2022-08-18 更新

StyleFaceV: Face Video Generation via Decomposing and Recomposing Pretrained StyleGAN3

Authors:Haonan Qiu, Yuming Jiang, Hang Zhou, Wayne Wu, Ziwei Liu

Realistic generative face video synthesis has long been a pursuit in both computer vision and graphics community. However, existing face video generation methods tend to produce low-quality frames with drifted facial identities and unnatural movements. To tackle these challenges, we propose a principled framework named StyleFaceV, which produces high-fidelity identity-preserving face videos with vivid movements. Our core insight is to decompose appearance and pose information and recompose them in the latent space of StyleGAN3 to produce stable and dynamic results. Specifically, StyleGAN3 provides strong priors for high-fidelity facial image generation, but the latent space is intrinsically entangled. By carefully examining its latent properties, we propose our decomposition and recomposition designs which allow for the disentangled combination of facial appearance and movements. Moreover, a temporal-dependent model is built upon the decomposed latent features, and samples reasonable sequences of motions that are capable of generating realistic and temporally coherent face videos. Particularly, our pipeline is trained with a joint training strategy on both static images and high-quality video data, which is of higher data efficiency. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art face video generation results both qualitatively and quantitatively. Notably, StyleFaceV is capable of generating realistic $1024\times1024$ face videos even without high-resolution training videos.
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ParaColorizer: Realistic Image Colorization using Parallel Generative Networks

Authors:Himanshu Kumar, Abeer Banerjee, Sumeet Saurav, Sanjay Singh

Grayscale image colorization is a fascinating application of AI for information restoration. The inherently ill-posed nature of the problem makes it even more challenging since the outputs could be multi-modal. The learning-based methods currently in use produce acceptable results for straightforward cases but usually fail to restore the contextual information in the absence of clear figure-ground separation. Also, the images suffer from color bleeding and desaturated backgrounds since a single model trained on full image features is insufficient for learning the diverse data modes. To address these issues, we present a parallel GAN-based colorization framework. In our approach, each separately tailored GAN pipeline colorizes the foreground (using object-level features) or the background (using full-image features). The foreground pipeline employs a Residual-UNet with self-attention as its generator trained using the full-image features and the corresponding object-level features from the COCO dataset. The background pipeline relies on full-image features and additional training examples from the Places dataset. We design a DenseFuse-based fusion network to obtain the final colorized image by feature-based fusion of the parallelly generated outputs. We show the shortcomings of the non-perceptual evaluation metrics commonly used to assess multi-modal problems like image colorization and perform extensive performance evaluation of our framework using multiple perceptual metrics. Our approach outperforms most of the existing learning-based methods and produces results comparable to the state-of-the-art. Further, we performed a runtime analysis and obtained an average inference time of 24ms per image.


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