I2I Translation

2022-08-16 更新

Estimating Image Depth in the Comics Domain

Authors:Deblina Bhattacharjee, Martin Everaert, Mathieu Salzmann, Sabine Süsstrunk

Estimating the depth of comics images is challenging as such images a) are monocular; b) lack ground-truth depth annotations; c) differ across different artistic styles; d) are sparse and noisy. We thus, use an off-the-shelf unsupervised image to image translation method to translate the comics images to natural ones and then use an attention-guided monocular depth estimator to predict their depth. This lets us leverage the depth annotations of existing natural images to train the depth estimator. Furthermore, our model learns to distinguish between text and images in the comics panels to reduce text-based artefacts in the depth estimates. Our method consistently outperforms the existing state-ofthe-art approaches across all metrics on both the DCM and eBDtheque images. Finally, we introduce a dataset to evaluate depth prediction on comics. Our project website can be accessed at https://github.com/IVRL/ComicsDepth.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2022 : Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision


SketchSampler: Sketch-based 3D Reconstruction via View-dependent Depth Sampling

Authors:Chenjian Gao, Qian Yu, Lu Sheng, Yi-Zhe Song, Dong Xu

Reconstructing a 3D shape based on a single sketch image is challenging due to the large domain gap between a sparse, irregular sketch and a regular, dense 3D shape. Existing works try to employ the global feature extracted from sketch to directly predict the 3D coordinates, but they usually suffer from losing fine details that are not faithful to the input sketch. Through analyzing the 3D-to-2D projection process, we notice that the density map that characterizes the distribution of 2D point clouds (i.e., the probability of points projected at each location of the projection plane) can be used as a proxy to facilitate the reconstruction process. To this end, we first translate a sketch via an image translation network to a more informative 2D representation that can be used to generate a density map. Next, a 3D point cloud is reconstructed via a two-stage probabilistic sampling process: first recovering the 2D points (i.e., the x and y coordinates) by sampling the density map; and then predicting the depth (i.e., the z coordinate) by sampling the depth values at the ray determined by each 2D point. Extensive experiments are conducted, and both quantitative and qualitative results show that our proposed approach significantly outperforms other baseline methods.
PDF 16 pages, 7 figures, conference


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