
2022-08-15 更新

Semantic decomposition Network with Contrastive and Structural Constraints for Dental Plaque Segmentation

Authors:Jian Shi, Baoli Sun, Xinchen Ye, Zhihui Wang, Xiaolong Luo, Jin Liu, Heli Gao, Haojie Li

Segmenting dental plaque from images of medical reagent staining provides valuable information for diagnosis and the determination of follow-up treatment plan. However, accurate dental plaque segmentation is a challenging task that requires identifying teeth and dental plaque subjected to semantic-blur regions (i.e., confused boundaries in border regions between teeth and dental plaque) and complex variations of instance shapes, which are not fully addressed by existing methods. Therefore, we propose a semantic decomposition network (SDNet) that introduces two single-task branches to separately address the segmentation of teeth and dental plaque and designs additional constraints to learn category-specific features for each branch, thus facilitating the semantic decomposition and improving the performance of dental plaque segmentation. Specifically, SDNet learns two separate segmentation branches for teeth and dental plaque in a divide-and-conquer manner to decouple the entangled relation between them. Each branch that specifies a category tends to yield accurate segmentation. To help these two branches better focus on category-specific features, two constraint modules are further proposed: 1) contrastive constraint module (CCM) to learn discriminative feature representations by maximizing the distance between different category representations, so as to reduce the negative impact of semantic-blur regions on feature extraction; 2) structural constraint module (SCM) to provide complete structural information for dental plaque of various shapes by the supervision of an boundary-aware geometric constraint. Besides, we construct a large-scale open-source Stained Dental Plaque Segmentation dataset (SDPSeg), which provides high-quality annotations for teeth and dental plaque. Experimental results on SDPSeg datasets show SDNet achieves state-of-the-art performance.


Category-Level Pose Retrieval with Contrastive Features Learnt with Occlusion Augmentation

Authors:Georgios Kouros, Shubham Shrivastava, Cédric Picron, Sushruth Nagesh, Tinne Tuytelaars

Pose estimation is usually tackled as either a bin classification problem or as a regression problem. In both cases, the idea is to directly predict the pose of an object. This is a non-trivial task because of appearance variations of similar poses and similarities between different poses. Instead, we follow the key idea that it is easier to compare two poses than to estimate them. Render-and-compare approaches have been employed to that end, however, they tend to be unstable, computationally expensive, and slow for real-time applications. We propose doing category-level pose estimation by learning an alignment metric using a contrastive loss with a dynamic margin and a continuous pose-label space. For efficient inference, we use a simple real-time image retrieval scheme with a reference set of renderings projected to an embedding space. To achieve robustness to real-world conditions, we employ synthetic occlusions, bounding box perturbations, and appearance augmentations. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on PASCAL3D and OccludedPASCAL3D, as well as high-quality results on KITTI3D.
PDF 14 pages, 6 Figures,


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