
2022-09-11 更新

Multimodal contrastive learning for remote sensing tasks

Authors:Umangi Jain, Alex Wilson, Varun Gulshan

Self-supervised methods have shown tremendous success in the field of computer vision, including applications in remote sensing and medical imaging. Most popular contrastive-loss based methods like SimCLR, MoCo, MoCo-v2 use multiple views of the same image by applying contrived augmentations on the image to create positive pairs and contrast them with negative examples. Although these techniques work well, most of these techniques have been tuned on ImageNet (and similar computer vision datasets). While there have been some attempts to capture a richer set of deformations in the positive samples, in this work, we explore a promising alternative to generating positive examples for remote sensing data within the contrastive learning framework. Images captured from different sensors at the same location and nearby timestamps can be thought of as strongly augmented instances of the same scene, thus removing the need to explore and tune a set of hand crafted strong augmentations. In this paper, we propose a simple dual-encoder framework, which is pre-trained on a large unlabeled dataset (~1M) of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 image pairs. We test the embeddings on two remote sensing downstream tasks: flood segmentation and land cover mapping, and empirically show that embeddings learnt from this technique outperform the conventional technique of collecting positive examples via aggressive data augmentations.


Design of the topology for contrastive visual-textual alignment

Authors:Zhun Sun

Pre-training weakly related image-text pairs in the contrastive style shows great power in learning semantic aligning cross-modal models. The common choice to measure the distance between the feature representations of the image-text pairs is the cosine similarity, which can be considered as the negative inner product of features embedded on a sphere mathematically. While such topology benefits from the low computational resources consumption and a properly defined uniformity, typically, there are two major drawbacks when applied. First, it is vulnerable to the semantic ambiguity phenomenon resulting from the noise in the weakly-related image-text pairs. Second, the learning progress is unstable and fragile at the beginning. Although, in the practice of former studies, a learnable softmax temperature parameter and a long warmup scheme are employed to meliorate the training progress, still there lacks an in-depth analysis of these problems. In this work, we discuss the desired properties of the topology and its endowed distance function for the embedding vectors of feature representations from the view of optimization. We then propose a rather simple solution to improve the aforementioned problem. That is, we map the feature representations onto the oblique manifold endowed with the negative inner product as the distance function. In the experimental analysis, we show that we can improve the baseline performance by a large margin (e.g. 4% in the zero-shot image to text retrieval task) by changing only two lines of the training codes.


Representative Image Feature Extraction via Contrastive Learning Pretraining for Chest X-ray Report Generation

Authors:Yu-Jen Chen, Wei-Hsiang Shen, Hao-Wei Chung, Jing-Hao Chiu, Da-Cheng Juan, Tsung-Ying Ho, Chi-Tung Cheng, Meng-Lin Li, Tsung-Yi Ho

Medical report generation is a challenging task since it is time-consuming and requires expertise from experienced radiologists. The goal of medical report generation is to accurately capture and describe the image findings. Previous works pretrain their visual encoding neural networks with large datasets in different domains, which cannot learn general visual representation in the specific medical domain. In this work, we propose a medical report generation framework that uses a contrastive learning approach to pretrain the visual encoder and requires no additional meta information. In addition, we adopt lung segmentation as an augmentation method in the contrastive learning framework. This segmentation guides the network to focus on encoding the visual feature within the lung region. Experimental results show that the proposed framework improves the performance and the quality of the generated medical reports both quantitatively and qualitatively.


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