2022-09-09 更新

Joint Learning of Deep Texture and High-Frequency Features for Computer-Generated Image Detection

Authors:Qiang Xu, Shan Jia, Xinghao Jiang, Tanfeng Sun, Zhe Wang, Hong Yan

Distinguishing between computer-generated (CG) and natural photographic (PG) images is of great importance to verify the authenticity and originality of digital images. However, the recent cutting-edge generation methods enable high qualities of synthesis in CG images, which makes this challenging task even trickier. To address this issue, a joint learning strategy with deep texture and high-frequency features for CG image detection is proposed. We first formulate and deeply analyze the different acquisition processes of CG and PG images. Based on the finding that multiple different modules in image acquisition will lead to different sensitivity inconsistencies to the convolutional neural network (CNN)-based rendering in images, we propose a deep texture rendering module for texture difference enhancement and discriminative texture representation. Specifically, the semantic segmentation map is generated to guide the affine transformation operation, which is used to recover the texture in different regions of the input image. Then, the combination of the original image and the high-frequency components of the original and rendered images are fed into a multi-branch neural network equipped with attention mechanisms, which refines intermediate features and facilitates trace exploration in spatial and channel dimensions respectively. Extensive experiments on two public datasets and a newly constructed dataset with more realistic and diverse images show that the proposed approach outperforms existing methods in the field by a clear margin. Besides, results also demonstrate the detection robustness and generalization ability of the proposed approach to postprocessing operations and generative adversarial network (GAN) generated images.


AI Illustrator: Translating Raw Descriptions into Images by Prompt-based Cross-Modal Generation

Authors:Yiyang Ma, Huan Yang, Bei Liu, Jianlong Fu, Jiaying Liu

AI illustrator aims to automatically design visually appealing images for books to provoke rich thoughts and emotions. To achieve this goal, we propose a framework for translating raw descriptions with complex semantics into semantically corresponding images. The main challenge lies in the complexity of the semantics of raw descriptions, which may be hard to be visualized (e.g., “gloomy” or “Asian”). It usually poses challenges for existing methods to handle such descriptions. To address this issue, we propose a Prompt-based Cross-Modal Generation Framework (PCM-Frame) to leverage two powerful pre-trained models, including CLIP and StyleGAN. Our framework consists of two components: a projection module from Text Embeddings to Image Embeddings based on prompts, and an adapted image generation module built on StyleGAN which takes Image Embeddings as inputs and is trained by combined semantic consistency losses. To bridge the gap between realistic images and illustration designs, we further adopt a stylization model as post-processing in our framework for better visual effects. Benefiting from the pre-trained models, our method can handle complex descriptions and does not require external paired data for training. Furthermore, we have built a benchmark that consists of 200 raw descriptions. We conduct a user study to demonstrate our superiority over the competing methods with complicated texts. We release our code at


A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-based Single Image Super-resolution

Authors:Syed Muhammad Arsalan Bashir, Yi Wang, Mahrukh Khan, Yilong Niu

Image super-resolution (SR) is one of the vital image processing methods that improve the resolution of an image in the field of computer vision. In the last two decades, significant progress has been made in the field of super-resolution, especially by utilizing deep learning methods. This survey is an effort to provide a detailed survey of recent progress in single-image super-resolution in the perspective of deep learning while also informing about the initial classical methods used for image super-resolution. The survey classifies the image SR methods into four categories, i.e., classical methods, supervised learning-based methods, unsupervised learning-based methods, and domain-specific SR methods. We also introduce the problem of SR to provide intuition about image quality metrics, available reference datasets, and SR challenges. Deep learning-based approaches of SR are evaluated using a reference dataset. Some of the reviewed state-of-the-art image SR methods include the enhanced deep SR network (EDSR), cycle-in-cycle GAN (CinCGAN), multiscale residual network (MSRN), meta residual dense network (Meta-RDN), recurrent back-projection network (RBPN), second-order attention network (SAN), SR feedback network (SRFBN) and the wavelet-based residual attention network (WRAN). Finally, this survey is concluded with future directions and trends in SR and open problems in SR to be addressed by the researchers.
PDF 35 Pages, 10 Figures, 2 Tables


SIAN: Style-Guided Instance-Adaptive Normalization for Multi-Organ Histopathology Image Synthesis

Authors:Haotian Wang, Min Xian, Aleksandar Vakanski, Bryar Shareef

Existing deep networks for histopathology image synthesis cannot generate accurate boundaries for clustered nuclei and cannot output image styles that align with different organs. To address these issues, we propose a style-guided instance-adaptive normalization (SIAN) to synthesize realistic color distributions and textures for different organs. SIAN contains four phases, semantization, stylization, instantiation, and modulation. The four phases work together and are integrated into a generative network to embed image semantics, style, and instance-level boundaries. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of all components in SIAN, and show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art conditional GANs for histopathology image synthesis using the Frechet Inception Distance (FID), structural similarity Index (SSIM), detection quality(DQ), segmentation quality(SQ), and panoptic quality(PQ). Furthermore, the performance of a segmentation network could be significantly improved by incorporating synthetic images generated using SIAN.


Generalized One-shot Domain Adaption of Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Zicheng Zhang, Yinglu Liu, Congying Han, Tiande Guo, Ting Yao, Tao Mei

The adaption of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) aims to transfer a pre-trained GAN to a given domain with limited training data. In this paper, we focus on the one-shot case, which is more challenging and rarely explored in previous works. We consider that the adaptation from source domain to target domain can be decoupled into two parts: the transfer of global style like texture and color, and the emergence of new entities that do not belong to the source domain. While previous works mainly focus on the style transfer, we propose a novel and concise framework\footnote{\url{}} to address the \textit{generalized one-shot adaption} task for both style and entity transfer, in which a reference image and its binary entity mask are provided. Our core objective is to constrain the gap between the internal distributions of the reference and syntheses by sliced Wasserstein distance. To better achieve it, style fixation is used at first to roughly obtain the exemplary style, and an auxiliary network is introduced to the original generator to disentangle entity and style transfer. Besides, to realize cross-domain correspondence, we propose the variational Laplacian regularization to constrain the smoothness of the adapted generator. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in various scenarios.


Generating natural images with direct Patch Distributions Matching

Authors:Ariel Elnekave, Yair Weiss

Many traditional computer vision algorithms generate realistic images by requiring that each patch in the generated image be similar to a patch in a training image and vice versa. Recently, this classical approach has been replaced by adversarial training with a patch discriminator. The adversarial approach avoids the computational burden of finding nearest neighbors of patches but often requires very long training times and may fail to match the distribution of patches. In this paper we leverage the recently developed Sliced Wasserstein Distance and develop an algorithm that explicitly and efficiently minimizes the distance between patch distributions in two images. Our method is conceptually simple, requires no training and can be implemented in a few lines of codes. On a number of image generation tasks we show that our results are often superior to single-image-GANs, require no training, and can generate high quality images in a few seconds. Our implementation is available at
PDF Corrected typos In text and figures (Thanks to Ronen Schaffer)


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