
2022-08-16 更新

DUET: Cross-modal Semantic Grounding for Contrastive Zero-shot Learning

Authors:Zhuo Chen, Yufeng Huang, Jiaoyan Chen, Yuxia Geng, Wen Zhang, Yin Fang, Jeff Z. Pan, Wenting Song, Huajun Chen

Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to predict unseen classes whose samples have never appeared during training. One of the most effective and widely used semantic information for zero-shot image classification are attributes which are annotations for class-level visual characteristics. However, the current methods often fail to discriminate those subtle visual distinctions between images due to not only the shortage of fine-grained annotations, but also the attribute imbalance and co-occurrence. In this paper, we present a transformer-based end-to-end ZSL method named DUET, which integrates latent semantic knowledge from the pretrained language models (PLMs) via a self-supervised multimodal learning paradigm. Specifically, we (1) developed a cross-modal semantic grounding network to investigate the model’s capability of disentangling semantic attributes from the images; (2) applied an attribute-level contrastive learning strategy to further enhance the model’s discrimination on fine-grained visual characteristics against the attribute cooccurrence and imbalance; (3) proposed a multi-task learning policy for considering multi-model objectives. With extensive experiments on three standard ZSL benchmarks and a knowledge graph equipped ZSL benchmark, we find that DUET can often achieve state-of-the-art performance, its components are effective and its predictions are interpretable.
PDF Work in progress


A Unified Two-Stage Group Semantics Propagation and Contrastive Learning Network for Co-Saliency Detection

Authors:Zhenshan Tan, Cheng Chen, Keyu Wen, Yuzhuo Qin, Xiaodong Gu

Co-saliency detection (CoSOD) aims at discovering the repetitive salient objects from multiple images. Two primary challenges are group semantics extraction and noise object suppression. In this paper, we present a unified Two-stage grOup semantics PropagatIon and Contrastive learning NETwork (TopicNet) for CoSOD. TopicNet can be decomposed into two substructures, including a two-stage group semantics propagation module (TGSP) to address the first challenge and a contrastive learning module (CLM) to address the second challenge. Concretely, for TGSP, we design an image-to-group propagation module (IGP) to capture the consensus representation of intra-group similar features and a group-to-pixel propagation module (GPP) to build the relevancy of consensus representation. For CLM, with the design of positive samples, the semantic consistency is enhanced. With the design of negative samples, the noise objects are suppressed. Experimental results on three prevailing benchmarks reveal that TopicNet outperforms other competitors in terms of various evaluation metrics.


Hierarchical Attention Network for Few-Shot Object Detection via Meta-Contrastive Learning

Authors:Dongwoo Park, Jongmin Lee

Few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims to classify and detect few images of novel categories. Existing meta-learning methods insufficiently exploit features between support and query images owing to structural limitations. We propose a hierarchical attention network with sequentially large receptive fields to fully exploit the query and support images. In addition, meta-learning does not distinguish the categories well because it determines whether the support and query images match. In other words, metric-based learning for classification is ineffective because it does not work directly. Thus, we propose a contrastive learning method called meta-contrastive learning, which directly helps achieve the purpose of the meta-learning strategy. Finally, we establish a new state-of-the-art network, by realizing significant margins. Our method brings 2.3, 1.0, 1.3, 3.4 and 2.4\% AP improvements for 1-30 shots object detection on COCO dataset. Our code is available at: https://github.com/infinity7428/hANMCL


Robust Contrastive Active Learning with Feature-guided Query Strategies

Authors:Ranganath Krishnan, Nilesh Ahuja, Alok Sinha, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo, Ravi Iyer

We introduce supervised contrastive active learning (SCAL) and propose efficient query strategies in active learning based on the feature similarity (featuresim) and principal component analysis based feature-reconstruction error (fre) to select informative data samples with diverse feature representations. We demonstrate our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, model calibration and reduces sampling bias in an active learning setup for balanced and imbalanced datasets on image classification tasks. We also evaluate robustness of model to distributional shift derived from different query strategies in active learning setting. Using extensive experiments, we show that our proposed approach outperforms high performing compute-intensive methods by a big margin resulting in 9.9% lower mean corruption error, 7.2% lower expected calibration error under dataset shift and 8.9% higher AUROC for out-of-distribution detection.
PDF 20 pages with appendix. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2109.06321


ARIEL: Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning

Authors:Shengyu Feng, Baoyu Jing, Yada Zhu, Hanghang Tong

Contrastive learning is an effective unsupervised method in graph representation learning, and the key component of contrastive learning lies in the construction of positive and negative samples. Previous methods usually utilize the proximity of nodes in the graph as the principle. Recently, the data augmentation based contrastive learning method has advanced to show great power in the visual domain, and some works extended this method from images to graphs. However, unlike the data augmentation on images, the data augmentation on graphs is far less intuitive and much harder to provide high-quality contrastive samples, which leaves much space for improvement. In this work, by introducing an adversarial graph view for data augmentation, we propose a simple but effective method, Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning (ARIEL), to extract informative contrastive samples within reasonable constraints. We develop a new technique called information regularization for stable training and use subgraph sampling for scalability. We generalize our method from node-level contrastive learning to the graph-level by treating each graph instance as a supernode. ARIEL consistently outperforms the current graph contrastive learning methods for both node-level and graph-level classification tasks on real-world datasets. We further demonstrate that ARIEL is more robust in face of adversarial attacks.


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