
2022-08-26 更新

Shift Variance in Scene Text Detection

Authors:Markus Glitzner, Jan-Hendrik Neudeck, Philipp Härtinger

Theory of convolutional neural networks suggests the property of shift equivariance, i.e., that a shifted input causes an equally shifted output. In practice, however, this is not always the case. This poses a great problem for scene text detection for which a consistent spatial response is crucial, irrespective of the position of the text in the scene. Using a simple synthetic experiment, we demonstrate the inherent shift variance of a state-of-the-art fully convolutional text detector. Furthermore, using the same experimental setting, we show how small architectural changes can lead to an improved shift equivariance and less variation of the detector output. We validate the synthetic results using a real-world training schedule on the text detection network. To quantify the amount of shift variability, we propose a metric based on well-established text detection benchmarks. While the proposed architectural changes are not able to fully recover shift equivariance, adding smoothing filters can substantially improve shift consistency on common text datasets. Considering the potentially large impact of small shifts, we propose to extend the commonly used text detection metrics by the metric described in this work, in order to be able to quantify the consistency of text detectors.
PDF Accepted at the ECCV 2022 Text in Everything workshop


DPTNet: A Dual-Path Transformer Architecture for Scene Text Detection

Authors:Jingyu Lin, Jie Jiang, Yan Yan, Chunchao Guo, Hongfa Wang, Wei Liu, Hanzi Wang

The prosperity of deep learning contributes to the rapid progress in scene text detection. Among all the methods with convolutional networks, segmentation-based ones have drawn extensive attention due to their superiority in detecting text instances of arbitrary shapes and extreme aspect ratios. However, the bottom-up methods are limited to the performance of their segmentation models. In this paper, we propose DPTNet (Dual-Path Transformer Network), a simple yet effective architecture to model the global and local information for the scene text detection task. We further propose a parallel design that integrates the convolutional network with a powerful self-attention mechanism to provide complementary clues between the attention path and convolutional path. Moreover, a bi-directional interaction module across the two paths is developed to provide complementary clues in the channel and spatial dimensions. We also upgrade the concentration operation by adding an extra multi-head attention layer to it. Our DPTNet achieves state-of-the-art results on the MSRA-TD500 dataset, and provides competitive results on other standard benchmarks in terms of both detection accuracy and speed.


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