2022-09-14 更新

Comparative analysis of segmentation and generative models for fingerprint retrieval task

Authors:Megh Patel, Devarsh Patel, Sarthak Patel

Biometric Authentication like Fingerprints has become an integral part of the modern technology for authentication and verification of users. It is pervasive in more ways than most of us are aware of. However, these fingerprint images deteriorate in quality if the fingers are dirty, wet, injured or when sensors malfunction. Therefore, extricating the original fingerprint by removing the noise and inpainting it to restructure the image is crucial for its authentication. Hence, this paper proposes a deep learning approach to address these issues using Generative (GAN) and Segmentation models. Qualitative and Quantitative comparison has been done between pix2pixGAN and cycleGAN (generative models) as well as U-net (segmentation model). To train the model, we created our own dataset NFD - Noisy Fingerprint Dataset meticulously with different backgrounds along with scratches in some images to make it more realistic and robust. In our research, the u-net model performed better than the GAN networks


Vec2Face-v2: Unveil Human Faces from their Blackbox Features via Attention-based Network in Face Recognition

Authors:Thanh-Dat Truong, Chi Nhan Duong, Ngan Le, Marios Savvides, Khoa Luu

In this work, we investigate the problem of face reconstruction given a facial feature representation extracted from a blackbox face recognition engine. Indeed, it is very challenging problem in practice due to the limitations of abstracted information from the engine. We therefore introduce a new method named Attention-based Bijective Generative Adversarial Networks in a Distillation framework (DAB-GAN) to synthesize faces of a subject given his/her extracted face recognition features. Given any unconstrained unseen facial features of a subject, the DAB-GAN can reconstruct his/her faces in high definition. The DAB-GAN method includes a novel attention-based generative structure with the new defined Bijective Metrics Learning approach. The framework starts by introducing a bijective metric so that the distance measurement and metric learning process can be directly adopted in image domain for an image reconstruction task. The information from the blackbox face recognition engine will be optimally exploited using the global distillation process. Then an attention-based generator is presented for a highly robust generator to synthesize realistic faces with ID preservation. We have evaluated our method on the challenging face recognition databases, i.e. CelebA, LFW, AgeDB, CFP-FP, and consistently achieved the state-of-the-art results. The advancement of DAB-GAN is also proven on both image realism and ID preservation properties.
PDF arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2003.06958


StoryDALL-E: Adapting Pretrained Text-to-Image Transformers for Story Continuation

Authors:Adyasha Maharana, Darryl Hannan, Mohit Bansal

Recent advances in text-to-image synthesis have led to large pretrained transformers with excellent capabilities to generate visualizations from a given text. However, these models are ill-suited for specialized tasks like story visualization, which requires an agent to produce a sequence of images given a corresponding sequence of captions, forming a narrative. Moreover, we find that the story visualization task fails to accommodate generalization to unseen plots and characters in new narratives. Hence, we first propose the task of story continuation, where the generated visual story is conditioned on a source image, allowing for better generalization to narratives with new characters. Then, we enhance or ‘retro-fit’ the pretrained text-to-image synthesis models with task-specific modules for (a) sequential image generation and (b) copying relevant elements from an initial frame. Then, we explore full-model finetuning, as well as prompt-based tuning for parameter-efficient adaptation, of the pre-trained model. We evaluate our approach StoryDALL-E on two existing datasets, PororoSV and FlintstonesSV, and introduce a new dataset DiDeMoSV collected from a video-captioning dataset. We also develop a model StoryGANc based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for story continuation, and compare it with the StoryDALL-E model to demonstrate the advantages of our approach. We show that our retro-fitting approach outperforms GAN-based models for story continuation and facilitates copying of visual elements from the source image, thereby improving continuity in the generated visual story. Finally, our analysis suggests that pretrained transformers struggle to comprehend narratives containing several characters. Overall, our work demonstrates that pretrained text-to-image synthesis models can be adapted for complex and low-resource tasks like story continuation.
PDF ECCV 2022 (33 pages; code, data, demo, model card available at


GRNN: Generative Regression Neural Network — A Data Leakage Attack for Federated Learning

Authors:Hanchi Ren, Jingjing Deng, Xianghua Xie

Data privacy has become an increasingly important issue in Machine Learning (ML), where many approaches have been developed to tackle this challenge, e.g. cryptography (Homomorphic Encryption (HE), Differential Privacy (DP), etc.) and collaborative training (Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Distributed Learning and Federated Learning (FL)). These techniques have a particular focus on data encryption or secure local computation. They transfer the intermediate information to the third party to compute the final result. Gradient exchanging is commonly considered to be a secure way of training a robust model collaboratively in Deep Learning (DL). However, recent researches have demonstrated that sensitive information can be recovered from the shared gradient. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), in particular, has shown to be effective in recovering such information. However, GAN based techniques require additional information, such as class labels which are generally unavailable for privacy-preserved learning. In this paper, we show that, in the FL system, image-based privacy data can be easily recovered in full from the shared gradient only via our proposed Generative Regression Neural Network (GRNN). We formulate the attack to be a regression problem and optimize two branches of the generative model by minimizing the distance between gradients. We evaluate our method on several image classification tasks. The results illustrate that our proposed GRNN outperforms state-of-the-art methods with better stability, stronger robustness, and higher accuracy. It also has no convergence requirement to the global FL model. Moreover, we demonstrate information leakage using face re-identification. Some defense strategies are also discussed in this work.
PDF The source code can be found at:


Document Image Binarization in JPEG Compressed Domain using Dual Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Bulla Rajesh, Manav Kamlesh Agrawal, Milan Bhuva, Kisalaya Kishore, Mohammed Javed

Image binarization techniques are being popularly used in enhancement of noisy and/or degraded images catering different Document Image Anlaysis (DIA) applications like word spotting, document retrieval, and OCR. Most of the existing techniques focus on feeding pixel images into the Convolution Neural Networks to accomplish document binarization, which may not produce effective results when working with compressed images that need to be processed without full decompression. Therefore in this research paper, the idea of document image binarization directly using JPEG compressed stream of document images is proposed by employing Dual Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks (DD-GANs). Here the two discriminator networks - Global and Local work on different image ratios and use focal loss as generator loss. The proposed model has been thoroughly tested with different versions of DIBCO dataset having challenges like holes, erased or smudged ink, dust, and misplaced fibres. The model proved to be highly robust, efficient both in terms of time and space complexities, and also resulted in state-of-the-art performance in JPEG compressed domain.
PDF Accepted in IAPR endorsed first International Conference on Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI2022), held at IIIT Allahabad


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