Vision Transformer

2022-08-27 更新

Class-Aware Visual Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Pre-Trained Model

Authors:Yinghui Xing, Qirui Wu, De Cheng, Shizhou Zhang, Guoqiang Liang, Yanning Zhang

With the emergence of large pre-trained vison-language model like CLIP, transferrable representations can be adapted to a wide range of downstream tasks via prompt tuning. Prompt tuning tries to probe the beneficial information for downstream tasks from the general knowledge stored in both the image and text encoders of the pre-trained vision-language model. A recently proposed method named Context Optimization (CoOp) introduces a set of learnable vectors as text prompt from the language side, while tuning the text prompt alone can not affect the computed visual features of the image encoder, thus leading to sub-optimal. In this paper, we propose a dual modality prompt tuning paradigm through learning text prompts and visual prompts for both the text and image encoder simultaneously. In addition, to make the visual prompt concentrate more on the target visual concept, we propose Class-Aware Visual Prompt Tuning (CAVPT), which is generated dynamically by performing the cross attention between language descriptions of template prompts and visual class token embeddings. Our method provides a new paradigm for tuning the large pre-trained vision-language model and extensive experimental results on 8 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our code is available in the supplementary materials.
PDF 9 pages, 4 figures


ViT-ReT: Vision and Recurrent Transformer Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition in Videos

Authors:James Wensel, Hayat Ullah, Arslan Munir

Human activity recognition is an emerging and important area in computer vision which seeks to determine the activity an individual or group of individuals are performing. The applications of this field ranges from generating highlight videos in sports, to intelligent surveillance and gesture recognition. Most activity recognition systems rely on a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to perform feature extraction from the data and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to determine the time dependent nature of the data. This paper proposes and designs two transformer neural networks for human activity recognition: a recurrent transformer (ReT), a specialized neural network used to make predictions on sequences of data, as well as a vision transformer (ViT), a transformer optimized for extracting salient features from images, to improve speed and scalability of activity recognition. We have provided an extensive comparison of the proposed transformer neural networks with the contemporary CNN and RNN-based human activity recognition models in terms of speed and accuracy.


文章作者: 木子已
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