbations and transformations in the SAR processing chain than the currently studied attacks, and are effective to construct a defensive model against the malicious scatterers.


Certified Defences Against Adversarial Patch Attacks on Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Maksym Yatsura, Kaspar Sakmann, N. Grace Hua, Matthias Hein, Jan Hendrik Metzen

Adversarial patch attacks are an emerging security threat for real world deep learning applications. We present Demasked Smoothing, the first approach (up to our knowledge) to certify the robustness of semantic segmentation models against this threat model. Previous work on certifiably defending against patch attacks has mostly focused on image classification task and often required changes in the model architecture and additional training which is undesirable and computationally expensive. In Demasked Smoothing, any segmentation model can be applied without particular training, fine-tuning, or restriction of the architecture. Using different masking strategies, Demasked Smoothing can be applied both for certified detection and certified recovery. In extensive experiments we show that Demasked Smoothing can on average certify 64% of the pixel predictions for a 1% patch in the detection task and 48% against a 0.5% patch for the recovery task on the ADE20K dataset.


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