Vision Transformer

2022-08-19 更新

Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with MaskCLIP

Authors:Zheng Ding, Jieke Wang, Zhuowen Tu

In this paper, we tackle a new computer vision task, open-vocabulary panoptic segmentation, that aims to perform panoptic segmentation (background semantic labeling + foreground instance segmentation) for arbitrary categories of text-based descriptions. We first build a baseline method without finetuning nor distillation to utilize the knowledge in the existing CLIP model. We then develop a new method, MaskCLIP, that is a Transformer-based approach using mask queries with the ViT-based CLIP backbone to perform semantic segmentation and object instance segmentation. Here we design a Relative Mask Attention (RMA) module to account for segmentations as additional tokens to the ViT CLIP model. MaskCLIP learns to efficiently and effectively utilize pre-trained dense/local CLIP features by avoiding the time-consuming operation to crop image patches and compute feature from an external CLIP image model. We obtain encouraging results for open-vocabulary panoptic segmentation and state-of-the-art results for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation on ADE20K and PASCAL datasets. We show qualitative illustration for MaskCLIP with custom categories.


Prompt Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization

Authors:Zangwei Zheng, Xiangyu Yue, Kai Wang, Yang You

Though vision transformers (ViTs) have exhibited impressive ability for representation learning, we empirically find that they cannot generalize well to unseen domains with previous domain generalization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel approach DoPrompt based on prompt learning to embed the knowledge of source domains in domain prompts for target domain prediction. Specifically, domain prompts are prepended before ViT input tokens from the corresponding source domain. Each domain prompt learns domain-specific knowledge efficiently since it is optimized only for one domain. Meanwhile, we train a prompt adapter to produce a suitable prompt for each input image based on the learned source domain prompts. At test time, the adapted prompt generated by the prompt adapter can exploit the similarity between the feature of the out-of-domain image and source domains to properly integrate the source domain knowledge. Extensive experiments are conducted on four benchmark datasets. Our approach achieves 1.4% improvements in the averaged accuracy, which is 3.5 times the improvement of the state-of-the-art algorithm with a ViT backbone.


The 8-Point Algorithm as an Inductive Bias for Relative Pose Prediction by ViTs

Authors:Chris Rockwell, Justin Johnson, David F. Fouhey

We present a simple baseline for directly estimating the relative pose (rotation and translation, including scale) between two images. Deep methods have recently shown strong progress but often require complex or multi-stage architectures. We show that a handful of modifications can be applied to a Vision Transformer (ViT) to bring its computations close to the Eight-Point Algorithm. This inductive bias enables a simple method to be competitive in multiple settings, often substantially improving over the state of the art with strong performance gains in limited data regimes.
PDF Accepted to 3DV 2022; Project Page:


Conviformers: Convolutionally guided Vision Transformer

Authors:Mohit Vaishnav, Thomas Fel, Ivan Felipe Rodrıguez, Thomas Serre

Vision transformers are nowadays the de-facto preference for image classification tasks. There are two broad categories of classification tasks, fine-grained and coarse-grained. In fine-grained classification, the necessity is to discover subtle differences due to the high level of similarity between sub-classes. Such distinctions are often lost as we downscale the image to save the memory and computational cost associated with vision transformers (ViT). In this work, we present an in-depth analysis and describe the critical components for developing a system for the fine-grained categorization of plants from herbarium sheets. Our extensive experimental analysis indicated the need for a better augmentation technique and the ability of modern-day neural networks to handle higher dimensional images. We also introduce a convolutional transformer architecture called Conviformer which, unlike the popular Vision Transformer (ConViT), can handle higher resolution images without exploding memory and computational cost. We also introduce a novel, improved pre-processing technique called PreSizer to resize images better while preserving their original aspect ratios, which proved essential for classifying natural plants. With our simple yet effective approach, we achieved SoTA on Herbarium 202x and iNaturalist 2019 dataset.
PDF 11 pages; 4 Figures; 8 Tables


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