
2022-09-09 更新

MACAB: Model-Agnostic Clean-Annotation Backdoor to Object Detection with Natural Trigger in Real-World

Authors:Hua Ma, Yinshan Li, Yansong Gao, Zhi Zhang, Alsharif Abuadbba, Anmin Fu, Said F. Al-Sarawi, Nepal Surya, Derek Abbott

Object detection is the foundation of various critical computer-vision tasks such as segmentation, object tracking, and event detection. To train an object detector with satisfactory accuracy, a large amount of data is required. However, due to the intensive workforce involved with annotating large datasets, such a data curation task is often outsourced to a third party or relied on volunteers. This work reveals severe vulnerabilities of such data curation pipeline. We propose MACAB that crafts clean-annotated images to stealthily implant the backdoor into the object detectors trained on them even when the data curator can manually audit the images. We observe that the backdoor effect of both misclassification and the cloaking are robustly achieved in the wild when the backdoor is activated with inconspicuously natural physical triggers. Backdooring non-classification object detection with clean-annotation is challenging compared to backdooring existing image classification tasks with clean-label, owing to the complexity of having multiple objects within each frame, including victim and non-victim objects. The efficacy of the MACAB is ensured by constructively i abusing the image-scaling function used by the deep learning framework, ii incorporating the proposed adversarial clean image replica technique, and iii combining poison data selection criteria given constrained attacking budget. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MACAB exhibits more than 90% attack success rate under various real-world scenes. This includes both cloaking and misclassification backdoor effect even restricted with a small attack budget. The poisoned samples cannot be effectively identified by state-of-the-art detection techniques.The comprehensive video demo is at https://youtu.be/MA7L_LpXkp4, which is based on a poison rate of 0.14% for YOLOv4 cloaking backdoor and Faster R-CNN misclassification backdoor.


Learning Affinity from Attention: End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Transformers

Authors:Lixiang Ru, Yibing Zhan, Baosheng Yu, Bo Du

Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels is an important and challenging task. Due to the high training efficiency, end-to-end solutions for WSSS have received increasing attention from the community. However, current methods are mainly based on convolutional neural networks and fail to explore the global information properly, thus usually resulting in incomplete object regions. In this paper, to address the aforementioned problem, we introduce Transformers, which naturally integrate global information, to generate more integral initial pseudo labels for end-to-end WSSS. Motivated by the inherent consistency between the self-attention in Transformers and the semantic affinity, we propose an Affinity from Attention (AFA) module to learn semantic affinity from the multi-head self-attention (MHSA) in Transformers. The learned affinity is then leveraged to refine the initial pseudo labels for segmentation. In addition, to efficiently derive reliable affinity labels for supervising AFA and ensure the local consistency of pseudo labels, we devise a Pixel-Adaptive Refinement module that incorporates low-level image appearance information to refine the pseudo labels. We perform extensive experiments and our method achieves 66.0% and 38.9% mIoU on the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 datasets, respectively, significantly outperforming recent end-to-end methods and several multi-stage competitors. Code is available at https://github.com/rulixiang/afa.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2022


Effective Image Tampering Localization via Semantic Segmentation Network

Authors:Haochen Zhu, Gang Cao, Mo Zhao

With the widespread use of powerful image editing tools, image tampering becomes easy and realistic. Existing image forensic methods still face challenges of low accuracy and robustness. Note that the tampered regions are typically semantic objects, in this letter we propose an effective image tampering localization scheme based on deep semantic segmentation network. ConvNeXt network is used as an encoder to learn better feature representation. The multi-scale features are then fused by Upernet decoder for achieving better locating capability. Combined loss and effective data augmentation are adopted to ensure effective model training. Extensive experimental results confirm that localization performance of our proposed scheme outperforms other state-of-the-art ones.


Transformer-CNN Cohort: Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation by the Best of Both Students

Authors:Xu Zheng, Yunhao Luo, Hao Wang, Chong Fu, Lin Wang

The popular methods for semi-supervised semantic segmentation mostly adopt a unitary network model using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and enforce consistency of the model predictions over small perturbations applied to the inputs or model. However, such a learning paradigm suffers from a) limited learning capability of the CNN-based model; b) limited capacity of learning the discriminative features for the unlabeled data; c) limited learning for both global and local information from the whole image. In this paper, we propose a novel Semi-supervised Learning approach, called Transformer-CNN Cohort (TCC), that consists of two students with one based on the vision transformer (ViT) and the other based on the CNN. Our method subtly incorporates the multi-level consistency regularization on the predictions and the heterogeneous feature spaces via pseudo labeling for the unlabeled data. First, as the inputs of the ViT student are image patches, the feature maps extracted encode crucial class-wise statistics. To this end, we propose class-aware feature consistency distillation (CFCD) that first leverages the outputs of each student as the pseudo labels and generates class-aware feature (CF) maps. It then transfers knowledge via the CF maps between the students. Second, as the ViT student has more uniform representations for all layers, we propose consistency-aware cross distillation to transfer knowledge between the pixel-wise predictions from the cohort. We validate the TCC framework on Cityscapes and Pascal VOC 2012 datasets, which significantly outperforms existing semi-supervised methods by a large margin.


TogetherNet: Bridging Image Restoration and Object Detection Together via Dynamic Enhancement Learning

Authors:Yongzhen Wang, Xuefeng Yan, Kaiwen Zhang, Lina Gong, Haoran Xie, Fu Lee Wang, Mingqiang Wei

Adverse weather conditions such as haze, rain, and snow often impair the quality of captured images, causing detection networks trained on normal images to generalize poorly in these scenarios. In this paper, we raise an intriguing question - if the combination of image restoration and object detection, can boost the performance of cutting-edge detectors in adverse weather conditions. To answer it, we propose an effective yet unified detection paradigm that bridges these two subtasks together via dynamic enhancement learning to discern objects in adverse weather conditions, called TogetherNet. Different from existing efforts that intuitively apply image dehazing/deraining as a pre-processing step, TogetherNet considers a multi-task joint learning problem. Following the joint learning scheme, clean features produced by the restoration network can be shared to learn better object detection in the detection network, thus helping TogetherNet enhance the detection capacity in adverse weather conditions. Besides the joint learning architecture, we design a new Dynamic Transformer Feature Enhancement module to improve the feature extraction and representation capabilities of TogetherNet. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our TogetherNet outperforms the state-of-the-art detection approaches by a large margin both quantitatively and qualitatively. Source code is available at https://github.com/yz-wang/TogetherNet.
PDF 12 pages, 9 figures


Semantic Segmentation in Learned Compressed Domain

Authors:Jinming Liu, Heming Sun, Jiro Katto

Most machine vision tasks (e.g., semantic segmentation) are based on images encoded and decoded by image compression algorithms (e.g., JPEG). However, these decoded images in the pixel domain introduce distortion, and they are optimized for human perception, making the performance of machine vision tasks suboptimal. In this paper, we propose a method based on the compressed domain to improve segmentation tasks. i) A dynamic and a static channel selection method are proposed to reduce the redundancy of compressed representations that are obtained by encoding. ii) Two different transform modules are explored and analyzed to help the compressed representation be transformed as the features in the segmentation network. The experimental results show that we can save up to 15.8\% bitrates compared with a state-of-the-art compressed domain-based work while saving up to about 83.6\% bitrates and 44.8\% inference time compared with the pixel domain-based method.


Multi Receptive Field Network for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jianlong Yuan, Zelu Deng, Shu Wang, Zhenbo Luo

Semantic segmentation is one of the key tasks in computer vision, which is to assign a category label to each pixel in an image. Despite significant progress achieved recently, most existing methods still suffer from two challenging issues: 1) the size of objects and stuff in an image can be very diverse, demanding for incorporating multi-scale features into the fully convolutional networks (FCNs); 2) the pixels close to or at the boundaries of object/stuff are hard to classify due to the intrinsic weakness of convolutional networks. To address the first issue, we propose a new Multi-Receptive Field Module (MRFM), explicitly taking multi-scale features into account. For the second issue, we design an edge-aware loss which is effective in distinguishing the boundaries of object/stuff. With these two designs, our Multi Receptive Field Network achieves new state-of-the-art results on two widely-used semantic segmentation benchmark datasets. Specifically, we achieve a mean IoU of 83.0 on the Cityscapes dataset and 88.4 mean IoU on the Pascal VOC2012 dataset.
PDF Accept by WACV 2020


MSMDFusion: Fusing LiDAR and Camera at Multiple Scales with Multi-Depth Seeds for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yang Jiao, Zequn Jie, Shaoxiang Chen, Jingjing Chen, Xiaolin Wei, Lin Ma, Yu-Gang Jiang

Fusing LiDAR and camera information is essential for achieving accurate and reliable 3D object detection in autonomous driving systems. However, this is challenging due to the difficulty of combining multi-granularity geometric and semantic features from two drastically different modalities. Recent approaches aim at exploring the semantic densities of camera features through lifting points in 2D camera images (referred to as seeds) into 3D space for fusion, and they can be roughly divided into 1) early fusion of raw points that aims at augmenting the 3D point cloud at the early input stage, and 2) late fusion of BEV (bird-eye view) maps that merges LiDAR and camera BEV features before the detection head. While both have their merits in enhancing the representation power of the combined features, this single-level fusion strategy is a suboptimal solution to the aforementioned challenge. Their major drawbacks are the inability to interact the multi-granularity semantic features from two distinct modalities sufficiently. To this end, we propose a novel framework that focuses on the multi-scale progressive interaction of the multi-granularity LiDAR and camera features. Our proposed method, abbreviated as MDMSFusion, achieves state-of-the-art results in 3D object detection, with 69.1 mAP and 71.8 NDS on nuScenes validation set, and 70.8 mAP and 73.2 NDS on nuScenes test set, which rank 1st and 2nd respectively among single-model non-ensemble approaches by the time of submission.


RLIP: Relational Language-Image Pre-training for Human-Object Interaction Detection

Authors:Hangjie Yuan, Jianwen Jiang, Samuel Albanie, Tao Feng, Ziyuan Huang, Dong Ni, Mingqian Tang

The task of Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection targets fine-grained visual parsing of humans interacting with their environment, enabling a broad range of applications. Prior work has demonstrated the benefits of effective architecture design and integration of relevant cues for more accurate HOI detection. However, the design of an appropriate pre-training strategy for this task remains underexplored by existing approaches. To address this gap, we propose Relational Language-Image Pre-training (RLIP), a strategy for contrastive pre-training that leverages both entity and relation descriptions. To make effective use of such pre-training, we make three technical contributions: (1) a new Parallel entity detection and Sequential relation inference (ParSe) architecture that enables the use of both entity and relation descriptions during holistically optimized pre-training; (2) a synthetic data generation framework, Label Sequence Extension, that expands the scale of language data available within each minibatch; (3) mechanisms to account for ambiguity, Relation Quality Labels and Relation Pseudo-Labels, to mitigate the influence of ambiguous/noisy samples in the pre-training data. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the benefits of these contributions, collectively termed RLIP-ParSe, for improved zero-shot, few-shot and fine-tuning HOI detection performance as well as increased robustness to learning from noisy annotations. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/JacobYuan7/RLIP}.
PDF Tech report


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