I2I Translation

2022-09-09 更新

Unpaired Image Translation via Vector Symbolic Architectures

Authors:Justin Theiss, Jay Leverett, Daeil Kim, Aayush Prakash

Image-to-image translation has played an important role in enabling synthetic data for computer vision. However, if the source and target domains have a large semantic mismatch, existing techniques often suffer from source content corruption aka semantic flipping. To address this problem, we propose a new paradigm for image-to-image translation using Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSA), a theoretical framework which defines algebraic operations in a high-dimensional vector (hypervector) space. We introduce VSA-based constraints on adversarial learning for source-to-target translations by learning a hypervector mapping that inverts the translation to ensure consistency with source content. We show both qualitatively and quantitatively that our method improves over other state-of-the-art techniques.


AI Illustrator: Translating Raw Descriptions into Images by Prompt-based Cross-Modal Generation

Authors:Yiyang Ma, Huan Yang, Bei Liu, Jianlong Fu, Jiaying Liu

AI illustrator aims to automatically design visually appealing images for books to provoke rich thoughts and emotions. To achieve this goal, we propose a framework for translating raw descriptions with complex semantics into semantically corresponding images. The main challenge lies in the complexity of the semantics of raw descriptions, which may be hard to be visualized (e.g., “gloomy” or “Asian”). It usually poses challenges for existing methods to handle such descriptions. To address this issue, we propose a Prompt-based Cross-Modal Generation Framework (PCM-Frame) to leverage two powerful pre-trained models, including CLIP and StyleGAN. Our framework consists of two components: a projection module from Text Embeddings to Image Embeddings based on prompts, and an adapted image generation module built on StyleGAN which takes Image Embeddings as inputs and is trained by combined semantic consistency losses. To bridge the gap between realistic images and illustration designs, we further adopt a stylization model as post-processing in our framework for better visual effects. Benefiting from the pre-trained models, our method can handle complex descriptions and does not require external paired data for training. Furthermore, we have built a benchmark that consists of 200 raw descriptions. We conduct a user study to demonstrate our superiority over the competing methods with complicated texts. We release our code at https://github.com/researchmm/AI_Illustrator.


Facial Expression Translation using Landmark Guided GANs

Authors:Hao Tang, Nicu Sebe

We propose a simple yet powerful Landmark guided Generative Adversarial Network (LandmarkGAN) for the facial expression-to-expression translation using a single image, which is an important and challenging task in computer vision since the expression-to-expression translation is a non-linear and non-aligned problem. Moreover, it requires a high-level semantic understanding between the input and output images since the objects in images can have arbitrary poses, sizes, locations, backgrounds, and self-occlusions. To tackle this problem, we propose utilizing facial landmark information explicitly. Since it is a challenging problem, we split it into two sub-tasks, (i) category-guided landmark generation, and (ii) landmark-guided expression-to-expression translation. Two sub-tasks are trained in an end-to-end fashion that aims to enjoy the mutually improved benefits from the generated landmarks and expressions. Compared with current keypoint-guided approaches, the proposed LandmarkGAN only needs a single facial image to generate various expressions. Extensive experimental results on four public datasets demonstrate that the proposed LandmarkGAN achieves better results compared with state-of-the-art approaches only using a single image. The code is available at https://github.com/Ha0Tang/LandmarkGAN.
PDF Accepted to TAFFC


Multimodal Neural Machine Translation with Search Engine Based Image Retrieval

Authors:ZhenHao Tang, XiaoBing Zhang, Zi Long, XiangHua Fu

Recently, numbers of works shows that the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) can be improved to a certain extent with using visual information. However, most of these conclusions are drawn from the analysis of experimental results based on a limited set of bilingual sentence-image pairs, such as Multi30K. In these kinds of datasets, the content of one bilingual parallel sentence pair must be well represented by a manually annotated image, which is different with the actual translation situation. Some previous works are proposed to addressed the problem by retrieving images from exiting sentence-image pairs with topic model. However, because of the limited collection of sentence-image pairs they used, their image retrieval method is difficult to deal with the out-of-vocabulary words, and can hardly prove that visual information enhance NMT rather than the co-occurrence of images and sentences. In this paper, we propose an open-vocabulary image retrieval methods to collect descriptive images for bilingual parallel corpus using image search engine. Next, we propose text-aware attentive visual encoder to filter incorrectly collected noise images. Experiment results on Multi30K and other two translation datasets show that our proposed method achieves significant improvements over strong baselines.
PDF 9 pages, 5 figures


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