
2022-08-27 更新

SGD-X: A Benchmark for Robust Generalization in Schema-Guided Dialogue Systems

Authors:Harrison Lee, Raghav Gupta, Abhinav Rastogi, Yuan Cao, Bin Zhang, Yonghui Wu

Zero/few-shot transfer to unseen services is a critical challenge in task-oriented dialogue research. The Schema-Guided Dialogue (SGD) dataset introduced a paradigm for enabling models to support any service in zero-shot through schemas, which describe service APIs to models in natural language. We explore the robustness of dialogue systems to linguistic variations in schemas by designing SGD-X - a benchmark extending SGD with semantically similar yet stylistically diverse variants for every schema. We observe that two top state tracking models fail to generalize well across schema variants, measured by joint goal accuracy and a novel metric for measuring schema sensitivity. Additionally, we present a simple model-agnostic data augmentation method to improve schema robustness.


Few-Shot Table-to-Text Generation with Prefix-Controlled Generator

Authors:Yutao Luo, Menghua Lu, Gongshen Liu, Shilin Wang

Neural table-to-text generation approaches are data-hungry, limiting their adaptation for low-resource real-world applications. Previous works mostly resort to Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to generate fluent summaries of a table. However, they often contain hallucinated contents due to the uncontrolled nature of PLMs. Moreover, the topological differences between tables and sequences are rarely studied. Last but not least, fine-tuning on PLMs with a handful of instances may lead to over-fitting and catastrophic forgetting. To alleviate these problems, we propose a prompt-based approach, Prefix-Controlled Generator (i.e., PCG), for few-shot table-to-text generation. We prepend a task-specific prefix for a PLM to make the table structure better fit the pre-trained input. In addition, we generate an input-specific prefix to control the factual contents and word order of the generated text. Both automatic and human evaluations on different domains (humans, books and songs) of the Wikibio dataset show substantial improvements over baseline approaches.
PDF Accpeted by COLING 2022 as a long paper


A novel method for data augmentation: Nine Dot Moving Least Square (ND-MLS)

Authors:Wen Yang, Rui Wang, Yanchao Zhang

Data augmentation greatly increases the amount of data obtained based on labeled data to save on expenses and labor for data collection and labeling. We present a new approach for data augmentation called nine-dot MLS (ND-MLS). This approach is proposed based on the idea of image defor-mation. Images are deformed based on control points, which are calculated by ND-MLS. The method can generate over 2000 images for one exist-ing dataset in a short time. To verify this data augmentation method, extensive tests were performed covering 3 main tasks of computer vision, namely, classification, detection and segmentation. The results show that 1) in classification, 10 images per category were used for training, and VGGNet can obtain 92% top-1 acc on the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits by ND-MLS. In the Omniglot dataset, the few-shot accuracy usu-ally decreases with the increase in character categories. However, the ND-MLS method has stable performance and obtains 96.5 top-1 acc in Res-Net on 100 different handwritten character classification tasks; 2) in segmentation, under the premise of only ten original images, DeepLab obtains 93.5%, 85%, and 73.3% m_IOU(10) on the bottle, horse, and grass test datasets, respectively, while the cat test dataset obtains 86.7% m_IOU(10) with the SegNet model; 3) with only 10 original images from each category in object detection, YOLO v4 obtains 100% and 97.2% bottle and horse detection, respectively, while the cat dataset obtains 93.6% with YOLO v3. In summary, ND-MLS can perform well on classification, object detec-tion, and semantic segmentation tasks by using only a few data.
PDF 16 pages,13 figures


Learn Continually, Generalize Rapidly: Lifelong Knowledge Accumulation for Few-shot Learning

Authors:Xisen Jin, Bill Yuchen Lin, Mohammad Rostami, Xiang Ren

The ability to continuously expand knowledge over time and utilize it to rapidly generalize to new tasks is a key feature of human linguistic intelligence. Existing models that pursue rapid generalization to new tasks (e.g., few-shot learning methods), however, are mostly trained in a single shot on fixed datasets, unable to dynamically expand their knowledge; while continual learning algorithms are not specifically designed for rapid generalization. We present a new learning setup, Continual Learning of Few-Shot Learners (CLIF), to address the challenges of both learning settings in a unified setup. CLIF assumes a model learns from a sequence of diverse NLP tasks arriving sequentially, accumulating knowledge for improved generalization to new tasks, while also retaining performance on the tasks learned earlier. We examine how the generalization ability is affected in the continual learning setup, evaluate a number of continual learning algorithms, and propose a novel regularized adapter generation approach. We find that catastrophic forgetting affects generalization ability to a less degree than performance on seen tasks; while continual learning algorithms can still bring considerable benefit to the generalization ability.
PDF Accepted at Findings of EMNLP 2021; Fixed an error in Table 3 (see footnote 4); Updated Q3 in Sec. 4.2


Few-Shot Forecasting of Time-Series with Heterogeneous Channels

Authors:Lukas Brinkmeyer, Rafael Rego Drumond, Johannes Burchert, Lars Schmidt-Thieme

Learning complex time series forecasting models usually requires a large amount of data, as each model is trained from scratch for each task/data set. Leveraging learning experience with similar datasets is a well-established technique for classification problems called few-shot classification. However, existing approaches cannot be applied to time-series forecasting because i) multivariate time-series datasets have different channels and ii) forecasting is principally different from classification. In this paper we formalize the problem of few-shot forecasting of time-series with heterogeneous channels for the first time. Extending recent work on heterogeneous attributes in vector data, we develop a model composed of permutation-invariant deep set-blocks which incorporate a temporal embedding. We assemble the first meta-dataset of 40 multivariate time-series datasets and show through experiments that our model provides a good generalization, outperforming baselines carried over from simpler scenarios that either fail to learn across tasks or miss temporal information.
PDF Under review. Equal contribution (Brinkmeyer and Rego Drumond)


IPNET:Influential Prototypical Networks for Few Shot Learning

Authors:Ranjana Roy Chowdhury, Deepti R. Bathula

Prototypical network (PN) is a simple yet effective few shot learning strategy. It is a metric-based meta-learning technique where classification is performed by computing Euclidean distances to prototypical representations of each class. Conventional PN attributes equal importance to all samples and generates prototypes by simply averaging the support sample embeddings belonging to each class. In this work, we propose a novel version of PN that attributes weights to support samples corresponding to their influence on the support sample distribution. Influence weights of samples are calculated based on maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) between the mean embeddings of sample distributions including and excluding the sample. Further, the influence factor of a sample is measured using MMD based on the shift in the distribution in the absence of that sample.
PDF arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.00698


Gradient-Based Meta-Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Loss for Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Lin Ding, Peng Liu, Wenfeng Shen, Weijia Lu, Shengbo Chen

Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) is one of the most successful meta-learning techniques for few-shot learning. It uses gradient descent to learn commonalities between various tasks, enabling the model to learn the meta-initialization of its own parameters to quickly adapt to new tasks using a small amount of labeled training data. A key challenge to few-shot learning is task uncertainty. Although a strong prior can be obtained from meta-learning with a large number of tasks, a precision model of the new task cannot be guaranteed because the volume of the training dataset is normally too small. In this study, first,in the process of choosing initialization parameters, the new method is proposed for task-specific learner adaptively learn to select initialization parameters that minimize the loss of new tasks. Then, we propose two improved methods for the meta-loss part: Method 1 generates weights by comparing meta-loss differences to improve the accuracy when there are few classes, and Method 2 introduces the homoscedastic uncertainty of each task to weigh multiple losses based on the original gradient descent,as a way to enhance the generalization ability to novel classes while ensuring accuracy improvement. Compared with previous gradient-based meta-learning methods, our model achieves better performance in regression tasks and few-shot classification and improves the robustness of the model to the learning rate and query sets in the meta-test set.


Privacy Enhancement for Cloud-Based Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Archit Parnami, Muhammad Usama, Liyue Fan, Minwoo Lee

Requiring less data for accurate models, few-shot learning has shown robustness and generality in many application domains. However, deploying few-shot models in untrusted environments may inflict privacy concerns, e.g., attacks or adversaries that may breach the privacy of user-supplied data. This paper studies the privacy enhancement for the few-shot learning in an untrusted environment, e.g., the cloud, by establishing a novel privacy-preserved embedding space that preserves the privacy of data and maintains the accuracy of the model. We examine the impact of various image privacy methods such as blurring, pixelization, Gaussian noise, and differentially private pixelization (DP-Pix) on few-shot image classification and propose a method that learns privacy-preserved representation through the joint loss. The empirical results show how privacy-performance trade-off can be negotiated for privacy-enhanced few-shot learning.
PDF 14 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. Preprint. Accepted in IEEE WCCI 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)


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