2022-08-16 更新

UPST-NeRF: Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Scene

Authors:Yaosen Chen, Qi Yuan, Zhiqiang Li, Yuegen Liu Wei Wang Chaoping Xie, Xuming Wen, Qien Yu

3D scenes photorealistic stylization aims to generate photorealistic images from arbitrary novel views according to a given style image while ensuring consistency when rendering from different viewpoints. Some existing stylization methods with neural radiance fields can effectively predict stylized scenes by combining the features of the style image with multi-view images to train 3D scenes. However, these methods generate novel view images that contain objectionable artifacts. Besides, they cannot achieve universal photorealistic stylization for a 3D scene. Therefore, a styling image must retrain a 3D scene representation network based on a neural radiation field. We propose a novel 3D scene photorealistic style transfer framework to address these issues. It can realize photorealistic 3D scene style transfer with a 2D style image. We first pre-trained a 2D photorealistic style transfer network, which can meet the photorealistic style transfer between any given content image and style image. Then, we use voxel features to optimize a 3D scene and get the geometric representation of the scene. Finally, we jointly optimize a hyper network to realize the scene photorealistic style transfer of arbitrary style images. In the transfer stage, we use a pre-trained 2D photorealistic network to constrain the photorealistic style of different views and different style images in the 3D scene. The experimental results show that our method not only realizes the 3D photorealistic style transfer of arbitrary style images but also outperforms the existing methods in terms of visual quality and consistency. Project page:


Fast Learning Radiance Fields by Shooting Much Fewer Rays

Authors:Wenyuan Zhang, Ruofan Xing, Yunfan Zeng, Yu-Shen Liu, Kanle Shi, Zhizhong Han

Learning radiance fields has shown remarkable results for novel view synthesis. The learning procedure usually costs lots of time, which motivates the latest methods to speed up the learning procedure by learning without neural networks or using more efficient data structures. However, these specially designed approaches do not work for most of radiance fields based methods. To resolve this issue, we introduce a general strategy to speed up the learning procedure for almost all radiance fields based methods. Our key idea is to reduce the redundancy by shooting much fewer rays in the multi-view volume rendering procedure which is the base for almost all radiance fields based methods. We find that shooting rays at pixels with dramatic color change not only significantly reduces the training burden but also barely affects the accuracy of the learned radiance fields. In addition, we also adaptively subdivide each view into a quadtree according to the average rendering error in each node in the tree, which makes us dynamically shoot more rays in more complex regions with larger rendering error. We evaluate our method with different radiance fields based methods under the widely used benchmarks. Experimental results show that our method achieves comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art with much faster training.


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