Vision Transformer

2022-08-16 更新

MILAN: Masked Image Pretraining on Language Assisted Representation

Authors:Zejiang Hou, Fei Sun, Yen-Kuang Chen, Yuan Xie, Sun-Yuan Kung

Self-attention based transformer models have been dominating many computer vision tasks in the past few years. Their superb model qualities heavily depend on the excessively large labeled image datasets. In order to reduce the reliance on large labeled datasets, reconstruction based masked autoencoders are gaining popularity, which learn high quality transferable representations from unlabeled images. For the same purpose, recent weakly supervised image pretraining methods explore language supervision from text captions accompanying the images. In this work, we propose masked image pretraining on language assisted representation, dubbed as MILAN. Instead of predicting raw pixels or low level features, our pretraining objective is to reconstruct the image features with substantial semantic signals that are obtained using caption supervision. Moreover, to accommodate our reconstruction target, we propose a more efficient prompting decoder architecture and a semantic aware mask sampling mechanism, which further advance the transfer performance of the pretrained model. Experimental results demonstrate that MILAN delivers higher accuracy than the previous works. When the masked autoencoder is pretrained and finetuned on ImageNet-1K dataset with an input resolution of 224x224, MILAN achieves a top-1 accuracy of 85.4% on ViTB/16, surpassing previous state-of-the-arts by 1%. In the downstream semantic segmentation task, MILAN achieves 52.7 mIoU using ViT-B/16 backbone on ADE20K dataset, outperforming previous masked pretraining results by 4 points.


Pro-tuning: Unified Prompt Tuning for Vision Tasks

Authors:Xing Nie, Bolin Ni, Jianlong Chang, Gaomeng Meng, Chunlei Huo, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Shiming Xiang, Qi Tian, Chunhong Pan

In computer vision, fine-tuning is the de-facto approach to leverage pre-trained vision models to perform downstream tasks. However, deploying it in practice is quite challenging, due to adopting parameter inefficient global update and heavily relying on high-quality downstream data. Recently, prompt-based learning, which adds a task-relevant prompt to adapt the downstream tasks to pre-trained models, has drastically boosted the performance of many natural language downstream tasks. In this work, we extend this notable transfer ability benefited from prompt into vision models as an alternative to fine-tuning. To this end, we propose parameter-efficient Prompt tuning (Pro-tuning) to adapt frozen vision models to various downstream vision tasks. The key to Pro-tuning is prompt-based tuning, i.e., learning task-specific vision prompts for downstream input images with the pre-trained model frozen. By only training a few additional parameters, it can work on diverse CNN-based and Transformer-based architectures. Extensive experiments evidence that Pro-tuning outperforms fine-tuning in a broad range of vision tasks and scenarios, including image classification (generic objects, class imbalance, image corruption, adversarial robustness, and out-of-distribution generalization), and dense prediction tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation.


A Vision Transformer-Based Approach to Bearing Fault Classification via Vibration Signals

Authors:Abid Hasan Zim, Aeyan Ashraf, Aquib Iqbal, Asad Malik, Minoru Kuribayashi

Rolling bearings are the most crucial components of rotating machinery. Identifying defective bearings in a timely manner may prevent the malfunction of an entire machinery system. The mechanical condition monitoring field has entered the big data phase as a result of the fast advancement of machine parts. When working with large amounts of data, the manual feature extraction approach has the drawback of being inefficient and inaccurate. Data-driven methods like the Deep Learning method have been successfully used in recent years for mechanical intelligent fault detection. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were mostly used in earlier research to detect and identify bearing faults. The CNN model, however, suffers from the drawback of having trouble managing fault-time information, which results in a lack of classification results. In this study, bearing defects have been classified using a state-of-the-art Vision Transformer (ViT). Bearing defects were classified using Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) bearing failure laboratory experimental data. The research took into account 13 distinct kinds of defects under 0-load situations in addition to normal bearing conditions. Using the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), the vibration signals were converted into 2D time-frequency images. The 2D time-frequency images are used as input parameters for the ViT. The model achieved an overall accuracy of 98.8%.


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