
2022-08-05 更新

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Contrastive Learning for OCT Segmentation

Authors:Alvaro Gomariz, Huanxiang Lu, Yun Yvonna Li, Thomas Albrecht, Andreas Maunz, Fethallah Benmansour, Alessandra M. Valcarcel, Jennifer Luu, Daniela Ferrara, Orcun Goksel

Accurate segmentation of retinal fluids in 3D Optical Coherence Tomography images is key for diagnosis and personalized treatment of eye diseases. While deep learning has been successful at this task, trained supervised models often fail for images that do not resemble labeled examples, e.g. for images acquired using different devices. We hereby propose a novel semi-supervised learning framework for segmentation of volumetric images from new unlabeled domains. We jointly use supervised and contrastive learning, also introducing a contrastive pairing scheme that leverages similarity between nearby slices in 3D. In addition, we propose channel-wise aggregation as an alternative to conventional spatial-pooling aggregation for contrastive feature map projection. We evaluate our methods for domain adaptation from a (labeled) source domain to an (unlabeled) target domain, each containing images acquired with different acquisition devices. In the target domain, our method achieves a Dice coefficient 13.8% higher than SimCLR (a state-of-the-art contrastive framework), and leads to results comparable to an upper bound with supervised training in that domain. In the source domain, our model also improves the results by 5.4% Dice, by successfully leveraging information from many unlabeled images.
PDF Accepted for publication at MICCAI 2022


Metadata-enhanced contrastive learning from retinal optical coherence tomography images

Authors:Robbie Holland, Oliver Leingang, Hrvoje Bogunović, Sophie Riedl, Lars Fritsche, Toby Prevost, Hendrik P. N. Scholl, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Sobha Sivaprasad, Andrew J. Lotery, Daniel Rueckert, Martin J. Menten

Supervised deep learning algorithms hold great potential to automate screening, monitoring and grading of medical images. However, training performant models has typically required vast quantities of labelled data, which is scarcely available in the medical domain. Self-supervised contrastive frameworks relax this dependency by first learning from unlabelled images. In this work we show that pretraining with two contrastive methods, SimCLR and BYOL, improves the utility of deep learning with regard to the clinical assessment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In experiments using two large clinical datasets containing 170,427 optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of 7,912 patients, we evaluate benefits attributed to pretraining across seven downstream tasks ranging from AMD stage and type classification to prediction of functional endpoints to segmentation of retinal layers, finding performance significantly increased in six out of seven tasks with fewer labels. However, standard contrastive frameworks have two known weaknesses that are detrimental to pretraining in the medical domain. Several of the image transformations used to create positive contrastive pairs are not applicable to greyscale medical scans. Furthermore, medical images often depict the same anatomical region and disease severity, resulting in numerous misleading negative pairs. To address these issues we develop a novel metadata-enhanced approach that exploits the rich set of inherently available patient information. To this end we employ records for patient identity, eye position (i.e. left or right) and time series data to indicate the typically unknowable set of inter-image contrastive relationships. By leveraging this often neglected information our metadata-enhanced contrastive pretraining leads to further benefits and outperforms conventional contrastive methods in five out of seven downstream tasks.


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